When you're satisfied with your appearance...people take notice...


New Member
I think it's true when they say that when you feel confident and satisfied with your appearance, men definitely notice.

Now that I'm back from my vacation, I've been dressing ok enough, but I haven't been putting in a lot of energy in doing my hair or putting on makeup. lol :ohwell: It's like I have an idea of the major improvements these 'accessories' do for my overall appearance, but I can be so lazy at times.

Well...today I had to attend a pretty important meeting, so I made time. I was pretty pleased with my appearance, and I think it definitely showed with the way I was coming across to people. After the meeting, I stopped by the post office. I saw this cute guy in there, but noticed that he was with someone.

I could see him in the corner of my eye, and noticed that he kept glancing my way. I just thought that he was being disrespectful. As I was searching for my keys to open my car, I looked up and saw him walking in my direction. You could imagine the confused look on my face. :spinning:

Here's how the convo went:

Him: Excuse me Ms, is that a wedding ring I see on your hand.
Me (looking at him all kinds of crazy): Wedding ring? Where you see that at -- (said in a joking way)
Him: I kept trying to see if you were wearing a band.
Me: Nope. Not married yet.
Him: Well, I just wanted to say that I was telling my sister :look: that I thought you were really beautiful. She said 'yea, she's cute' lol You know how women are when complimenting other women.
Me: Thanks. That's really sweet.

He ended up giving me his number, and letting me know that he'd really like to take me out.

Morale: :grin: Take that extra 15-20 minutes to beautify yourself even when you're feeling lazy, as I'm usually feeling. You never know who you'll run into AND when you're happy with your appearance...your confidence exudes through you, and people take notice. I know when I feel like a bum it's usually the times when I'm looking any kinda way, and I probably come across a little insecure.

Oh yea, I was thinking of texting him my number in a couple days to give him the opportunity to contact me. Thoughts?


MINI UPDATE -- 01/08/11

So, I decided to text him two days later, which was 1/08. It's so funny because as soon as I sent him a text with my number, he replied right away. lol It was nice to see that he recognized who I was without me having to explain it. Just kinda shows that he's not giving out his number all willy nilly.

Anyway, I wasn't in the mood to go out last night. He asked if I had any plans because he wanted to take me out. I made something up :perplexed (I really need to start forcing myself to get out of this house). He said he'd call me this week to set something up. For now, I have a date this evening with another prospect, so we'll see how that works.
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ohhh so sweet!!! I think you should definately give him a chance. A guy confident enough to approach you and not afraid to give a sincere compliment. These days most guys I meet seems to want me to chase them (please!). I totally agree with taking the extra time to make sure you look your best before you go out. In fact it is one of my New Year resolutions. "Self do not leave your house looking less than your best ever this year'.
Yay! Yes, I have definitely made it a priority to step up my game whenever I leave the house . . . even if I can't do nuthin' but put on some mascara and lipgloss (like today . . . because I was SO tired when I got up this morning and just not in the mood).

As for this . . . .

Oh yea, I was thinking of texting him my number in a couple days to give him the opportunity to contact me. Thoughts?

I think that's a great idea. I don't like when guys give you their number. . . like YOU are supposed to chase them. Um, no. But texting him back is a subtle way of acknowledging your mutual interest, but putting the ball in his court to come and get you . . . .
Sounds like a good start. He should have asked you for your number but yeah in a few days, send him a cute short "Hey, what's up? We met the other day. Call me some time" text or some other variation and sign your name. He'll have your number unless you usually have it blocked. He should call if he really wants to see you.
sounds like a good idea girl about texting your number to him..and yes, you are so right about how you feel good when you look good. I know when im not looking my best, i don't even want to be seen.lol! I know when i have my hair done, i feel really good about myself. When my hair is out of order and my appearance isn't up to par, i feel so uncomfortable around men. I remember this one time when I was getting ready to walk out the elevator and i heard my name being called. I turn around and saw this guy i used to date. I wanted to run because i was looking so bummy. My hair was out of order and I was not looking my best. I didn't even want to make eye contact. Moral of the story, you never know who you will run into so dress accordingly!!
Awwww! this story is so cute. I think you should text him your number. I love it when men approach us and act like they got some damn sense.
aww, you know, for some reason, I think I like the fact that he inquired whether you were married and looking for a wedding band. I think it kinda speaks on where his mindset may be in th future. I don't know, it's better than him approaching you with the played out "where your man at?" steez. It's more like "are you betrothed or off the market seriously?"
awww that was a sweet story:grin: please keep us posted on how things go. You know we like to be informed:lol::look:.

I definitely agree with you on how dressing/being your best definitely projects positively to the world :)
This is definitely motivation to leave the house looking right at all times. Here I was at work nervous as all get out because a guy texted me (he usually calls but he knows that I'm at work) saying that he wants to go out later. I take the bus to work and I thought he was going to pick me up BUT he doesn't get off until way after I do and wants to go out then. Lets just say that I was about to walk to the mall to find something to wear...

Always look your best because you never know! :)
That is so true ediese putting more effort in the appearance makes a difference.I try to do this often myself but need a pick me up every once in a while. Off topic but,how were u wearing your hair ediese?
GO FOR IT!!! Besides, what have you got to lose?

What an awesome story, it truly brought a smile to my face.
That was a nice story!! It's so true that it's usually when you're just running out of the house to the supermarket or post office that you run into a cutie, so ladies, make sure you're on your game ALWAYS...:yep: I am already taken but the same thing happened to me in the supermarket during my lunch hour last summer... taken or not, it's always nice to be noticed!! :grin:
You ain't neva lied. How you feel you look definitely translates to other people.
I'd had a morning breakfast date the day I left for a 2 week vacation overseas. I usually travel very comfy (i.e. bummy) but decided not to change from what I'd worn that morning when I traveled. Several men openly complimented how I looked and this one fine, chocolate man even approached me in my gate's waiting area. Coincidentally, the guy I had breakfast with that morning called me while I was conversing with airport man. I took the call for a second and when I got off the phone airport man was acting semi-jealous, saying, "hey, I'm not trying to get you caught up." I thought it was cute and told him there was nothing to worry about. He even emailed me within 2 days too. We'll see what happens when we both get back to the states.
That is so true ediese putting more effort in the appearance makes a difference.I try to do this often myself but need a pick me up every once in a while. Off topic but,how were u wearing your hair ediese?

Good question. I twisted both sides, and pulled it into a neat bun. For some reason, whenever I attend those meetings, I can't have my hair loose.
Great thread and ITA. And Edise I agree with him, you are beautiful.
What were you wearing btw?

Aww..thank you miss! :) I had an ex making me feel otherwise, so now that I think I'm finally free, I'm hoping that my esteem gets back to normal.

I was wearing a black pinstriped pant suit. It wasn't fancy or anything, but I think fixing my hair and makeup pulled it all together. It was simple. lol
Aww..thank you miss! :) I had an ex making me feel otherwise, so now that I think I'm finally free, I'm hoping that my esteem gets back to normal.

I was wearing a black pinstriped pant suit. It wasn't fancy or anything, but I think fixing my hair and makeup pulled it all together. It was simple. lol

Girl you are very pretty! It's amazing how sometimes these guys can have us thinking otherwise! SMH

I love this thread! It has definitely inspired me to stop looking like an old hag daily! Lol
Thanks for the thread. I am married, but I love looking good-although some days I am not in the mood lol. However, I was thinking about putting together comfy cute outfits that still have me looking pulled together. I helps and my husband loves to show me off too, so it helps when his wife looks like somebody lol.