Which cheapie co-wash conditioner do you rep?!

Which cheapie conditioner do you rep?

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Tresseme smooth and silky :lick::lick:

Not the smooth and silky but the moisture-rich one. OMG :lick:.

CVS has a sale now I believe 3 for $9.99. :lick: They also have a ton of sample bottles in the trial bins too. :lick: :eyebrows2

Some of the bottles actually have pumps on them :grin::lick:

Still love Vo5 but I've been having quite an affair to remember with the Tresseme. :blush::lick:

Not cone-free for those avoiding them.:nono:

Don't sleep on Tresemme :grin:
So...me in the hair aisle are going to be good friends tomorrow. I am just gonna buy a bottle of the majority of what was mentioned...

I remember when co-washing was so easy...now my hair hates me...and there is no VO5 w/in sight...aaahhh...
Vo5 Strawberries & Cream


Suave Tropical Coconut

:love: em both for co-washing and pre-pooing...But if I had 2 pick Vo5 all the way baby:drunk: