Which is best NICE SKIN or LONG HAIR

Which would you rather have

  • Nice Skin

    Votes: 278 90.6%
  • Long Hair

    Votes: 29 9.4%

  • Total voters
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New Member
In my quest to get long hair, I've been taking vitamins and my skin has started to break out and I was wondering which is better

Long hair or Nice skin.

I've battled acne all my life and for the first time in years my skin is clear and pretty but now due to the vitamins I'm all broke out and I can't deal with it.

I want both but if you had to choose which would it be.
Since you said you've battled with acne, I wouldn't mess with vitamins if they are causing breakouts. There are so many other ways to increase your growth. I would definitely look to conditioner washes, scalp massages, rollersetting, etc. You don't have to choose between skin and hair IMO.

Hope that helps!

ETA: To address your question, if I had to choose, I would go for nice skin. I just love clear skin, never really had a problem with it and don't want to start one!
If it where me, I would want Nice skin. But it would have to be what you want to be your featurre. Your long hair or you beautiful complexion. There is a nice thread with some suggestions and some successful tips in the skin and make up topic forum for help in that area.

I can't vote, i want both, they compliment each other...and i find that vitamins (including MSM) and loads of water = clear skin for me....
It's best to have nice skin and HEALTHY hair. I don't take vitamins much anymore yet my hair is still growing like weeds. The back of my hair is already APL! I just take care of my hair; keeping it in protective styles and making sure the ends are nice and moisturized... eating right. Your hair will grow, just take care of your skin. Acne can cause scars that take a lifetime to heal. It's just not worth it. If the pills are causing your reactioin I'd suggest you stop taking them and work on a healthy diet that will give you the same benefits.
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Hmmm, well in my experience, the acne from vitamins is usually only temporary....... as your body acclimates to the new vitamin, and the toxins are flushed out of your system, the breakout clears away. However, this has only been MY experience. So I never gave up any supplement that made me break out initially, ie, MSM or Biotin. I waited it out and eventually the acne disappeared.

So I voted hair. :lol: I'd stick it out just a little while longer to see if it goes away. *shrug* Maybe im alone in this....? :look:
I would rahter have nice skin. I had bad acne until I started using Proactiv Solutions 5 years ago :)
Crissi said:
I can't vote, i want both, they compliment each other...and i find that vitamins (including MSM) and loads of water = clear skin for me....


I think I need to drink more water, because I've been really slacking in that department.

I vote nice skin.... Your face is your canvas if it has scars, lesions etc. it distracts in some ways of even noticing you?( it is what everyone looks at ....although your having hair especially if it is long is a plus but would you care if you have bad skin that looked bad all the time and you can still have healthy hair which eventually will be long :ohwell:
I agree good skin and hair usually go hand and hand and I would want both, but if I had to choose I'd choose good skin cuz you can always buy some hair if you had to.:lachen:
If there was a Healthy Hair option I would have picked that because beautiful (long or short) healthy hair always seems to make the skin look nicer so that would kill two birds with one stone
I picked nice skin
I voted for nice skin because you can have short healthy hair but when your skin is busted, you just look unhealthy and unkept..
I want both! But I'd have to pick nice skin over long hair because there's not much you can do with bad skin. Make-up only covers so much. And even then it looks like covered bad skin. You can buy long hair or just wear a cute shorter style. Healthy hair is more important than long hair IMO.
I would say nice skin. Hair is something you can always find a solution for, if it's not long enough one could always wear extensions. But skin, is very hard to replace and could take a long time to heal.
i voted for skin. also if you have short hair it can still be healthy and u can always wear extentions but covering up your face is alot harder.

but i think they both in general go along with each other.

i am blessed to have both
vitak72 said:
I agree good skin and hair usually go hand and hand and I would want both, but if I had to choose I'd choose good skin cuz you can always buy some hair if you had to.:lachen:

Exactly.. good skin is truly a blessing. You could always buy hair or fix your hair up somehow. If you have clean, clear skin and your hair is pulled back, you will still look good.
If we're talking about the skin on your face then I rather have long hair.
If we're talking about overall skin, like all over your body, then I would choose nice skin over long hair.
I'm gonna go with nice skin. I can always buy some hair until mines grows out. If you have bad acne there's nothing you can really do to cover it up until it clears up. Somethings makeup won't cover.
bmoreflyygirl said:
I'm gonna go with nice skin. I can always buy some hair until mines grows out. If you have bad acne there's nothing you can really do to cover it up until it clears up. Somethings makeup won't cover.

^5. ITA with everything bmore said. Even if a woman's head is shaved bald like Mr. Clean...if her skin is flawless and glowing, then no one will even be thinkin' bout that baldie! :lol:
Absolutely nice skin! IMO, short hair doesn't make a woman any less beautiful than one with long hair. I've seen some drop-dead gorgeous women rockin some beautiful short styles, heck I used to be one!:lol:
malibu4590 said:
^5. ITA with everything bmore said. Even if a woman's head is shaved bald like Mr. Clean...if her skin is flawless and glowing, then no one will even be thinkin' bout that baldie! :lol:

:lachen: This was so funny to me

Do your vits have any biotin in them? If so, I would lay off of those and find a multi with little or no biotin. Also, Kini makes a good point about water. You MUST flush out the toxins when you're taking vits and antioxidants. Plus, water is good for both nice skin and long hair.

I also agree that long hair will eventually come if you take care of it so it's important to take care of your skin with diet, exercise, and external care.

There's an acne elimination thread and a hope after acne thread over on the skin care board that you may find helpful.

With LHCF, it's totally possible to have clear skin & long, healthy hair. :yep:

I think it's a little weird to see a woman with long, beautiful hair but acneish skin than to see a woman with clear, even skin and short hair.

I can comment b.c I've had acne and short hair. I am just now getting over my acne and my hair is growing out, so thankfully I don't really have to put myself in this situation!!:D
Of course a woman would love to have both but nice skin to me is much more desirable. There is nothing like beautiful skin. I can actually say I have this end under wraps now I'm pressed for my long hair.:)