Whimsy's Straight Haired Length Check (PICS of course!)

Looks GREAT Whimsy!
What did you straighten your hair with?
I used a flat iron for the first time on Sat. but it's not as straight as I thought it would be. I was tempted to let my stylist flat iron with the Marcel but was too scared when I saw the oven was RED hot.

Thanks. I used the maxiglide to straighten it.

When you used your flatiron did you do the comb chase method? that seems to work well for some people.

did you use small sections of hair? did you do just one pass very s-l-o-w-l-y down the length of hair? those 2 things work well for me. But you get better at things the more you do em so try again and i bet it'll look straighter each time you do it.
Beautiful hair! I really like the layers. When I hit my goal length, I may get some. They look great on you.
LOVE IT! Your hair is so pretty, black and Aaliyah-esque. Well done on your progress and good luck reaching HL!!
So how long after the 2 inches above WL did it take you to actually reach WL and how many inches were in between-Hope you understand!
So how long after the 2 inches above WL did it take you to actually reach WL and how many inches were in between-Hope you understand!

that shot was from april, and then i think i reached WL in July. My goal was August so I'm glad.