Do you mind people touching your hair?

<font color="blue"> total strangers are at risk for a beat down if they try to touch my hair
Not too long ago, one chick reach up to touch my hair, but I shot her the evil eye, so she pulled her arm back with the quickness. I do not play that
Hair is intimate to me, you just don't caress other folks head. That's just gross. The Mister can do whatever he wants, touch, take it down, pull, eat, whatever. But he's respectful, always super gentle and I love to lay on his chest... okay am I saying too much?!.... dang
... I'm in love
. Anyway, for all others the answer is no. I don't mind if I'm asked and if they are close to me. But if some random Joe in the Street, then no. I wash my own hands before I touch my hair, so I don't know what's on your muffs and they won't be in my hair.
I do't mind family, but anyone else, especially an unknown female, no. A lot of women always figure that if you have long hair you MUST be wearing a weave, and the "innocent touching" is really feeling for tracks. I'd rather someone ask me if my hair is a weave than trying to search my head for tracks.
This girl actually touched my hair in the BSS this weekend, and it freaked me the hell out!
I mean, she didn't ask me or anything! I was walking by her in an aisle, and I was on my phone, and next thing you know, she's grabbing a piece of my hair and saying how pretty it is! I was like WTF? I flinched and raised my hand like I was about to push her down b/c I didn't know what she was doing, you know? I mean, we hadn't said 2 words to each other, and I hadn't even made eye contact w/ her! The whole siutation was a little weird and awkward! I mean, I know she meant no harm, and she probably meant it as a compliment, but geeze!
Britt said:
I honestly don't mind, I take it as a compliment actually. Now touching me is a no no

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I feel exactly the same
ballet_bun said:
My husband touches my hair. He actually put a french braid in it a couple months ago ... I was shocked ... lol! He rinses my hair in the shower sometimes too. I do however get irritated when he just sits there and rubs it for minutes. Other than that, I don't like peoples hands in my hair, especially if I don't know where their hands have been! They better ask first and make sure their hands are clean.

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This is my experience with my husband minus the braid. I like when he touches it but it drives me crazy when he does it for too long like he's rubbing her hole in my head.
Shatani said:
im more open to letting a black woman touch it, cuz she'll understand the work that went into it and she'll touch it "right" white friends dont know how to touch hair and leave it like they found it!! im constantly in my karate stance yelling, "no touchy!!!" they usually back off after that </font>


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i like the "stance"
-- jainygirl
When people touch my hair it really urks me!!! This especially goes for people who I don't know. Like when I'm in school and someone just touches my hair I kind of get upset.
Yep that used to get to me when relaxed and long, and now that I'm sporting and good size afro puff it's very annoying! People are curious, but hair is an extension of one's person and therefore, just as you wouldn't touch someone's stomach when complimenting how flat it is, people shouldn't touch someone's hair either. When I compliment people's hair I always do just that - vocally compliment - unless I'm in a conversation and we're all talking about hair - like an LHCF meeting or something when it's somewhat expected especially if you're about to relax, or go natural, or transition or whatever! But people I don't know - heck no! My man, family and friends and other LHCF'ers yes, anyone else - NO!
I don't like strangers touching my hair, but I understand the curiosity. If someone feels like they just "have to" touch, they better ask. Like Cocoa said, you don't go up to ppl and just start touching their stomach or face or whatever.
kitchen_tician said:
Shatani said:
<font color="blue"> ....and i dont mean to be offensive, seems like its mainly white people tryin to touch my hair!!! im more open to letting a black woman touch it, cuz she'll understand the work that went into it and she'll touch it "right" white friends dont know how to touch hair and leave it like they found it!! im constantly in my karate stance yelling, "no touchy!!!" they usually back off after that </font>


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This is too funny!!

Your puff is very pretty and looks irresistible to touch.

[/ QUOTE ]AWWW, thanks!!! im workin on it hoping it will be like yours soon!
now that Im natural my hair gets touched almost everyday. Esp people that havent se me since highschool becasue my hair used to be long. Im not really bothered by it
I don't mind at all, i love it and i love touching other people's hair too. I TAKE IT As the highest compliment as a matter of fact a girl once told me that i had Jesus hair and she wanted to run her fingers through my hair. I told her to go for it.
Girl you sound like me. Some people I don't mind but when I've just gotten cornrows I don't care who you are don't start pulling on my hair. I had one person to bop me on the head. I had to bop him on his head.
I would take it as a compliment if someone asked but I wouldn't feel inclined to say yes. I'm not 10. There is no need to feel a grown woman's hair unless you are really admiring it or confirming it is mine.

When I wear it curly the BF likes to play with it as we're watching TV. While his big hands aren't always gentle I love it because during the year I had a weave I was ducking and dodging from men's proding hands!
I remeber on time when my hair was look really shiney this little white boy in my class asked if he could touch my hair. I said yes. He touched it and was like "Wow."