Which is best NICE SKIN or LONG HAIR

Which would you rather have

  • Nice Skin

    Votes: 278 90.6%
  • Long Hair

    Votes: 29 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
IMHO nice clear skin is a sign of health. When my skin is messed up, I feel really bad about myself.

NEVER EVER will I take hair vitamins that will continue to break me out (even after increasing my water game).

Your hair will grow in it's own, no doubt. Please don't think that you NEED these vits. to make your hair grow. IT WILL GROW. I bet money on it. I don't think you have to use these vitamins and mess up your skin in the process.
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My vote is for SKIN! I have always envied the girls who can rock the short Ceasar fade with their silk like skin and almond shaped eyes. I think that look is just beautiful....think Zhane back in the 90s....those girls were fierce! I also think that a lot of female cancer patients are absolutely beautiful with no hair, and I wonder what type of showstoppers they would be with some. And this view might be unpopular on here, but really it's only hair, hair that can be purchased, bonded, sewn in, and extended in a number of ways.
i voted nice skin too. as someone who wants longer hair and is taking vitamins to get there, i totally feel where the OP is coming from on the vitamins breaking you out...i had a small breakout when i first started taking MSM, but it went away within the first 2 weeks i started taking it...when i upped my biotin by just 1000 mcg, all hell broke loose on my face :mad: i mean i had bumps and bumps and more bumps...my skin never looked that bad in my LIFE, and i tried to tough it out, but it seemed like as one went away, 3 more showed up...so i went back down to my original dosage of biotin, and my skin has gone back to normal...i guess everybody and every body is different, cuz i read that thread from way back when about everybody taking that PP 5 mcg of biotin, and i shudder at the thought of what all that would do to my face! :lol: so i say, figure out which supplement is breaking you out (prolly the biotin), and either decrease it or cut it out completely...and like the others said, the hair is yours if you bought it, but nice skin is a different story! ;) HTH
I want both. Nice skin is very important to me and becomes more important as I get older. Nice hair - healthy, shiny,, and long - is also something I am working toward.

Because I do ot have to choose (and because I want everything) I am going for both, thank you.
I would definitely prefer healthy hair and nice skin. I mean I can not live with dry skin so I know that if I knew something was making me dry I would stop it no matter what it was doing for my hair. There are other ways that you can grow hair. Try cutting out a vitamin and see if you can find the one that is causing your acne problems and I would definitely up the water intake.
Absolutely GOOD, clear, dewy skin!!!!! ITA with everything that's been said about looking good with short hair and nice skin and I have bought some long hair till i grow mine:grin:
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I definitely say nice skin. There's nothing like clear smooth blemish free skin. I want it back badly.
I was expecting an overwhelming majority of long hair. Although I belive that skin and hair can make almost anyone look good, I would defo prefer nice skin w/o a doubt.. I voted nice skin, also just because one's hair is long doesn't mean it looks good, it could be long as stringy with blad patches.. ITA agree with whoever said if you have nice skin you can pull your hair back and still look good...
Can't I have both?
At the moment I have neither. Doh! :lol:

If I had to choose, I would go for nice skin over long hair. When my skin is bad I feel ugly.

I took Silica for 3-4 months and it broke out my skin for the whole time I took it. My body didn't adjust. I'm not messing with any supplements ever again.

Having both is possible. I had one of the worst acne breakouts after the birth of my daughter a month ago. Along with using the proactiv system, I've also added a facial of raw organic honey with a teaspoon of organic lemon juice every single night. Not only does honey have antibacterial properties, it also acts as a humectant drawing moisture from the air to prevent overdrying. My skin is flawless now. I'm sure it will help with acne caused from the use of vitamins.

Hope this helps. They also have a ton of suggestions in the makeup and skin forum that I've used over the years with success
Definately nice skin...beautiful skin makes you look younger and is just refreshing...your hair will still grow without the vitamins. I actually broke out when I STOPPED taking MSM so MSM is my answer to nice skin AND hair!
*sigh* I WISH i had nice skin but dealing with acne my whole life has taken a major toll on my physcal, mental, emtional and spirtural part of me...

But since ive joined here and stopped drinking milk my skin has improved so much! also the vitmans have help thank God!
I do plan on getting chemical peels for my skin once im done with myhair journay as a special treat:D
Me personally I would rather get my skin under control which is something I have been dealing with since Jr. High (9 years now) before getting longer hair. I really don't take vitamins anymore becase I broke out more while taking them.
WOW! That is a tough one; I think I would have to vote nice skin, because I think the first thing I notice when I look in the mirror is my skin, then my hair (not to mention others, if you're concerned about that)!

In a perfect world, though, I'd sowant both.

I hate to hear the biotin is breaking a lot of ladies out; I just doubled up on the biotin intake a few weeks ago and was sure watching to make sure I didn't break out!
Skin hands down. But I have skin issues and take my vitamins. Retin-A has really helped that issue.

Are you drinking lots of water? This is what helped the break outs for me.
(sorry if you answered this already, I didnt read the full thread.)
Hmmm, if you had long hair, you could use it to hide your bad skin.:lol: But nah, I'll have to go with good skin because your face is what people notice first.
Nice skin. I know I can look and feel good with long or short hair, but with bad skin its harder to feel beautiful.
dreamer26 said:
In my quest to get long hair, I've been taking vitamins and my skin has started to break out and I was wondering which is better

Long hair or Nice skin.

I've battled acne all my life and for the first time in years my skin is clear and pretty but now due to the vitamins I'm all broke out and I can't deal with it.

I want both but if you had to choose which would it be.

You can have long hair without taking all those vitamines if you increase your take of fruits and balanced your alimentation !