Whimsy's Straight Haired Length Check (PICS of course!)


Well-Known Member
Hey girls,

I straightened my hair last night so I can get a trim later today. (I'll post pics after the trim as well.)

I hadn't straightened since April and at that point my hair looked like this:

(i'd say 2 or so inches above waist length)

Here are the straightened results today:

(i had it wrapped last night, so it's swerving in the direction it was wrapped lol)

It seems to be (PRE TRIM) about an inch to an inch and a half past waist length, I'm guessing.

I'm really happy with the results even though it now takes longer to do. Sometimes you feel like you're not growing but once you straighten you see that you're making progress!!

Hip Length, I'm comin for ya now boo!!!

More pics and info are on the blog!

HHG Errybody :)


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Girrrrrrrl, that hair is sumthin' else! You and your homegirl should dedicate a whole day to swinging your hair in people's faces. Just one day, though, don't get crazy with it. :lachen:

... but I thought you were getting dreads.

please keep us updated and if your trimmed ends don't have anywhere to go, i accept donations, lol!
your hair is BEAUTIFUL! funny you should make the comment about not knowing that your hair was growing until you straightened it. I felt the same way today--fingers crossed for a pleasant surprise when next i straighten :yep:
Your hair is pure awesomeness! How long have you been growing it?

This is the growth since August 2007 (minus a few light trims)

WOW That looks great!! I hope you post pics after the trim too :)

Thanks! I will fa sure.

Gorgeous as always!! Did you use the Maxiglide or a different flat iron?

Thanks I used my babydaddy Maxiglide of course!! :)

Girrrrrrrl, that hair is sumthin' else! You and your homegirl should dedicate a whole day to swinging your hair in people's faces. Just one day, though, don't get crazy with it. :lachen:

... but I thought you were getting dreads.

LMAO You're too funny! I wish we got to talk a lil more at the meetup PS I LOVE YOUR TEEEAAAA!!!

I am SERIOUSLY considering it (locing). I was going to wait until April after my wedding (but now that we're eloping in 2 weeks I may do it sooner....like right after I land a new job) I'm not sure though, because I am loving being a loose natural. I'm leaning towards locing though!
Beautiful! Simply Beautiful! What a great way to start a Saturday morning looking at this luscious hair PORN!

Thanks for the inspiration!
@Whimsy, your hair is beautiful, curly or straight. You did a great job straightening your hair and it's longer. It's nice and full too. You're waist length. Congrats! Can't wait to see the post trim pics.
Your hair is beautiful! You retained all of your growth as well.
Few questions;
What kind of maxi-glide do you have?
You said you started growing in 2007 what length were you?
Any advise for a newly natural 4b sister will be great.
Congrats on making WL!
Wow Whimsy, your hair looks downright GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! That right there is my goal length.
Your natural hair is beautiful, and so inspiring to me. I really hope you don't loc it because then no one would know how you got to that length and health and thickness. Not to mention you'd lose a lot of versatility and styling options. I couldn't imagine having all that hair and only being able to do a few styles, and not being able to comb it. Unless that's what you want of course... *runs away*