When is the right time to "talk about it"?


Well-Known Member
How long did you wait to talk about s3x after meeting a person? Not having s3x with that person per se...but just discussing it in general! Like getting tested, past partners, being a virgin, celibacy, etc.

Is that 2nd date, 3rd date, 4th date conversations...or a few months into dating a person you should be bringing all that up?

When you first got with your SO (before he was your SO still in dating mode) when did this topic of discussion come up for you guys? How long after knowing him did you guys really sit down and talk about that?
I think it depends on the relationship. Whenever you are both comfortable I guess.
It also depends how long it usually takes you to give it up in a relationship......
WAY before you get hot and heavy in the backseat or on the couch, because we know guys will say anything to get the panties.

I think when you feel comfortable. I like bringing it up when I know that I can see myself with the guy, which I know right away. Plus I believe that I am a lot older than you, so us older folks tend to be more upfront and too the point than younger. I don't like tip toeing around things at all. I am the rip the bandaid off type of person.
Whenever I decide in my mind that this is a man that I want to get down with, then it's time to have the s3x talk.
Definitely not in the heat of the moment. That's recipe for disaster. It has to be a balance. Not to early, not too soon. If you guys almost do it before you talk about it then you didnt talk about it soon enough. If you can feel the sexual tension and both of you want it but dance around/avoid the subject y'all are waiting too long.
Well, to me s3x is a normal subject as discussing anything else in the dating phase. I can really talk about it like I'm talking about the weather.

I believe in having the conversation long before the actual act to make sure we are on the same page when it comes to that. Also, it is an ongoing conversation even after we are in a relationship.

I think most people overlook the subject after the initial conversation. This needs to be discussed continually and importantly as you do any other things in your relationship.
I don't take anybody's word for anything. Show me a piece of paper that says you're clean...an UPDATED one. Shoot, we can go together and get tested for everything under the sun. I've done that with my most recent partner. Condoms break, and there's the Plan B pill for pregnancy, but there's no Plan B for HIV.
Yeah this too. I was thinking about this two days ago. A trip to the clinic would be factored in there somewhere as well.

I don't take anybody's word for anything. Show me a piece of paper that says you're clean...an UPDATED one. Shoot, we can go together and get tested for everything under the sun. I've done that with my most recent partner. Condoms break, and there's the Plan B pill for pregnancy, but there's no Plan B for HIV.
I don't take anybody's word for anything. Show me a piece of paper that says you're clean...an UPDATED one. Shoot, we can go together and get tested for everything under the sun. I've done that with my most recent partner. Condoms break, and there's the Plan B pill for pregnancy, but there's no Plan B for HIV.

Good answer!!! I agree totally!