Keeping Up Your Appearance

You don't have to dress up. I learned from What Not to Wear to buy casual clothing that automatically go into outfits. I don't just buy for the sake of it anymore. Say I see a blue shirt. I think about what's in my closet. Can it go with more than one outfit? Can it go under a jacket?

That way I can put that blue shirt with some nice fitting jeans and ballet flats and go. Also jackets( blue jean, sweater, etc) can add a put together look to even t-shirts. Pick a comfortable one that it fitted.

That is a good one, but i want to save my nice clothes for when I go out. so I dress comfortable to go to the shops etc- the result- I always feel like I look like I have no money.

I don't know what to do really. Especially cos all my nice shoes are heeled and I can't be bothered to wear them in the car drive my son to school etc etc. I feel fake. I am thinking of buying some real nice cheeeaaap clothes for this reason. Well I attempted this and ended up buying baggy jeans and hoodies so I can feel comfortable. But I'll give it another go!!!
That is a good one, but i want to save my nice clothes for when I go out. so I dress comfortable to go to the shops etc- the result- I always feel like I look like I have no money.

I don't know what to do really. Especially cos all my nice shoes are heeled and I can't be bothered to wear them in the car drive my son to school etc etc. I feel fake. I am thinking of buying some real nice cheeeaaap clothes for this reason. Well I attempted this and ended up buying baggy jeans and hoodies so I can feel comfortable. But I'll give it another go!!!

Hey Bess, this is the type of thing I wear when I want to wear a hoodie and jeans but step it up slightly lol. I de-frump it by adding a beaded necklace and metallic flats. It's not dressed up but still cute and comfortable when you want to drop off your kid and run into the grocery store. All of these items are very inexpensive when purchased at TJ Maxx, Ross, Old Navy, etc.




Here's if you want to wear it out at night, you can add skinny jeans, boots, belt, earrings but still be comfy in winter/spring weather:


Here's something comfy I plan on wearing as it gets warmer like you mentioned:

Hey Bess, this is the type of thing I wear when I want to wear a hoodie and jeans but step it up slightly lol. I de-frump it by adding a beaded necklace and metallic flats. It's not dressed up but still cute and comfortable when you want to drop off your kid and run into the grocery store. All of these items are very inexpensive when purchased at TJ Maxx, Ross, Old Navy, etc.




Here's if you want to wear it out at night, you can add skinny jeans, boots, belt, earrings but still be comfy in winter/spring weather:


Here's something comfy I plan on wearing as it gets warmer like you mentioned:


SUPER CUTE! Wonderful advice. Thanks :drunk:
You ladies rock! I am getting more and more inspired. I am trying to get rid of these childish velor sweatsuits I keep wearing. I personally think the style and colors that I picked are too young looking for me.
I do see women who wear a nice sweat suits with nice jewelery and fresh sneakers. But mine are not as fitted or cute.
And yes, TJ Maxx Filene's Basement, Loehmann's, Marshall's they all have great looks for less. I try and go to the reg department store for special occasions and invest in nice cocktail dresses.
I am slowly getting out of the xsmall t-shirt, low jeans, sneakers look. I really was looking like a dag on 17 year old.
I'm in that crossover stage. I am 33 no kids and so I am like ok u are too old to be wearing that but too young to be wearing that. I just need to find a happy medium.
Hey Bess, this is the type of thing I wear when I want to wear a hoodie and jeans but step it up slightly lol. I de-frump it by adding a beaded necklace and metallic flats. It's not dressed up but still cute and comfortable when you want to drop off your kid and run into the grocery store. All of these items are very inexpensive when purchased at TJ Maxx, Ross, Old Navy, etc.




Here's if you want to wear it out at night, you can add skinny jeans, boots, belt, earrings but still be comfy in winter/spring weather:


Here's something comfy I plan on wearing as it gets warmer like you mentioned:


This outfit is super cute.
I've fallen off as well. Used to get my nails and eyebrows done like clockwork, clothes and body were well cared for, and I still had time to learn new things too. Now I'm just blah. Men still approach me so that's not an issue. I just know I'm not at my best right now. This thread is great though-lots of good tips.
This is a great thread. I rarely have time for myself anymore. I have a newborn and a very involved 10 year old to run around town. It's so easy to become frumpy when you don't pay much attention to yourself. I got some great tips that I plan to put into action. Thanks ladies!
I'm so glad I've finally gotten back to "normal" over here. :lol: When my LO was first born I struggled a bit in the looks department. A Lot of it was due to being so big and unable to fit my prepregnancy clothes. :ohwell: But I'm happy to say that I only have about 10 more pounds to lose until I'm back to my prepreg weight! :grin: OF course the holidays aren't helping me! :lol: I may have to get more serious about losing the last few pounds after the holidays.

I'm fitting into more and more of my old clothes everyday, which is so inspirational to me. I'm back on my makeup game. My hair is growing and I'm almost APL again! I told myself that now that I'm married and have a child I need to step up my appearance to the next level. I'm wearing more dressy casual outfits, less sneakers/flats, makeup everyday, even if it's just a minimal look, hair done everyday, etc. :yep:
Hey ladies...ever since u guys suggested all these great ideas I have been keeping my nail polished, feet done and I got a sew-in so "my hair" is down and styled daily. I take out time to select jewelry to wear everyday to accent my outfit. I have actually rediscovered some old clothes in my closet & brought them back to life. A quick trip to the cleaners and voila!
I recently got my braces off so I bought some crest whitening strips to brighten up my smile.
I mean its so hard to keep up with all the little details and being able to afford it. I do my own nails but i pay for my pedicure. I recycle my clothes to keep me out of the mall.
But it's fun and I feel very confident that if I ran into an old friend on the street I would be looking my best. And especially on those impromptu happy hour days I am always prepared.
I monitor my food intake to keep my weight down, that plays a major part in my overall appearance and the need to shop. I am able to fit clothes from 2 years ago. And when i do buy new items I get a nice clean fit.
I do my best to look my best everyday no matter what.
i am stepping back into my A game as well, mostly it is due to my profession, but it seems like the old me is finally coming back around!
Hey ladies...ever since u guys suggested all these great ideas I have been keeping my nail polished, feet done and I got a sew-in so "my hair" is down and styled daily. I take out time to select jewelry to wear everyday to accent my outfit. I have actually rediscovered some old clothes in my closet & brought them back to life. A quick trip to the cleaners and voila!
I recently got my braces off so I bought some crest whitening strips to brighten up my smile.
I mean its so hard to keep up with all the little details and being able to afford it. I do my own nails but i pay for my pedicure. I recycle my clothes to keep me out of the mall.
But it's fun and I feel very confident that if I ran into an old friend on the street I would be looking my best. And especially on those impromptu happy hour days I am always prepared.
I monitor my food intake to keep my weight down, that plays a major part in my overall appearance and the need to shop. I am able to fit clothes from 2 years ago. And when i do buy new items I get a nice clean fit.
I do my best to look my best everyday no matter what.

Go girl! Thanks for the update :grin:
I have heard this a lot with women, but I think in order for a woman to keep herself up at all times she needs to do it for her, and not the man. I always tell my dh that he is blessed because I prefer to look fly at all times. I keep my appearance up for me, and he just reaps the benefits! Men are visual. I get my hair and nails done every two weeks because it makes me feel good. I keep up with the latest fashions because I love it. I work out regularly because I like my body in shape. Im a much better mother and wife because of it. I wake up and put on make up even if I am not leaving the house. Its just part of my personality.

Really though, when you look good you FEEL good. One last thing, you don't have to be dressed to the hilt to look fly. Some fitted yoga black pants, and a black cami tee is sexy as all get out to my husband, and comfy for me. My hair is in place, and natural makeup on at the same time.
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I have heard this a lot with women, but I think in order for a woman to keep herself up at all times she needs to do it for her, and not the man. I always tell my dh that he is blessed because I prefer to look fly at all times. I keep my appearance up for me, and he just reaps the benefits! Men are visual. I get my hair and nails done every two weeks because it makes me feel good. I keep up with the latest fashions because I love it. I work out regularly because I like my body in shape. Im a much better mother and wife because of it. I wake up and put on make up even if I am not leaving the house. Its just part of my personality.

Really though, when you look good you FEEL good. One last thing, you don't have to be dressed to the hilt to look fly. Some fitted yoga black pants, and a black cami tee is sexy as all get out to my husband, and comfy for me. My hair is in place, and natural makeup on at the same time.

You've motivated me today to do better :yep:

I agree with you about keeping your body tight; when my body is right, most of my outfits look good on me period. I can dress a little more casual and still look great.
You've motivated me today to do better :yep:

I agree with you about keeping your body tight; when my body is right, most of my outfits look good on me period. I can dress a little more casual and still look great.

Same here. My clothes that I once hated look ten times better when I am in shape. There is a shirt I have right now that I want to take back b/c of the tiny bulges that I see. It's not the shirt's fault, it's my fault. I will be beginning my spin class tonight and continuing this throughout the new year. :drunk:
I have heard this a lot with women, but I think in order for a woman to keep herself up at all times she needs to do it for her, and not the man. I always tell my dh that he is blessed because I prefer to look fly at all times. I keep my appearance up for me, and he just reaps the benefits! Men are visual. I get my hair and nails done every two weeks because it makes me feel good. I keep up with the latest fashions because I love it. I work out regularly because I like my body in shape. Im a much better mother and wife because of it. I wake up and put on make up even if I am not leaving the house. Its just part of my personality.

Really though, when you look good you FEEL good. One last thing, you don't have to be dressed to the hilt to look fly. Some fitted yoga black pants, and a black cami tee is sexy as all get out to my husband, and comfy for me. My hair is in place, and natural makeup on at the same time.

The bolded is SO TRUE! I love to look good for MYSELF and DH just reaps the benefits. :yep: I'd look fly whether we were together or not! :lol: I was looking fly before him, I was fly when I met him, and I'll be fly if there is life after him. :yep:

I also agree that looking good makes you feel good. :yep:
I'm jumpin on this ASAP. I think I look pretty decent most of the time, but I know I could look just a little bit better-I need to get my teeth whitened a bit and also work on my skin. I also agree, u can be casual cute as well, u don't always have to be dressed to the nine. Just wear stuff that is neat and flatters your shape.
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Same here. My clothes that I once hated look ten times better when I am in shape. There is a shirt I have right now that I want to take back b/c of the tiny bulges that I see. It's not the shirt's fault, it's my fault. I will be beginning my spin class tonight and continuing this throughout the new year. :drunk:

The other point you made about age and dress was good too. Even if you have a great figure and/or a youthful face, the way you carry yourself at 33 is just different than when you were 18. So very young styles will look off, even if things fit. Forever 21 is not really forever....
I will def say that I have stepped up my wardrobe. I am still purchasing new pieces here and there. I post those items to the Fashion forum a lot. I love this thread:***-part-tres-47.html

I love it because every time I think my wardrobe is good I am reminded how much more I can do. It's all in fun and I really like to be kept on my toes.

BUT my appearance as it relates to my shape really needs improvement. I took a glance at my body in the nude the other day and I looked so out of shape. I am skinny and saggy. My body has no definition. LOL I hope this class tonight is the start to something beneficial to every muscle in my body.
Great thread OP!

I sometimes catch myself in a 'funk' but I pull myself out quick-like! looking fab makes me feel fab! and I agree u dont have to dress to the 9's to look/feel good :yep: :yep: :yep:
I have been doing this myself, I love make up and looking fly but when I was buried under books and just mad pressure I couldnt do anything but study and look like a hobo lol but the week of my graduation I dyed my hair and been keeping my hair,lashes, make up and clothes nice. I have no one checking me out but I feel beautiful and thats what matters the most.