(Spinoff) Current and former naturals: who was more negative, men or women?

The closest thing I've gotten to a negative comment was from a woman at a mall kiosk. She was selling flat irons and offered to straighten my hair. I just laughed and kept it moving.

I have 4a hair and I've gotten nothing but compliments.
Mostly black guys from back home...they don't see a lot of styling options in the place I'm from and they only think straight hair is nice...

Now that I'm in college, I notice that black men have more of an open mindset to natural hair and I get compliments from them. The black women have always liked my hair and I get compliments often from them.

The most interesting compliments I get for my hair is from non black men and women. I think its the texture difference and how we can do a lot of styles that other races cannot do. (i.e twists, twists outs, braids, etc)
I'm still in a twa phase with hella shrinkage. Mostly negativity comes from other women that feel you're just NOT beautiful unless you've got bone straight hair.

OT: I can't wait until my fro is big as hell. :lol:
I've gotten the business from both men and women, but mostly women tell me I need to do something with that mess sitting on top of my head :ohwell:. I've been natural 98% of my life and yet most women are offended because I'm not relaxed.
hmm, I got a little negativity (usually passive,stares and/or ignoring) when first going natural from men and women, but I think it had more to do with the length. When it grew out some then all of sudden people are so supportive (fam included).
Women. By a landslide. Sad to say it but almost all of it is from black women.

The majority of compliments I get are from non-black men, particularly white or Indian (south Asian).

I have a friend who's natural. White people are fascinated and other black people are disgusted :nono: