Which technique does your hair thrive best in?

Which is best for your hair

  • No Manipulation with little to no TLC

    Votes: 36 69.2%
  • Lots of manipulation with lots of TLC

    Votes: 16 30.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
A. Low/No manipulation (basically hair that is hidden in a protective style) that isn't getting moisturized, deep conditioning and TLC frequently or Option B. Daily manipulation (gentle detangling with a seamless wide tooth comb) with lots of moisturizing, deep conditioning, scalp massages, etc.
I'm more of a hybrid of option #1 depending on what you consider "frequently." I need to start with a well moisturized PS ( like twists in front, bun in back) then I can spritz 1x weekly and rewash every 2 weeks or monthly.
Guess I'll go with option B although my regime kinda falls somewhere between both options. My hair gets matted up easily if I don't do anything and then I end up breaking it all off trying to detangle it. I tried something like option A before and regressed :nono:
If there was an option between these two, I would pick that. Little manipulation and lots of TLC. I wear a protective style that I don't undo everyday (high bun sealed). I moisturize and massage daily and give my edges and nape extra TLC.
"A" would result in thicker hair for me as this was basically what I did as a kid. I would choose B though as I get bored easily with long term styles and my scalp itches more easily meaning I would need to wash it. So I choose B reluctantly lol
Definitely A. I wash, DC, and style, then I leave my hair alone for two weeks until my next wash day. I may spritz, or oil my ends in between but that's it. I love not having to think about my hair all the time, and I'm making visible progress towards my length goal.
A. Low manipulation is best for my hair. It's fragile, so it breaks when I try to do too much.

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I'm another in-between person. I can't manipulate my hair daily, but I can't braid it up and then not do anything to it for a month either.
My hair thrives by me putting it in a protective style and then regularly spritzing it and washing/cowashing while it remains in that style. I take it down every 1-4 weeks (depending on the particularly protective style) and do a nice deep conditioning treatment.
I'm also a hybrid between A And B so I couldn't vote. My hair thrives in low manipulation styles but I have to detangle and m&s often or my thin strands will go to war. Now that I'm transitioning, both are even more important, I can feel my hair webbing when I poke my finger thru to test for moisture levels.

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IA with spacetygrss.

When my hair was shorter, I was Option A but the frequent manipulation caused unnecessary breakage. My fine porous strands can't handle it. At APL to BSL I tried Option B but my hair health suffered as my strands became dry and brittle. Now I'm a hybrid with a mix of protective styling and regular but not excessive moisturizing and conditioning treatments. It's a happy medium.
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I'd say little manipulation with lots of TLC.

My wng is a very simple process. My TLC is frequent cowashing.

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I think I"m like.... A and a half. Cuz daily moisturizing/oiling of the ends and leaving it the hell alone afterward works best for me. So there's some daily "manipulation" but nothing like detangling/washing/restyling etc.
A.5 - I manipulate weekly but lately it's been bi-weekly or less. I've been working on increasing my moisture level so weekly DCs under my hair steamer is my goal.
I chose b. I cant leave my hair uncombed for too long because my hair will knot up. Frequent DCing along with wash n goes seems to be the way for me.
A weekly DC with gentle detangling in addition to a mid-week refresher works for me. In the interim, I pin it up and leave it alone.
Definitely A.
If I leave my hair in two braids or a bun and don't remove it until the next wash day then I barely have any hair in the comb. But if I redo my braids or bun every day or every other day then I lose hair on those days in addition to more on wash day.

The only thing that keeps me from sticking with A is I haven't mastered styling and after around 5 days my buns or braids are a hot mess.
I'm somewhere in the middle as well. Having fine 4b hair and finding a balance between manipulation and TLC can be challenging. My current regimen consist of washing & dc once a week and then placing my hair in medium small twist to airdry. I style my twist in an updo daily and oil my scalp and twist nightly, other than that I leave my hair alone.
I said A.
But my hair needs tons of TLC paired with low/no manipulation to do its best. I try to moisturize or cowash every 1-2 days and I feel like my hair really does best with DCing 2x a week. I try to keep my hair detangled so I do not have to do so on those days.
At the same time my hair thrives in long term protective styles but I need to apply product every few days or my hair gets really dry.
Yea something in the middle. My fine hair needs multiple weekly DCs in this dry arse desert like climate. Even in weeks of straight PS like crochets it needs a ton of moisture via conditioning treatments and spritzing.

It doesnt really care about lots of manipulation as long as the ends stay dusted and snag free and the shed hairs removed frequently to avoid ssk
Mine is a hybrid low/no manipulation and lots of tlc my hair thrives with wigs the most bc I keep my hair braided/corn rowed with the ends braided up for at least a month while continuing my regular weekly routine my hair has thrived with this regime.
Why does Low Manipulation = No TLC?
My hair is in a Low Manipulation PS 247365
And I moisturize, LOC, deep condition
So I would say BOTH
Low Manipulation AND Lots of TLC :grin:
I'd say a mixture of both. My hair needs to be washed and conditioned properly first and foremost. I don't really need to comb my hair every day to retwist it. I can comb a few times of week and be fine. I've never really done protective styles where I hide my hair for days or weeks. If I want to smooth my hair or give it some added moisture I'll use a light cream and retwist. Once I master a good pin and tuck, I'll start wearing my hair like that.
It's a catch 22 for me...my hair thrives with no manipulation (protective styling, weaves and braids, etc...) but my edges never fail to stay behind and suffer. smh. O the contrary, when I'm all up in my hair daily, cowashing and no protective styling, my hair grows slow as molasses but it does appear more healthy and my edges suffer less.
B for me. I co wash 2 a week and wash and DC once. I rollerset though. It takes me about 20 mins to rollerset.My hair thrives on the moisture of rollersetting. It's crazy.

I want to enjoy my hair however I can. I did PS in a high bun for a year back in 2010.

I don't like PS everyday.