When you tell someone about LCHF why don't they join


Well-Known Member
I've have told at least 8 women about LCHF and when I ask them if they have looked at the website, their usual reply is I didn't have the time. Now granted, these are the same ladies who were complaining about the hair and how it's broken, damaged or not long enough. I have come up with a theory why and it's along the same line as why people don't get in shape. In my personal training business, I meet people daily who want to lose weight but never make that change in their life because it's hard work. I feel that might be the same reason these women don't devour this site because growing and keeping your hair in good shape is a lot of work. So ladies hats off to you :band2: because you know what you want and you are willing to work at it from losing weight to making your hair healthy.
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Maybe one of them is a lurker, they might be trying a regimen and waiting for results, then maybe they will confess. In the beginning of this hair journey you don't want to tell anyone because it is kind of personal especially if your hair is in terrible shape.
I lurked around here for about a month before joining. I've been a member of a lot of forums with trolls and flamers and haters. So I hesitated to join for a while, then finally joined in Feb. I was afraid to ask questions too, but now I'm starting my own topics.

My co-worker saw this webpage and said it was "too much work" so maybe that's how they feel too? I don't think it's too much work though. I was expecting more. :lol:
I think that some may not feel that they need any haircare support, that they are fine with their own routine and regimen. I try to explain that it's a little more than that, I really enjoy the sisterly atmosphere and all of the fun discussions. It may also come down to the $5 and not being able to get it back if they end up not liking the site. Some people are very tight with every dollar that goes out, so I guess I understand, but I'm glad I paid the $5. This is my favorite forum :)
Energist said:
I think that some may not feel that they need any haircare support, that they are fine with their own routine and regimen. I try to explain that it's a little more than that, I really enjoy the sisterly atmosphere and all of the fun discussions. It may also come down to the $5 and not being able to get it back if they end up not liking the site. Some people are very tight with every dollar that goes out, so I guess I understand, but I'm glad I paid the $5. This is my favorite forum :)

I agree with this and all of the above, but energist I love your hair it looks really healthy, :)
guesswho said:
I agree with this and all of the above, but energist I love your hair it looks really healthy, :)

OT: How are you feeling, guesswho? Hope you are feeling better today.:p

I told one of my friends about it a while ago, and she lurked, and came back to me and said "oh, I thought they were professionals". So basically, because we're not professionals, we must not really know what we're talking about. So she decided not to join... :ohwell:
I have a friend who I've referred here more than once. I don't know if she's even bothered to look. I think she thinks its easier to just ask me when she has questions.

I guess everyone has things they like to do with their time online and for some people hair boards aren't it.
I told my gf whos hair wouldn't grow for anything... she came back and said we were obsessed and couldn't be bothered. She was going to let the hairdresser do all the work. Last time I saw her the hair was the same length... 2 years later
laurend said:
I've have told at least 8 women about LCHF and when I ask them if they have looked at the website, their usual reply is I didn't have the time. Now granted, these are the same ladies who were complaining about the hair and how it's broken, damaged or not long enough. I have come up with a theory why and it's along the same line as why people don't get in shape. In my personal training business, I meet people daily who want to lose weight but never make that change in their life because it's hard work. I feel that might be the same reason these women don't devour this site because growing and keeping your hair in good shape is a lot of work. So ladies hats off to you :band2: because you know what you want and you are willing to work at from losing weight to making your hair healthy.

Definitely hard work initially to focus on ones hair, frequent shampooing, conditioning, finding the correct products,keeping a regimen for hair health. I know a few have checked out the LHCF and do not believe the results, feel we are obsessed or dreaming the impossible. I also think it is life long habits/beliefs and some women's ingrained belief that long hair will not grow on most black women unless it's in the genes. We live in a world which seeks instant gratification and results; just think of television 'who dunnit' shows which can solve a problem in the space of an hour or fast food places, high speed internet,becoming a multimillionaire from a lottery ticket.....we want it right now! The culture of diligence, tilling, fertilizing, watering,tending for food growth is rapidly fading away...we want it clean, wrapped in cellophane with a'quick cook' method on the label. Some people are afraid to actually be a long haired woman!
Locabouthair told me about the site maybe 1 or 2 years ago. I would laugh and make jokes. I was like :huh:. She kept telling me it was more than what it seemed. She proceeded to :hammer:, until 1 day I said ok I'll check it out. I did and I was in :love: and I so now I'm a :newbie:

Thanks Locabouthair :kiss:

And yes, taking care of your hair requires dedication and maintainence, not all have what it takes to be a LHCFer. :grin:
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I just love taking care of my hair and now that I'm seeing a lot of progress, I so excited that I will try to get people to visit this site, but I've referred several people already, and I doubt it that they’ve ever checked it out. Now I'm not doing that anymore. This site will be my little secret and when I've reached my goal, I'll start acting stuck-up like some chicks w/long hair and pretend that I have Indian in my family... Now, let me see what they think after that
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When I first discovered LHCF almost 4 years ago I told a friend, raved about how great it was and how I was gonna join. She laughed and told me I was "crazy" and this is when the site was still free. Now my hair is down my back and I swear, hers is the EXACT same length as it was then.

These days she tries to ask me in a subtle way about the kinds of products that I use and how I use them. Basically trying to find out what I'm doing to keep my hair looking good. I give her very generic answers though because like someone else mentioned, she has a "microwave mentality". She wants everything RIGHT NOW!!! If she doesn't see a difference in a month, then she will give up on it. That's also why she's overweight.

Any kind of real change takes time and most people just don't want to wait. She was the first and last person I told about LHCF.
Misseyl said:
I just love taking care of my hair and now that I'm seeing a lot of progress, I so excited that I will try to get people to visit this site, but I've referred several people already, and I doubt it that they’ve ever checked it out. Now I'm not doing that anymore. This site will be my little secret and when I've reached my goal, I'll start acting stuck-up like some chicks w/long hair and pretend that I have Indian in my family... Now, let me see what they think after that

OK!!!:lachen: :lachen: Or you can just say, "I tried to tell you what I was doing then. Why do you want to know NOW?":lachen:

It's the best feeling ever when people who thought you were crazy or obsessed, start giving you compliments and want to know your regimen.
I think some people would rather ask you directly than have to sit at the computer and research and try out routines and products. Some still buy into the quick fix.
Ohh I tried to tell two people about this site. Both had damaged hair and they both asked me how I kept my hair so healthy and nice etc. I told them about this site. As I was explaining, I could see their eyes just glaze over and what I was saying was going in one ear and out the other. One even just said "Oh whatever the only reason why you have nice hair is because your mixed." I was like WTF!!!! :whip: I HATE THAT! I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY THAT TO ME!! So after that I just let her be with her balding self.
I have a friend whos sister is on BHM and I am on LHCF...she knows all about hair care and she doesn't treat her hair badly, but she hasn't jumped on this bandwagon either. I always wonder why not. But as long as you tell someone this information, it is their loss if they take it or not.
BrooklynSouth said:
Definitely hard work initially to focus on ones hair, frequent shampooing, conditioning, finding the correct products,keeping a regimen for hair health. I know a few have checked out the LHCF and do not believe the results, feel we are obsessed or dreaming the impossible. I also think it is life long habits/beliefs and some women's ingrained belief that long hair will not grow on most black women unless it's in the genes. We live in a world which seeks instant gratification and results; just think of television 'who dunnit' shows which can solve a problem in the space of an hour or fast food places, high speed internet,becoming a multimillionaire from a lottery ticket.....we want it right now! The culture of diligence, tilling, fertilizing, watering,tending for food growth is rapidly fading away...we want it clean, wrapped in cellophane with a'quick cook' method on the label. Some people are afraid to actually be a long haired woman!

I totally agree with this. My mom initially put me on to the haircare game, but the reason why I am still on it and she's not is because she's lazy. She read one book, followed the regimen for about 3 weeks and when she didn't see instant results, she quit. She doesn't visit the forum, but she lurks over my shoulder and she is convinced that everyone has weave with damaged hair underneath.
amr501 said:
It's just not for everybody.

Ditto. I told my sister about this board, and she is into healthy hair care, even has a fotki (she tries to impress me lol), but she just isn't into LHCF like that to pay the 5 bucks.

It's really NOT a big deal to her. She takes care of it, etc, and figures that it. She always tell me "why do yall have to keep talking about it? take care of your hair and move on.":lol:

it's just not that deep to her to pay 5 bucks. If she has a question she will ask me, but she pretty much lurked, got her info w/o the 5 bucks and dipped. That easy.
It might be the $5. I thought about telling my friend about this forum since she wants her hair long for her wedding in November but then I said nah, I talk about her on here.
MizAvalon said:
When I first discovered LHCF almost 4 years ago I told a friend, raved about how great it was and how I was gonna join. She laughed and told me I was "crazy" and this is when the site was still free. Now my hair is down my back and I swear, hers is the EXACT same length as it was then.

These days she tries to ask me in a subtle way about the kinds of products that I use and how I use them. Basically trying to find out what I'm doing to keep my hair looking good. I give her very generic answers though because like someone else mentioned, she has a "microwave mentality". She wants everything RIGHT NOW!!! If she doesn't see a difference in a month, then she will give up on it. That's also why she's overweight.

Any kind of real change takes time and most people just don't want to wait. She was the first and last person I told about LHCF.

I can also agree with this and What Misseyl said.

I takes a lot less effort into being lazy and comfortable with your bad hair care. As with anything with the body. It's actually very time consuming to be the best you can be (well FINDING out is the work, actually initiating the routine isn't bad). And most people ain't down for the research.

A lot of people really say they want long healthy hair but they don't. Some people can't even give up the flat iron every day, or too lazy to DC for freakin 20 minutes, so I KNOW they wouldn't understand.

I for one am actually kind of happy those laggards aren't here. LHCF and healthy hair (healthy physical shape period) is NOT for the lazy people. And we don't need them pulling us down
deejoy said:
It might be the $5. I thought about telling my friend about this forum since she wants her hair long for her wedding in November but then I said nah, I talk about her on here.

OMG:lachen: !!!!

I keep my "friends" away for that reason too....:look: :lachen:
LocksOfLuV said:
I can also agree with this and What Misseyl said.

I takes a lot less effort into being lazy and comfortable with your bad hair care. As with anything with the body. It's actually very time consuming to be the best you can be (well FINDING out is the work, actually initiating the routine isn't bad). And most people ain't down for the research.

A lot of people really say they want long healthy hair but they don't. Some people can't even give up the flat iron every day, or too lazy to DC for freakin 20 minutes, so I KNOW they wouldn't understand.

I for one am actually kind of happy those laggards aren't here. LHCF and healthy hair (healthy physical shape period) is NOT for the lazy people. And we don't need them pulling us down

:up: :up: :up:
Originally Posted by deejoy
It might be the $5. I thought about telling my friend about this forum since she wants her hair long for her wedding in November but then I said nah, I talk about her on here.

LocksOfLuV said:
OMG:lachen: !!!!

I keep my "friends" away for that reason too....:look: :lachen:

Ya'll crazy.....:lachen: :lachen: