The Benefits of Vitamins

Vitamins & Growth

  • Yes, Vitamins are essential for growth.

    Votes: 93 66.4%
  • No, Vitamins are not necessary.

    Votes: 47 33.6%

  • Total voters
Just my 0.02: I noticed that for me, it made a difference:

Last October, I stopped my vitamin regime (multi, vit C, B-complex, Cal-Mag and fish oil) due to laziness and expense. Not immediately, but by February, I noticed that my hair still growing @ the same rate but started to feel thin.

My diet and exercise level were the same so I attribute that to the lack of supplements.So I wouldn't say that you need vitamins for growth necesscarily but, I think they help your hair grow better

Since joining the board I've started back but now I've learned about BIOTIN and MSM can anyone who takes these recommend some good brands?
I don't think vitamins are essential for hair growth your hair will grow no matter what you do however for obtaining maximum growth it can certainly be help.

Kari107 does the vitamin your taking contain biotin or msm. If so you may just need to increase your water intake.
ITA - MSN makes me break out something terrible. I tollerate Biotin very well. I want to take MSN again but I'm worried about breaking out again. My skin looks wonderful now :ohwell: but I know MSN is great for the hair and the joints. Perhaps I should start and slowly increase my dosage and drink water like it's going out of style!:yep:
ESSENTIAL is a strong word... I do believe in the benefits of vitamins for overall health so it's only natural that hair would be included. Since I have switched to a totally organic diet and started taking supplements regularly ( choices for which my wallet is suffering), I find that I have a lot more energy, a better sense of well being and overall improved health. My hair has grown, but I am not sure if that is a direct result of the vitamin use. Take your vits and drink your water!! Your body will thank you!
for me i eat healthy (lots of veggies peas are my fav) drink plenty of water no i dont take vits and my hair still feels strong and is growing
i cannot take vits they give me really bad acne and i have tried almost every kind of vit out there
Vitamins are very crucial in hair growth, just not the bottled ones.
You should get your vitamins from a wide range of fruits and vegetables, only if you really can't receive them from these sources should you resort to supplements and it's better if it's a shake or meal not tablets or capsules...

BK ^_^
I think many people say that but the combo of a good diet (which vitamins can help add too) with proper care is what does it. I am one of the biggest vitamin people here but NO vitamin or diet is going to combat overprocessing, harsh styling processes, dye jobs, daily heat use and piss poor products. I think vitamins can help contribute to better growing conditions by added to a healthy diet. With that said, taking vitamins isn't an excuse to eat whatever you want either.

This is exactly how I feel.

I think everyone should take a multi vit everyday, not just for hair, but for general health. now the other vits like biotin, msm, etc. i dont think they are necessray but can help.

I think vits without a healthy diet is a waste IMO.
What vitamins are you taking?

I take vitamins, but recently switched over to a liquid multivitamin since I hear that your body doesnt absorb all of the capsules most of the time. Really dont know if its true or not, but just decided to try it anyway. I do know that when I was taking biotin that my face was not in the best shape.

what's the name of it?
I said yes to vitamins, because I think hair growth benefits from the vitamins we consume in our diets, not just suppliments. Through fruit and veggies and protiens. I take suppliments to benifit my whole bady, not just my hair, because I may not always get to eat that salad or peice of fruit daily. :grin:
My hair grew without vitamins, but I've noticed that since I've begun taking them (about 4 months now) my hair is not only growing in faster, thicker and stronger, but it's also growing in in a different texture--more like 3b/4a rather than 4b and beyond. I've been natural for years and very rarely use heat, so I know my old hair isn't damaged. This tells me that at least for me, my body needs the supplements. It depends on your body.
I can't help but be kinda of at shock and sort of dissapointed that almost 50% of the voters say we NEED vitamins, but yet not one of them came into to say why.:confused: All of this information here and yet people still believe we need growth aides to make our hair grow.

I would love to read their reasoning why.

I voted, "Yes." However, I think everyone is right because there are vitamins/supplements in the foods that we eat. Therefore, technically you do need "The Benefit of Vitamins." It just depends on where you obtain them.:yep: Since I do not always eat properly or get the most benefits from exercise, I do take vitamins/supplements. When I didn't take them, my hair constantly either broke off and/or just simply would not grow past my ears. Seemed like everyone else's hair would grow except for mine :blush:. It wasn't until AFTER I began taking them that my hair (& nails) began to AND STILL ARE growing longer.

FYI - One of my cousins never took vitamins in her life, but she usually ate properly and she has waist length hair :wallbash:. So, it's an individual thing & you have to go on what's best for you. If you Don't eat right, etc., then you need some vitamins/supplements. If you Do eat right, then you should not have to use vitamins/supplements. But let's face it, with all the extra chemicals, etc. that are placed in foods & in our water supply, sometimes we may need that extra, "Kick" to get & keep us going (growing).:grin: Just my own personal experience. Hope this helps! lol
My hair grew without vitamins, but I've noticed that since I've begun taking them (about 4 months now) my hair is not only growing in faster, thicker and stronger, but it's also growing in in a different texture--more like 3b/4a rather than 4b and beyond. I've been natural for years and very rarely use heat, so I know my old hair isn't damaged. This tells me that at least for me, my body needs the supplements. It depends on your body.

Interesting observation. I am natural too but hiding my hair for a couple of months to give it a break.
What vitamins are you taking?

I take vitamins, but recently switched over to a liquid multivitamin since I hear that your body doesnt absorb all of the capsules most of the time. Really dont know if its true or not, but just decided to try it anyway. I do know that when I was taking biotin that my face was not in the best shape.

How do you like the liquid vitamins? I have heard the same thing about absorption as you mentioned already and I was interested in switching after I finish off the bottle that I have already. I had a problem with the Biotin. I am fairly new to the site and I immediately added the Biotin to my regimen because of all the hair growing rave. I started getting painful acne around my cheeks. It was awful. I removed the Biotin and the acne went away.
What vitamins are you taking?

I take vitamins, but recently switched over to a liquid multivitamin since I hear that your body doesnt absorb all of the capsules most of the time. Really dont know if its true or not, but just decided to try it anyway. I do know that when I was taking biotin that my face was not in the best shape.

yes, vitamins do aid with healthy hair growth. it is impossible for us to take in all the vitamins through food that our body needs.

you are right, our body does not absorb vitamins due to the fact that most vitamins out there are synthetic. The best vitamins to take are whole food derived vitamins. I have been taking the New Chapter Perfect Prenatal vitamins. I am not pregnant and i am not trying to get pregnant. It has worked wonders on my hair, skin and nails. my skin is softer (my man even noticed), my hair is growing nicely, my nails that use to break during my menstrual stopped breaking. I really like these vitamins because they have all the essential minerals that you need.

Three Tablets Contain % DV

Vitamin A.......................100 %
Vitamin C.......................100 %
Vitamin D3......................250 %
Vitamin E.......................100 %
Vitamin K.......................88 %
Vitamin K2......................12 %
Thiamin-Vitamin B1..............267 %
Riboflavin-Vitamin B2...........294 %
Niacin..........................100 %
Vitamin B6......................250 %
Folate..........................150 %
Vitamin B12.....................500 %
Biotin..........................100 %
Pantothenic Acid................100 %
Calcium.........................7.5 %
Iron............................100 %
Iodine..........................60 %
Magnesium.......................3 %
Zinc............................50 %
Selenium........................71 %
Copper..........................38 %
Manganese.......................100 %
Chromium........................83 %
Molybdenum......................27 %

hope this is helpful!
I know my hair can grow reasonably fast when I take care of it, without vitamins. I've never experienced any increased growth from taking vitamins. I tried a B-complex vitamin with a little biotin, like 13% daily value and didn't experience any growth. However almost a week ago I started taking Hairfinity which has WAY more Biotin and also MSM.