Whimsy's Straight Haired Length Check (PICS of course!)


I just don't understand why you're getting a trim!
The ends are healthy looking, and you normally wear it curly, right? Maybe you should check out the "Lead hairs" thread...

Good job taking care of your hair!


I was getting a trim because my ends had splits and that's not okay with me. I dunno anything about the lead hairs thread but i'll check it out :)

I ended up getting a cut!!! (by my choice - I asked for lots of layers so I could have more movement and a lighter load)
Ladies thanks again. You all are so positive and supportive. Thanks for the comments on the color too!

Your hair is beautiful! You retained all of your growth as well.
Few questions;
What kind of maxi-glide do you have?
You said you started growing in 2007 what length were you?
Any advise for a newly natural 4b sister will be great.
Congrats on making WL!

Right now I have the newer one. (i'm not sure if it's mp or xp) Honestly, I kinda prefer the older one, this one seems like it wasn't made up to the same quality standards, but I still L O V E it!

In 2007 I was APL. But I transitioned for two years and cut off all my "old" hair in June 2009. So my growth is from "bald" to WL I reached in June.

My advice is moisturize like mad, DC like mad, protect those ends, be gentle with your hair, and try to be generally healthy otherwise. Congrats on being newly natural. How do you feel?

Your natural hair is beautiful, and so inspiring to me. I really hope you don't loc it because then no one would know how you got to that length and health and thickness. Not to mention you'd lose a lot of versatility and styling options. I couldn't imagine having all that hair and only being able to do a few styles, and not being able to comb it. Unless that's what you want of course... *runs away*

Lol don't run away. I appreciate your opinion and this is something I'm struggling with but I just really LOVE the look of locs...It's a big decision and one I'm not making impulsively

Beautiful! So lush and healthy looking! BTW I love your blogs

YAY! Thank you, i'm so glad people are starting to read them! :)

Job well done! You should be a feature of the month.

Thanks, hey do you know where do I go to apply?

Wow ridiculously BEAU-I-FUL!! Great progess! Did you color your hair since April? It looks darker, and it's soo lush!

Thanks, yeah I used box dye and colored it at home (you can see where I missed spots in the pics in my post of the haircut lol) I'm liking it darker now too!

Congrats! It looks awesome! You will be hip length in no time :)

Oooooh from your lips to my follicles ears!!! :)

I just signed up and I've never posted but I just had to comment on your hair. It's so beautiful and my ultimate goal! Wow!

I'm honored that I was the reason for your first comment. Welcome to the forums you're going to love it here.

So pretty and lush!!! :love: Why are you trimming?

Thanks! I had splits :( I was disappointed in myself cuz of em, but it's all good. They just had to go.

Your hair looks BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanks for sharing your update.

ETA: Whimsy umm....do you have your fitness regimen posted somewhere? TIA!

Thankss Solitude, I've actually been slacking for the last 2-3 months with the routine, but I'll put it up on OK, Dani before the end of the day for you, just click the fitness tab.

You brought me out of lurkdom. You and your hair are so beautiful. You are going to be a stunning bride no matter the ceremony. Congrats on all accounts (body, hair and marriage!) God Bless.

Awww thank you so much, I really appreciate the kind words! Glad I could unlurkify you! lol

Whimsy, How long is your hair from the nape of your neck down (in inches or feet:giggle:)

LOL I will measure when John wakes up and can find his tape measure for me and I will update this post. I don't think I've ever measured my hair before, now I'm curious.
Oh my goodness!!!! Your hair looks BEAUTIFUL!!
I love how thick it looks. You did a great job straightening it. By the way you better not trim your hair! Don't make me come lookin for you with my ninjas! LOL I'm in NY today.

ETA: Oops I guess you already trimmed! Too late for me to yell at you :lachen:
BTW I didn't know (maybe I forgot) you were getting married. Congratulations!!!! You'll be a beautiful bride with all that long, flowing hair.
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Oh my goodness!!!! Your hair looks BEAUTIFUL!!
I love how thick it looks. You did a great job straightening it. By the way you better not trim your hair! Don't make me come lookin for you with my ninjas! LOL I'm in NY today.

ETA: Oops I guess you already trimmed! Too late for me to yell at you :lachen:
BTW I didn't know (maybe I forgot) you were getting married. Congratulations!!!! You'll be a beautiful bride with all that long, flowing hair.

Lol yup you're too late girl! I cut layers in (but it's still WL at the longest layer) Thanks though and thanks for the wedding well wishes. :)
Your hair is beautiful! You said you wrapped your hair? How in the world did you accomplish that? how long did it take you do that? It takes me a good 10 minutes to get a decent wrap and i only have SL hair, i couldnt even fathom doing it on WL hair? please share the details :)
ZkittyKurls It takes like 2 minutes!
I first use my fingers to swirl my hair around my head then i use a wide toothed comb to make it neater, then i use my big paddle brush to make it smoother and i quickly pop a scarf on before it starts to fall.

It's all about speed! lol
YAY! I'm so proud of you, Whimsy! I was reading your hair blog and I almost drooled over my keyboard. :laugh:

Keep up the great work! You're making me rethink growing out my layers.
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LMAO You're too funny! I wish we got to talk a lil more at the meetup PS I LOVE YOUR TEEEAAAA!!!

I am SERIOUSLY considering it (locing). I was going to wait until April after my wedding (but now that we're eloping in 2 weeks I may do it sooner....like right after I land a new job) I'm not sure though, because I am loving being a loose natural. I'm leaning towards locing though!
We'll talk more at the next MU :yep: cuz I'm gonna need an explanation as to why/how/when you're eloping, and I am so glad you liked my tea! I guess I'll be signing up for that special vendor subscription soon.:superbanana:

Now, for serious :look:, back to your hair :gorgeous: :lick: :luv2:
Looks GREAT Whimsy!
What did you straighten your hair with?
I used a flat iron for the first time on Sat. but it's not as straight as I thought it would be. I was tempted to let my stylist flat iron with the Marcel but was too scared when I saw the oven was RED hot.