When it Rains it Pours!!


Well-Known Member
Hey all!

This is just a friendly reminder to everyone who may be feeling down and out about being single, or is finding themselves dateless and wondering why. Let me tell you from personal experince..shift your energy and your phone will be ringing off the hook.

I've been on a personal mission, amongst many other missions, to get out there and date...leading to meeting my future beau/husband/love of my life. I have been known to be the queen of singledom, the eternal third wheel, the one who self prophesied to be a spinster for life and fooled herself into thinking that this was the way it was supposed to be, and better yet, that I preferred being single. Using words like untethered, 'free to be me', and too busy, I effectively squashed the natural urges in me for romance and companionship.

Many months ago, I realized that the ONLY reason why I was single was because of ME and only ME. How was I expecting to meet someone while I'm feeling depressed, bored and boring, bitter, unfocused and unkempt. Yes I did date a couple of folks during this period, but believe me, they all echoed those same attributes, and were not worth my time.

Lately I have been actively changing my focus on life, actively thinking positive thoughts, actively pursing my future career goals, and just feeling sexy and pleased with myself. Instead of stressing over a guy who recently let me down, I brushed my shoulder off and kept it moving. The old me would just get depressed, and bemoan the whole dating scene and probably lambast the entire male world (jerks, loosers, dogs, freaks, idiots..anyone with a penis would get called out) And of course the next guy that I met would be a jerk, loser, etc. That darn cycle.

I have a date with a nice, funny guy this weekend, who has been actively pursuing me for the past 3 weeks. (despite my passive attempts to ignore him) He is not my physical "type", but he has many good qualities that I look for in a man. And today this(gotta say fine, gotta say tall, gotta say older, and I can tell has a good job..woosah) man got on my bus off the train just to get my number..we'll be going out next week. And when my other friend decides to mature a bit (aka man up) hey, we shall see.

Sorry for this long post/rant and I hope it's not too rambling. I just want to encourage all my fellow sisters who are/have been where I've been to keep doing you(rule number 1..shoot that's the only rule), and don't waste your precious energy/life force/spirit worrying about no maan!

I ain't saying that one of these men are going to be my future baby daddy (with the ring on the finger next to my left pinky..cause Duchesse don't play that) but I do feel that by putting myself out there, I'm making it easier for me to meet that man.(I mean, if man from the bus is him..well:grin:)

There is so much abundance in the universe (Thanks Wayne Dyer "Power of Intention"..plug and Jesus.. another plug) and I deserve a big ole' hunk of it!(shoot..we all do)
lol...your post is too long for my short attention span. (right now anyway..:look:)

But! I agree with your title!:rolleyes:
i love your post. so on point. i've been busy working, planning my future, and spending time with friends. haven't been thinking about a man. now they seem to be coming out the wood work. basically just have a life. :grin:
Hey all!

This is just a friendly reminder to everyone who may be feeling down and out about being single, or is finding themselves dateless and wondering why. Let me tell you from personal experince..shift your energy and your phone will be ringing off the hook.

I've been on a personal mission, amongst many other missions, to get out there and date...leading to meeting my future beau/husband/love of my life. I have been known to be the queen of singledom, the eternal third wheel, the one who self prophesied to be a spinster for life and fooled herself into thinking that this was the way it was supposed to be, and better yet, that I preferred being single. Using words like untethered, 'free to be me', and too busy, I effectively squashed the natural urges in me for romance and companionship.

Many months ago, I realized that the ONLY reason why I was single was because of ME and only ME. How was I expecting to meet someone while I'm feeling depressed, bored and boring, bitter, unfocused and unkempt. Yes I did date a couple of folks during this period, but believe me, they all echoed those same attributes, and were not worth my time.

Lately I have been actively changing my focus on life, actively thinking positive thoughts, actively pursing my future career goals, and just feeling sexy and pleased with myself. Instead of stressing over a guy who recently let me down, I brushed my shoulder off and kept it moving. The old me would just get depressed, and bemoan the whole dating scene and probably lambast the entire male world (jerks, loosers, dogs, freaks, idiots..anyone with a penis would get called out) And of course the next guy that I met would be a jerk, loser, etc. That darn cycle.

I have a date with a nice, funny guy this weekend, who has been actively pursuing me for the past 3 weeks. (despite my passive attempts to ignore him) He is not my physical "type", but he has many good qualities that I look for in a man. And today this(gotta say fine, gotta say tall, gotta say older, and I can tell has a good job..woosah) man got on my bus off the train just to get my number..we'll be going out next week. And when my other friend decides to mature a bit (aka man up) hey, we shall see.

Sorry for this long post/rant and I hope it's not too rambling. I just want to encourage all my fellow sisters who are/have been where I've been to keep doing you(rule number 1..shoot that's the only rule), and don't waste your precious energy/life force/spirit worrying about no maan!

I ain't saying that one of these men are going to be my future baby daddy (with the ring on the finger next to my left pinky..cause Duchesse don't play that) but I do feel that by putting myself out there, I'm making it easier for me to meet that man.(I mean, if man from the bus is him..well:grin:)

There is so much abundance in the universe (Thanks Wayne Dyer "Power of Intention"..plug and Jesus.. another plug) and I deserve a big ole' hunk of it!(shoot..we all do)

Thanks Duchesse

This is something i needed to hear. I was recently just let down buy a guy who I thought I knew.....so thank you. Good luck on your date:grin:
thank u so much for posting....even tho i think i'm still in that depressed & single phase....its always nice to hear other people's inspiration:yep:
Nice post... and yeah, it's easy to feel encouraged when we meet a new guy (or two), and our social life starts picking up. :drunk: I was feeling just like you about 3 weeks ago... :ohwell: The problem is when those guys turn out to be jerks, or just not what you're looking for (like they do, 99% of the time... :look: ) Sorry to be a downer, but I'm feeling very discouraged with the dating scene these days. :sad: Not saying that I've given up, but... I'm not in that "happy place" right now when it comes to men... :nono:
I agree with everything you said. I think in general when you are looking for something, you never find it. I am finally really happy being single, and now I can't seem to stop attracting guys! It's great:yep:
Duchesse, this is an EXCELLENT post. :up: You're my kind of chick. Kudos to you for doing you and staying positive. Good things are definitely headed your way. :clap:
Great post! :clapping:

This came at the right time for me too. Sometimes I get discouraged with a love that I have lost, but seeing positive posts like this encourage me to continue to just live life to the fullest and do me. For the past month and a half, instead of sitting at home feelings sorry for myself, I've been going out with friends, hanging out, talking on the phone to different ones, and just living my life without worrying so much about "him". I have completely changed my focus and have decided to mentally take a 5 month break from even viewing a guy as a "potential bf or husband" while I allow myself to heal.

This has taken off soooo much pressure from myself and probably from guys. Sometimes I think guys can sense when you want something TOO much (whether it be a relationship, commitment, marriage, or something else), and can get a little turned-off. They may not even know why, but they sense a "vibe". Plus, I've decided to stop being so negative about guys in general ("idiot", "jerk", "player" etc) and have started trying to see the good in all of them, and you know what?? Not only do I feel better, but these guys end up acting better too!

I think that in some way, you attract what you dwell on. If you think that all guys are jerks or players, well then that's all you're going to attract! If you give off a negative vibe, then you'll attract fellow negative people. But if you're POSITIVE, upbeat, just living your life no matter what happens, I think you'll attract more men this way.

So far this has been working for me for about a month, and I already feel A LOT better (less depressed) about it. :yep: :up:
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