Which is best NICE SKIN or LONG HAIR

Which would you rather have

  • Nice Skin

    Votes: 278 90.6%
  • Long Hair

    Votes: 29 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
As much, as I love hair, when my skin has a blemish or doesn't look radiant I have a fit. when my skin looks good, I feel good. I like looking young and fresh, that's more important than hair
My vote is definitely for nice skin. Like what one of the other posters said, your skin is your canvas. I have struggled with acne before, too. I've found that when my skin isn't clear, it doesn't matter how good everything else looks cuz I just keep focusing on my bad skin. :(
I vote nice skin first.. . but would love the long hair. I have had skin problems in the past and couldn't hide blemishes,. At least with the hair, you can do fabulous wigs and hairpieces if you don't have the hair.
I'll take flawless skin over long hair any day! Hair comes and goes, but once your skin is a mess, it's very hard and VERY expensive to correct. You can't just "chop it off" and start over like you can with hair. Most scars are for life:(
Nice skin..no doubt!!!

I was battling adult acne last year and it was such an uncomfortable and 'ugly' moment for me...:( I hadn't had to deal with acne since I was about 18 years old--and even then, it was nothing like I experienced last year.

My hair was flourishing and healthy, but having those huge craters, scars and painful cysts on my face, made me soooo self-conscious--I just felt ugly.
Nonetheless,my face has made a 360 degree turn around since last year this time!!

anywhoo....nice skin gets my vote!
Letitia said:
Skin hands down. But I have skin issues and take my vitamins. Retin-A has really helped that issue.

Are you drinking lots of water? This is what helped the break outs for me.
(sorry if you answered this already, I didnt read the full thread.)

I've started back drinking more water. I use to drink a lot of water but I guess I've gotten lazy. When I left LHCF I mean I really bumped my head.:lol:

I enjoyed reading all your comments, and I'm working on having both.

KiniKakes said:
Hmmm, well in my experience, the acne from vitamins is usually only temporary....... as your body acclimates to the new vitamin, and the toxins are flushed out of your system, the breakout clears away. However, this has only been MY experience. So I never gave up any supplement that made me break out initially, ie, MSM or Biotin. I waited it out and eventually the acne disappeared.
Co-signing on the vitamin-acne thing. Detoxing is gonna cause some itchy eyes, sore thoats, acne, or fatigue. They are all temporary.

I voted nice skin. Lately my hair has been twisted or braided or bunned so all people see is my skin.
Nice skin...I have always had dark eyes...it's from my mom's side of the family. It irks me... we all look like we're having chemo.

I can't do anything for it. Vitamin K, Vitamin E, all those under eye creams...I can't leave the house without concealer. It probably looks like my boyfriend beats me.
dreamer26 said:
In my quest to get long hair, I've been taking vitamins and my skin has started to break out and I was wondering which is better

Long hair or Nice skin.

I've battled acne all my life and for the first time in years my skin is clear and pretty but now due to the vitamins I'm all broke out and I can't deal with it.

I want both but if you had to choose which would it be.

so ease up on the vitamins! the most important way to get your vitamins is through a healthy & well-balanced diet....or switch the brand you're using. you don't have to take vitamins to have nice, long, healthy hair. my hair is pretty long (BSL) and pretty healthy and i've never regularly taken vitamins. on top of that, i'm sensitive to taking vitamins...right now, when i remember to take them, my vitamin of choice is a flintstone chewable...and if i remember 500mcg of biotin every other day.

the most important thing (imho) when it comes to hair is to condition it, be gentle with it and just take good care of it. hth.
I completely agree. No need to overindulge in vitamins b/c your body will only use what it needs and discard the rest so less is definitely more. In the end, a healthy lifestyle is what promotes a healthy body, skin, nails and hair so stick to getting your daily recommended servings of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein and baked or broiled vs. fried foods and you should see a tremendous improvement in skin, nail and hair.

Also, artificial sweeteners promote unhealthy and acne-ridden skin so ease up on that stuff. Also ease up on the white sugar intake as that also promotes "bad skin". Drink at least 80 oz of water daily and exercise to get the body moving and the blood circulating so it can carry nutrients to your scalp to also promote healthy hair growth.

No way around it - there are no short cuts to a healthier YOU!

wyldcurlz said:
so ease up on the vitamins! the most important way to get your vitamins is through a healthy & well-balanced diet....or switch the brand you're using. you don't have to take vitamins to have nice, long, healthy hair. my hair is pretty long (BSL) and pretty healthy and i've never regularly taken vitamins. on top of that, i'm sensitive to taking vitamins...right now, when i remember to take them, my vitamin of choice is a flintstone chewable...and if i remember 500mcg of biotin every other day.

the most important thing (imho) when it comes to hair is to condition it, be gentle with it and just take good care of it. hth.
BOth, but I have to choose skin. If your hair is healthy and nicely styled, length isn't going to be as important. Nice skin, on the other hand, makes a world of difference.
I voted Nice Skin. It is the first thing you look at and can be a great source of pride or embarrasment.
nice skin. i am battling acne and hyperpigmentation and it has taken a toll on my self esteem my hair is bad too but skin is harder to fix.
AS much as I love long healthy hair, I would have to vote for beautiful satiny skin. I saw a 40+ woman last week with thick long hair, but when she turned around her acne was so bad I could hardly look past it to her hair......Also I remeber a girl in high school that had beautiful skin with average hair, and she got more than her fair share of attention...
My skin has been clear longer than I've had longer hair. If my skin was jacked, even with short hair I would not be cute. Long hair is beautiful, but a messed up face--even hair cannot beautify.
Crissi said:
I can't vote, i want both, they compliment each other...and i find that vitamins (including MSM) and loads of water = clear skin for me....
My sentiments exactly..when I 1st startiung taking msm I got a couple bumps..they came & went very quickly, but then my skin started to look amazing..I will not give up msm for all of it's health/hair/detox benefits..as far as biotin and I never broke out..I think the thing is to drink a lot of water and stick to the vitamins and allow your body to adjust..I believe over time your skin (and hair) will be better than it was b/4..JMO
I cannot choose! Why not have both? I currently am battling with my skin due to a poor diet. Last year, my skin was flawless when I used Proactiv...so I may return to that. We can have it ALL mama....

Good question though...'cause Vanity is a *****!
I cannot choose! Why not have both? I currently am battling with my skin due to a poor diet. Last year, my skin was flawless when I used Proactiv...so I may return to that. We can have it ALL mama....

Good question though...'cause Vanity plagues us all!