Keeping Up Your Appearance

I just got my toes and hair done. I def need to get my spring wardrobe together.
I'm letting my eyebrows grow out. Years of waxing have them looking so thin.
I'm def trying...I do feel like my attitude helps me feel fabulous.

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Even if you have a great figure and/or a youthful face, the way you carry yourself at 33 is just different than when you were 18. So very young styles will look off, even if things fit. Forever 21 is not really forever....

:lol: I wish I could tell some of my coworkers this. I don't think they got the memo.
I'm sooooo guilty of letting myself go. I'll do good for a few weeks then I fall by the wayside. This is my challenge for 2011, to step it up!

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I'm sooooo guilty of letting myself go. I'll do good for a few weeks then I fall by the wayside. This is my challenge for 2011, to step it up!

Sent from my HTC Glacier using Long Hair Care Forum App

Mine too! I have to remain consistent. Got my toes and nails done this week! My hair appt is tomorrow.It's not a game.
I understand the whole concept "do it for yourself" yada, yada....

But I only shave my legs in warm (shorts/sundress season) weather or when someone is going to be rubbing up against them!

Don't stone me.......
I understand the whole concept "do it for yourself" yada, yada....

But I only shave my legs in warm (shorts/sundress season) weather or when someone is going to be rubbing up against them!

Don't stone me.......

:lol: Nobody is going to stone you....

I just know I feel sexier when everything is tight, my pedicure is has my feet feeling extra soft, and my clothes are on point. I'm just a happier person when I'm fine. :lol:

Plus, looking all good with your legs all smooth and sexy usually helps attract that person who is going to want to rub against them. lol
I keep myself up for me. The best advice I remember receiving was to "keep it marketable".

I know my DH enjoys the benefits of my desire to look my best at all times. It's pretty easy. I get my pedicure when needed and keep it up at home. I do my own nails in natural or blush tones, which makes it look like a fab manicure. I do my own hair and make sure it looks salon fresh and smells wonderful! My DH had his nose all up in my hair last night while we were...well anyways.

I keep it "high and tight" as KEM (the singer) told his audience, because it makes me feel good. I join a race or two each year, so that I have a goal to work towards. Just ran 5.7 miles for the first time last night in preparation for a race. That's how I exercise, by training for a charitable race or event. Makes me feel great in several ways.

I make sure my skin is great, I never leave the house without looking my best for whatever the occassion. But it could be a simple as well fitted slacks/jeans and a cute shirt and sandals. I enjoy the benefits first and does DH. :)
I really like this thread, my S/O is always telling me how beautiful i am...even on my bummy, hair tied up, cleaning the house with my rubber gloves look lol. I can get out the shower after washing my hair and let it airdry and it'll be all over my head and he will just tell my how beautiful I am and how pretty my hair is and just be all over me all the time.
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I wore a FULL face of make-up for this very first time today. Apparently I looked like a baby doll but hey it's a start :)
I really need to work on my appearance this year. I'm single and about to start a new career in a new city and I'd like a new look to go along with it. I don't know about wearing make-up everday tho, I have this fear of it messing up my skin over time.

New job is in a much nicer setting, so have been doing a lot of shopping for nice work clothes. I'm excited about dressing up and looking nice on a daily again.

Got my eyebrows threaded for the first time recently. I liked it, but they were a bit too thin for my tastes.

I have tried hundreds of diff face washes and skin treatments over the years and had kinda given up and just accepted my skin was always gonna be jacked. But recently I actually found one that I liked (cheap too) and my skin has been looking better. But I still need to go to a dermatologist, I would really love to have clear skin. I'm almost 30, I'm tired of having acne.
I think it helps to hang out with women who takecare of themselves and are always on point. This will help you keep it together as well.
I really need to work on my appearance this year. I'm single and about to start a new career in a new city and I'd like a new look to go along with it. I don't know about wearing make-up everday tho, I have this fear of it messing up my skin over time.

New job is in a much nicer setting, so have been doing a lot of shopping for nice work clothes. I'm excited about dressing up and looking nice on a daily again.

Got my eyebrows threaded for the first time recently. I liked it, but they were a bit too thin for my tastes.

I have tried hundreds of diff face washes and skin treatments over the years and had kinda given up and just accepted my skin was always gonna be jacked. But recently I actually found one that I liked (cheap too) and my skin has been looking better. But I still need to go to a dermatologist, I would really love to have clear skin. I'm almost 30, I'm tired of having acne.

Girl no!!!!

I was saying that exact same thing at one time. I suffered with adult acne. I spent a grip on over the counter products for my skin. I'm talking thousands of dollars. None of it worked. I tried to do at home peels based off of things I read online, and they jagged my skin off even more. I finally went to a derm, and my skin looks as if I never had a problem. People look at me like I am the girl with the perfect skin. My skin looks better today than most girls who always had clear skin.

Do not accept bad skin. You don't have too.
Girl no!!!!

I was saying that exact same thing at one time. I suffered with adult acne. I spent a grip on over the counter products for my skin. I'm talking thousands of dollars. None of it worked. I tried to do at home peels based off of things I read online, and they jagged my skin off even more. I finally went to a derm, and my skin looks as if I never had a problem. People look at me like I am the girl with the perfect skin. My skin looks better today than most girls who always had clear skin.

Do not accept bad skin. You don't have too.

@snilloh When I was in undergrad/college I didn't have the money/insurance to go to a dermatologist. And then as an adult just never got around to it, I'd make appointments then something would come up w/my work schedule and I'd have to cancel. All of my friends who went to dermatologists put them on Accutane which I do not want to take. But I am going to try and see if I can go to one soon. Nice skin just makes your overall appearance neater and more attractive.
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I understand the whole concept "do it for yourself" yada, yada....

But I only shave my legs in warm (shorts/sundress season) weather or when someone is going to be rubbing up against them!

Don't stone me.......

I am guilty of this too, if I am single in the winter I do not shave often if at all. I don't pay attention to my toenails either. I will clip them when they start to hurt in my shoes, but thats about it. :blush:
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I just put lip gloss on and I wait til my nails and feet look horrific before I get them done. I have not had my eyebrows done in months and I can't remember the last time I stepped foot in a spa.
I am just recycling clothes from years past and my lingerie game is WHACK. I need new sleepwear.... just ridiculous.

This is my normal life :look:
I was dressed casually at my internship the other day and one of the directors noticed. He said he had never seen me look so casual and for some reason, that bothered me. I'll be honestly, while I was presentable, I didn't feel as pretty as I usually did. I turned it up the next day, complete with some makeup and jewelry.
I do my best to stay on point and I love it. In my opinion, you really have to enjoy actually DOING the work. If it's a literal chore for you, you aint gonna do it. The whole process is therapy to me and the results are the icing on the cake.
Girl no!!!!

I was saying that exact same thing at one time. I suffered with adult acne. I spent a grip on over the counter products for my skin. I'm talking thousands of dollars. None of it worked. I tried to do at home peels based off of things I read online, and they jagged my skin off even more. I finally went to a derm, and my skin looks as if I never had a problem. People look at me like I am the girl with the perfect skin. My skin looks better today than most girls who always had clear skin.

Do not accept bad skin. You don't have too.

This was me as well. I had perfect, drool worthy skin my entire life up until 2009. I started getting big obnoxious bumps which I later found out was cystic acne. I spent all of 2009 in dermatology, internal medicine, getting allergy test, ultrasounds etc trying to find the problem.

The Docs would prescribe me everything under the moon and nothing worked. :sad::sad: After a year of that I was tired of stressing over my skin and accepted it for what it was. This year I started researching again and found a youtube video of a girl that used Apple Cider Vinegar to clear her cystic acne. Would you know it instantly worked for me!!! :grin::grin:

It's been a month so far and my skin is well back on the way to where it was, I haven't had not ONE single pimple or breakout of any kind! Now i'm in the process of lining up spa appts to rid some of the blemishes I have.
This was me as well. I had perfect, drool worthy skin my entire life up until 2009. I started getting big obnoxious bumps which I later found out was cystic acne. I spent all of 2009 in dermatology, internal medicine, getting allergy test, ultrasounds etc trying to find the problem.

The Docs would prescribe me everything under the moon and nothing worked. :sad::sad: After a year of that I was tired of stressing over my skin and accepted it for what it was. This year I started researching again and found a youtube video of a girl that used Apple Cider Vinegar to clear her cystic acne. Would you know it instantly worked for me!!! :grin::grin:

It's been a month so far and my skin is well back on the way to where it was, I haven't had not ONE single pimple or breakout of any kind! Now i'm in the process of lining up spa appts to rid some of the blemishes I have.

You use it internally or externally?
I've slacked off for the last year (or two :yep:).

My wardrobe is on point :yep: although I would like more shoes (who wouldn't?), hair could be better (protective styling :ohwell:), skin could be better, but it isn't bad (normal cycstic acne/stress/hormones). I'm going to get on skin peels this week to take care of some dark marks. Teeth need to be whitened. Nails need to be done.

I'll never let myself go, but I don't put as much effort into my "brand."

I need to purchase some running sneakers since I can start healing my body with exercise once more. I'm going to research them tonight, purchase tomorrow.