Which do you prefer? Washing your hair at the sink or in the shower?


New Member
Im back again. I've been posting a lot of new threads lately but I am excited to get ideas from all of you

I find that washing my hair in the shower is easy cause I get less tangles but it is annoying because I always deep condition so i have to get wet then dry off and then get wet again. and half the time I do my hair when I dotn even need to actually take a shower and it kinda agitates me...

What about you guys?

Anyone have great success with the sink.. If you do let me know I would love to hear how you prevent tangles with this method
Though I do wash in the shower (sometimes), I was told to do it in the sink because the higher temperature (from the shower) causes the hair to pouf and tangle.
definitely, the shower, with one of those detachable shower heads attached to the hose...really helps with the untangling process, especially if you have good water pressure:yep:
Always the shower....I tried the sink before and - well, let's just not talk about it! :grin:

I know it can be annoying or tedious sometimes, but it's for the well-being of your hair. Most of the time I deep condition under the dryer in my towel, or an oversized t-shirt and panties. I try not to get TOO dressed if I know that I'm going to hop right back in the shower.
I can't even remember the last time I've shampooed in a sink...maybe in middle school or something. Always in the shower or over the side of the bathroom tub with a hand held sprayer.
I use the shower ( on medium temp, b/c hot is not good for your hair) and I put on a bathrobe while I dc. this prevents me from putting clothes on and off. The sink makes me nauseous and doesn't seems to saturate my hair as well as the shower.
I wash in the sink, the shower and my hair just doesn't get along my hair just doesn't feel clean and the water pressure isn't as strong as the sink.
I've recently switched over to using the sink. I feel like I'm using less water and it's a quick and easy process. I don't use the shower anymore because I can't stand getting wet when I never intended to because I've washed my hair with my head leaning over the tub. Also, I only shower and night so that doesn't go hand in hand with daily morning wash n' gos.
I generally wash my hair in the sink, put the deep conditioner in for a few hours(while doing other things), and rinse out in the shower so that I kill 2 birds w/one stone in less time :drunk:
I prefer the shower but I use the sink when it comes to
rinsing out oils, henna and indigo because it is messy and no problem on stainless steel verses having to clean out the tub.:nono:
When I'm doing treatments that require several hair wettings, I like to use the sink. For the final wash, let's say a deep conditioning wash, I wait until I actually have to take a shower and rinse then. It's easier to use the sink for pre-poos, hot oil treatments, henna treatments, protein treatments. It's easier to use the shower for the final, detangling rinse.
Always in the shower. I tried a cold rinse yesterday after my DC. I barely got my body wet with that cold water. Probably looked like an ice skater bent backwards!
I prefer the sink, because with the shower you got to keep getting in and out, depending on your routine.