Where do I even begin to help her...


Thanks for directing me to that thread. I think I might print out those responses and include in the gift basket.

brg240 Thanks. I did not realize those products were so cheap. Maybe I'll be lucky and find some oils in Target and Dollar Tree. I wanted to suggest another oil to her but I know some of them can be slightly expensive. I was thinking of hot six oil but I was never to crazy about that one.

chesleeb So sorry you had a rough time in school with your hair. It's so sad that so many girls seem to go through this. I'm happy that I have the opportunity to make this girl learn to love her hair and all of her other qualities. And it's such a rewarding experience. I absolutely love volunteering.
As many as you suggested I decided to get her a gift basket for her.

I included the following in it:

- The book, "I Love my hair"
- Giovani shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in conditioner
- Silk elements DC
- hair accesories
- plastic caps
- nail polishes

I will be typing up a word document to include with the basket that lists a bunch of websites to visit with advice on hair care.

Thanks so much for the suggestions everyone