Suave Conditioners

I love love love Suave Coconut. I use it right after I poo to soften my hair a bit then I proceed to deep condition. I've tried Milk and Honey 2x and didn't like it, only the scent. I hope this item doesn't get discontinued. Its a staple. I have the Suave Bio Basics and have used it 2x. I didn't really care for it :ohwell:. I am going to try adding a bit of olive oil to it next time i use it and see if i like the results.
I've tried the Awaphui and REALLY hated it. It left my hair feeling so coated. It sat in my closet for months and I finally threw it out right before I joined the board. Sorry, I could have given it away.... :perplexed

Since joining you guys have been talking about the benefits of the Suave cond. I thought I'd go the Naturals way...

I just recently bought:

Milk 'n Honey
Green Apple (I think???)
Chamomille(this smells wonderful. Like a garden)

I like them okay, they're good in my pre-poos, but I really like my VO5's much better for my CWs.
