White Mother’s Opinion on Touching Daughter’s Natural Hair


Well-Known Member

I just saw this on my FB news feed from bglhonline.com. A reader named Lanie (whom I assume is the mother of the brown darling:arrowup:) submitted this amazing article from her website ChocolateHairVanillaCare.com

Dear People Who Have, or May, Come Into Contact with My Daughter,

Thank you so much for your interest in my daughter’s hair. Yes, it is beautiful, we both appreciate your compliments. Yes, she’s very patient and has no problem sitting to have her hair done. She’s been getting her hair done since she was very small and knows of nothing else; her hair regime is a fact of life and she doesn’t see it as the burden that you do. Nor do I.

While asking me about my daughter’s hair, please do not start touching it. Just because I am a vanilla parent this does not mean that you have an “in” to touch chocolate hair for the first time. I have had too many people tell me, “Oooh, I’ve always wondered what their hair felt like,” while pawing my daughter. She’s not an animal, she’s a human being.

We teach our children that strangers touching them in inappropriate ways is wrong and that they should tell an adult immediately. In our opinion, anytime a child is touched by anyone who feels that they have a right to do so, against the child’s wishes and without the child’s permission, is inappropriate.

You see, every chocolate/jam/cheetos handprint on her hair from other children and/or adults is a mark on her dignity. She is small, but she does have personal space and a sense of self-worth. When you invade that space without her permission you are telling her that she has no rights to her body; that her desire to be left untouched is not as important as your curiosity.

Even if your hands are clean, they still leave a an invisible mark.

If you are sweet and kind enough to ask my daughter ahead of time if you can touch her hair, please do not be offended if she says, “No.” She is not being rude. She has no obligation to give the answer that you want. Her body is her own and if she does not want to share it with you at that moment, then please respect her rights. Don’t tell me that she’s being “disobedient” or “rude” or huff and walk away. In doing so, you are indirectly communicating that she owes you a piece of herself for no other reason than because you asked. She does not.

No, I do not do unique hairstyles for my daughter to attract your attention. I do them for her, to help foster a loving relationship with her natural hair so that she will grow up loving how God made her, hopefully minimizing any desire to alter herself to match someone else’s standard of beauty. Do not tell me that if I didn’t want her touched that I shouldn’t be doing all these hairstyles that say “look at me, touch me.” Do not blame the victim for your indiscretion or lack of self control.

If you are a teacher, please note that the first day of school is often very intimidating and making a really big deal about hair – on that day, or any day – while inviting other teachers and/or parents to come over to touch and finger-through a child’s head of hair, can be extremely overwhelming. Yes, she may be one of the few chocolate children at your school, but drawing so much attention to her will only highlight how different she is. Although I can address the issue with you while I’m present, I put my trust in you that you will protect my daughter throughout the day. Allowing classmates to put their hands in her hair or play with her beads is not only distracting to the class, it is also akin to hitting; it is a violation of my daughter’s person and I have to believe that you will do your best to keep this from happening. Just because it might not physically hurt her, doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt her character.

I remember back in the days of being pregnant and how it used to bother me when strangers would come and touch my belly without my permission. I know that people struggle with holding back when their curiosity gets the best of them, but nevertheless it seemed only right to me that someone should ask before placing their hand(s) on my stomach.

But I am an adult. I have already formed my identity and self-worth and can hopefully express my discontent in constructive ways. Children are still learning about themselves in the world. They are not as certain of themselves, and if you cross a line they will often question the line, not you.

In conclusion, I pray that this letter is well-received, that those who may have done this in the past feel convicted and think twice before doing it again. For those who have never experienced chocolate hair, may it be a helpful insight into our beautiful world. For people who have recently welcomed a child with chocolate hair for the first time into your extended family, may you respect the child’s personal space and be kind and gentle with your questions and curiosities. For all, please remember that you are helping to shape the character of the adults of tomorrow; if we cannot respect the bodies of our children today, how can we expect them to respect themselves in the future?


Rory, Boo’s Mama

For more of Rory’s writings check out ChocolateHairVanillaCare.com
What y'all think?
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I like that she is attempting to see the issue from the child's point of view. It's a little long, but I like it.
I like it and am glad that she's offended. I want to print a copy and send it to school with my own DD.
That little curl is sooo cute. And I wish her momma or somebody else's momma would do my hair because my hair never looks that good when I do it :lol:

I love the letter. She sounds fed up. It's not too different than a biological mom might write except the white mom ends up in different scenarios. I like that she isn't passive.
Interesting... My "vanilla" (lol)mama is the opposite she loves telling people how soft and fluffy my hair is... She's proud of it and appreciates the beauty of it and wants to share it with everyone... "feel how soft my baby's hair is!"... Guess people have different opinions... I dont mind people touching my hair but I'm grown :/
Maybe it's because I don't have children BUT I have raised children and when I was a child children always touched my hair... I felt happy about it... I only got mad once this girl took out my ponytail holder and it was hard for me to put it back in... If someone asked my mom to TOUCH not PET my hair she'd say "ask her" and when they did I'd smile and say yes if their hands were clean or if they were curious. I really don't think it's worth writing a long entry about especially when its HIGHLY unlikely that the people who are doing the deed wil happen to read. As for the whole teacher thing my mom would be at the school so fast lol. But anywho I read most of it but it became more repetitive than anything... I think some people want to be all "deep" and its really just a regular simple solution to it.
I really like what she said, but I hope she is at least periodically exposing the child to people of her own race. The child has a white family and is obviously one of the few black kids in her class. That doesn't bode well for her self-esteem. :ohwell:
Love it now if let see how many white people listen to this and STILL come up and touch her baby's hair
I'm not quite sure why she thinks people touching her daughter's hair will cause a loss of dignity. I didn't see in the article where her daughter told her she was uncomfortable with people touching/admiring her hair.

Why does she automatically assume that people think of the little girl as an animal? Something about her attitude seems "off" to me. But, I'm pro-hair touching, so...lol

People commented and touched my hair all the time as a kid and I loved it - I thought my hair was pretty cool and touching it (even without permission) was fine with me (and my mother). People touch my DDs hair, too. My girls don't care and neither do I. It's hair, you can wash it.

It's only natural to want to touch awesome hair!
Interesting... My "vanilla" (lol)mama is the opposite she loves telling people how soft and fluffy my hair is... She's proud of it and appreciates the beauty of it and wants to share it with everyone... "feel how soft my baby's hair is!"... Guess people have different opinions... I dont mind people touching my hair but I'm grown :/

I feel the same way, hair is a beautiful thing, why not share it. This mom takes hair a little too serious. There are so many more things to be offended about in life; why give the kid a complex or a "hard" shell. I, however, don't mind if someone wants to touch my hair. In fact, I ask to touch other peoples hair sometimes too! I don't see the big deal.
Very well written and understanding, I like it from the POV of the momma and Boo( that's cute, lol).

Honestly this whole touching hair thing is as unique and individual as any one of us. While there may be a majority or some form of group consensus there's also others who aren't on board. No one treated my hair like an oddity or spectacle while growing up. Adults, both black and white, gently pet my head as a kid (I guess when a child is that size it's almost second nature). I really didn't want another child to ask to play with my hair because that girl wouldn't stop to ask a little white girl to play with her hair she'd just dive right in and start braiding or making pigtails or etc. Honestly I felt like if they had to ask they were differentiating me from my peers and be afraid that even by asking the stereotype ghetto baby (I mean the extreme, not merely saying no) would appear neck swirling and beads clicking. But that was me and everyone is different.

Also I'm sorry but how about instead of a long blog post that mother drives a few miles out of suburbia and enrolls her daughter in a more racially diverse school. It's 2011, if you're living someplace where people are 'oohing' over her hair and she's one of the few black Kids in the SCHOOL then she's not doing her part to parent in her child's best interests. What does that say for her child's neighborhood? Friends? Overall environment?
I was taught when I was little don't let anyone touch you and don't let anyone play in your hair!

I agree with everything this mother said. Pregnant bellies too, yes they are just so cute and you want to pat them, but how would you feel if someone came up to you and said "Hey nice rack!" and patted your breasts?

Hair is no different. You are still invading my personal space by touching ANY part of me.
I'm not quite sure why she thinks people touching her daughter's hair will cause a loss of dignity. I didn't see in the article where her daughter told her she was uncomfortable with people touching/admiring her hair.

Why does she automatically assume that people think of the little girl as an animal? Something about her attitude seems "off" to me. But, I'm pro-hair touching, so...lol

What stuck out to me was her saying she didn't like that white folks think they have an "in" because she's white with a black child. I get the feeling these people do think of her daughter as some kind of oddity..."wow, I've always wanted to know what their hair felt like". So they've always wondered, but instead of asking a black friend or coworker if they could touch their hair, they see a white woman with a black child and think "yes!!! here's my chance!!!" :lol: I can see how she would find that offensive, and I bet her daughter would eventually pick up on that, if she hasn't already.
I was taught when I was little don't let anyone touch you and don't let anyone play in your hair!

I agree with everything this mother said. Pregnant bellies too, yes they are just so cute and you want to pat them, but how would you feel if someone came up to you and said "Hey nice rack!" and patted your breasts?

Hair is no different. You are still invading my personal space by touching ANY part of me.

^^^ :blush: :giggle::giggle:
I'm confused as to why some of you ladies don't understand what the deal is regarding this letter.

Anyway, I get it and understand.

Ps - the baby is adorable

PPS - the style looks a little too tight
I mean, I understand we all have opinions but she wrote this about HER daughter. If she doesn't want strangers touching her daughter's hair, then so be it. Lol. Not that big a deal. Let her do her.
good point but at the same time my "rack" is private. The fact it's covered by clothes and illegal to have it uncovered in public shows that. If she wrapped her child's hair with a scarf not saying she should but that would knock out someone touching it just like with a "rack"
but like you I was told no one could play in my hair we looked at touching as kind of educational though, it was usually followed by questions and they walked away with new info

I was taught when I was little don't let anyone touch you and don't let anyone play in your hair!

I agree with everything this mother said. Pregnant bellies too, yes they are just so cute and you want to pat them, but how would you feel if someone came up to you and said "Hey nice rack!" and patted your breasts?

Hair is no different. You are still invading my personal space by touching ANY part of me.