When you meet a guy, which do you prefer?


Well-Known Member
Do you prefer the guy to ask for your number, give you his, or both of you exchange numbers?

I've heard arguments from both sides which is why I prefer to just exchange...

So, what is your preference and why?
I'd always give my number - that way, there was no question about who was supposed to make the first move/arrange for another meeting. If I didn't hear back from him in a week - :look: - I 'forgot' who he was.
I prefer to give him my number. I guess I'm old fashioned. I would never call a guy first.

I'd always give my number - that way, there was no question about who was supposed to make the first move/arrange for another meeting. If I didn't hear back from him in a week - - I 'forgot' who he was.

See I've always leaned towards this but my friends look at me side ways like what difference does it make. :ohwell: I feel like if a guy is really into you he will make sure he gets your number and it forces him to be the initiator.
I give my number so he can make first contact. I'm not terribly old-fashioned but I want it to be clear who is pursuing who.
I prefer him to get my number. The only reason I ever took somebody else's number is bc I was not really interested in giving them mine in the first place.
As a single woman: I preffered to give a man my number. If he wanted to talk to me, he would call. If not...Ahh well...

As a woman in a relationship: If a man approaches me, and won't take "No" as an answer, I take his number, act like I'm saving it to my phone with the promise to call later, and I just never call.
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I prefer him to get my number. The only reason I ever took somebody else's number is bc I was not really interested in giving them mine in the first place.

This is what I do. I only take the number if I'm not interested and toss/delete ASAP. Other than that, I prefer to exchange numbers although I don't make the first call.
I get his number. Usually because it's a way to appease someone I'm not interested in talking to anyway but who is persistent about exchanging contact info. If they have my number they can call me, but if I have their number and decide I don't want to talk to them, no call ever has to be made. I might give an email address, but it is rare (average once a year or two) that I'll give a guy my number.
I don't do this often, but I prefer to give my number out. Or I exchange numbers so that I know who's calling.
If I take the number, and we don't exchange, then it's certain no call will be made :lol:
My sister told me that she takes their number and when she calls she blocks her number.
If she don't want to talk to them after the inital convo, she don't have to worry about them calling her and she tells them that you have to be safe, so that's why she blocks her number.
I'm kind of old-fashioned too, so I prefer to have a guy ASK me for my number, and then I'll decide whether or not I want to give it to him. I don't do the random: "hey...here's my number" type of thing. :nono: But then again, maybe that's why I'm still single. :look:

If he comes across as a guy who is just trying to be "Friendly" but has ulterior motives down the line (trying to go the "friend" route in other words :rolleyes: ), then I'll "exchange" numbers. That way, I"ll know it's him calling.

I like to screen all of my calls too. :yep: Of course, exchanging numbers is the BEST option IMO. But if that can't be done ,then I'm just giving him MY number. I'm not getting his number if he doesn't have mine. There's too much temptation to call HIM instead of the other way around. You know what I mean??
My sister told me that she takes their number and when she calls she blocks her number.
If she don't want to talk to them after the inital convo, she don't have to worry about them calling her and she tells them that you have to be safe, so that's why she blocks her number.

Hmmm... :scratchch GOOD idea! I never even thought about doing this. That's smart.
I give my number, if they insist on giving theirs I'll take it and toss it into the next trash bin without a glance.
I like an exchange of numbers... if I'm really into the guy b/c I'm a control freak. But I always make the guy call 1st. Now if its a guy I'm not really into, but will go out with him he can have my number and i don't care if I get his number. Now if its a guy I am totally not into at all. I get his number then delete it.

I hate when men are like I'll give you my number then you text me back with yours. So I just say, I will later.
I prefer to give the guy my number. That's what happened with my new boo. My cousin actually gave him my number. I didn't ask for his. He called me like the next day to set up our first date. :lol:

Like others have said, the only reason I will take a guy's number is if he can't take no for an answer, and I have no intention of calling him in the first place.
Do you prefer the guy to ask for your number, give you his, or both of you exchange numbers?

I've heard arguments from both sides which is why I prefer to just exchange...

So, what is your preference and why?

At this point in life, I feel that if a man wants my number he is going to have to work for it. I am not going to make it easy for him. If he is really interested then he will pursue it if not then it wasn't meant to be. To answer the question, no we won't be exchanging numbers. I'm not giving mine out and I'm not taking his.:nono:
hmmm, I see....I'm the lone wolf

I prefer to take theirs...my privacy is sacred
and if they seem okay after a few calls....not obsessive
then they get mine.......lol..w/rules!


if he's super hot..I'll give it to him
without question....
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Exchanging works for me. But when I take their number I always say, "I'll be expecting your call" or something to that nature so they'll know I expect them to call me first. If it was a guy that I was really feeling and he didn't call after a couple days; I would call.:callme: One of my good male friends entered my number wrong into his phone when we first met. Now if I didn't call him he would've missed out on this bomb-*** spades partner! :poker: