When Female Baptist Pastors Get Married to Female Catholic Bishops


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

I feel sorry for those under this gross deception... satan truly has their souls in serious danger.


For all the debate about whether women can be pastors or teach men—or even speak in church—there’s a bigger issue at hand this week as news of a female Baptist pastor getting married to a female quasi-Catholic bishop drives headlines across the country.

According to the Detroit Free Press, Bishop Allyson D. Nelson Abrams has stepped down from Zion Progress Baptist Church. She was the first female pastor there, but apparently breaking that ground wasn’t enough. Needless to say, most Baptists are shocked at the homosexual revelation.

Abrams, 43, not only married a woman, she also crossed denominational lines to do it. Her newlywed wife is Diana Williams, a bishop emeritus with the Imani Temple African-American Catholic Congregation in Washington, D.C. They got married in Iowa, where same-sex marriage is legal. Abrams has kept it a secret from the flock since March.

“We all know that we’ve been made in God’s image, and so no matter what you look like, no matter who you are, no matter what your orientation is, we should be free to love whom we want,” she told the Free Press. “Love is something that’s supposed to be unconditional. And as Christians, if anybody is supposed to be loving, we are.”

Although the news of Abrams gay marriage has sparked debate in the Motor City, she’s getting her fair share of support. Rev. Charles C. Adams, the pastor of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, one of the Detroit’s largest, is on board with the sexual immorality.

“Bishop Abrams is a very intelligent, conscientious and progressive minister,” he told the Free Press. “She has done a lot to help people. She, herself did not seek to make this an issue. It was an issue that from my understanding was ignited by rumors and innuendos ... somebody looking up the marriage certificate on the Internet.”

Well, could it be possible that some folks in the Baptist church discerned something was going on behind the scenes and didn’t want to tolerate a Jezebel influence in leadership?

It was inappropriate for Abrams to hide her gay marriage from the congregation, just the same as it would be for a pastor to hide an adulterous affair, a drug habit or some other habitual sin. By keeping her gay marriage secret, Abrams deceived the church.

And her willful decision to violate the tenets of her Baptist faith and pursue a lesbian relationship likely hurt a lot of people. Nevertheless, Abrams says, “I’m still going to preach and teach and do what God has called me to do.”

Ms. Abrams, I assure you God did not call you to marry a lesbian female bishop.

The gay agenda is getting bolder as it successfully recruits ministers of the gospel. Thirty United Methodist pastors from Eastern Pennsylvania agreed this week to jointly officiate a same-sex marriage in November.

Pastors, God did not call you to endorse something He hates.

More churches should do what Church of the Brethren in Pennsylvania did last month: fire the pastor when they start taking a stand for same-sex marriage.

Beloved, please lift up your voice in prayer and take a stand against sexual perversion in the pulpit and the pews.

If we continue watching rather than praying and taking the appropriate actions, we’ll soon be attending churches where godly pastors are forced to perform same-sex marriages or face severe consequences. Remember, in His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said:

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven”

Matt. 5:13-16).

Salt preserves, yet too many Christians have literally become tasteless, conforming to the world. Light overcomes darkness, but too many Christians fear persecution and keep their lamp hidden. And therein lies the irony. If we become more like the world, conforming to its demands, we will face even greater (not less) persecution in the days to come. If we remain apathetic and lukewarm, we will soon reach a tipping point in the culture wars that will make two female pastors getting married look benign.

God is able to strengthen His church to resist the darkness and to preserve what’s left of our Christian culture—and even rebuild it.

Take a lesson from the parable of the persistent widow:

“Shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:7-8).

Be found faithful. It will be worth it in the end.
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Female quasi-catholic bishop....well, there's the line...there is no such thing. No problems. The vast majority of catholic faithful and even lackadaisical attendees don't even believe in such. Women can be cardinals but not bishops. Bishops must have been priests. Women can never be priests. Priests can leave the priesthood and marry. Mine did. Shrugs. Marry who you love, it's not my problem.

It's like when you see that, it's a "bwahahahaha" second and then you move on. :lol: BTW, Imani Temple of Cafeteria-Catholic-Feelgud-Worship-Flavor is a schismatic organization outside the archdiocese of Washington. They ain't catholic in the first place. A lesbian wedding is the least of their problems spiritually. :lachen: :nono::nono: As they are not Roman Catholic, there's nothing we can do nor care to do about it.
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You really don't know who is in the pulpit nowadays.
It's important to have your own personal, intimate relationship with Christ where you hear his voice and know his spirit.
JaneBond007... I'm glad you came in to give clarity to the 'titles'.

I totally bypassed (overlooked) the Baptist/Catholic in the article (with my copy/paste). It was the two females claiming God's favour with what they call marriage, that stood out.

I want to immediately apologize to you and my Catholic sisters if my posting this article is offensive to you and your faith. That was never my intent. If this article is offense to any of you I will have it deleted, asap.

You are my sisters in Christ and nothing will ever change that. You, Galadriel and Belle Du Jour are dear to me and you always will be.

Please let me know about this thread. If you want it deleted I will do so.

Love to you all...

Shimmie :love2:
I saw this article in the paper this morning. I would know when I was overtaken. You have married (so you say) another woman and do not think you need to repent. A pastor. This is a personal walk. I am sorry for the people in that church. This is a sad event for them....and the body of Christ in general.:nono:
I saw this article in the paper this morning. I would know when I was overtaken. You have married (so you say) another woman and do not think you need to repent. A pastor. This is a personal walk. I am sorry for the people in that church. This is a sad event for them....and the body of Christ in general.:nono:

This is so disheartening ... to have this much deception in 'false leadership', misleading others into darkness and away from the Lord. :nono:
Oh no, I'm not offended in the least. That immediately stuck out to me so I went searching because I have never heard of that "parish" and he's heretical in schism with all kinds of nonsense. In other words, he is abusing the term "catholic" and when you mentioned "female bishop," it was SHUTDOWN time hehe. Stallings et al are in some murky waters, for sure. How horrid!! I couldn't even get to the story yet for all those blatant heresies just screaming out loud. :lachen::lachen:
This was quoted from the article as a defense for the gay union:

“Love is something that’s supposed to be unconditional. And as Christians, if anybody is supposed to be loving, we are.”

This is the response that speaks the Truth regarding that comment about 'Christian Love'.

Of course this is true but unconditional love is not the same as unconditional acceptance. A parent can love a child unconditionally but that does not mean that they are accepting of every behavior their child displays. My child might be an alcoholic but that does not mean that I will encourage them to continue to use alcohol.

The form of "love" that is being promoted here is really a false love that is used as an excuse to indulge in sexual desires that are clearly condemned in the scriptures.

True love requires that we warn someone about sinful and dangerous behaviors even if it means that this will hurt them or make them angry.

Excellent response to that 'overused' statement ... :up:
Oh no, I'm not offended in the least. That immediately stuck out to me so I went searching because I have never heard of that "parish" and he's heretical in schism with all kinds of nonsense. In other words, he is abusing the term "catholic" and when you mentioned "female bishop," it was SHUTDOWN time hehe. Stallings et al are in some murky waters, for sure. How horrid!! I couldn't even get to the story yet for all those blatant heresies just screaming out loud. :lachen::lachen:

Thanks JaneBond007... I mean it, thanks. :yep:


In the 3rd paragraph of the article, it states: a bishop emeritus. What do they mean by that?

Thanks again for sharing and giving clarity with these titles, etc.

It's important to know the facts of these titles mentioned in this article.

I'm looking forward to others comments as well.
As soon as I read the title, knew this woman wasn't Catholic. As JB pointed out, there is no such thing as a Catholic female bishop. I remember a local catholic (small c) church came out in support of SSM and they were quick to put an announcement in the bulletin that we don't claim them LOL. They are not Catholics (big c).

You really don't know who is in the pulpit nowadays. It's important to have your own personal, intimate relationship with Christ where you hear his voice and know his spirit.

This is one of the things I appreciate most about the magisterium of the RCC. Priests are bound to defend and uphold the teachings of sacred scripture and tradition. None of this "re-interpret doctrine as I go along to suit my beliefs." :nono:
Pope Benedict XVI is Pope Emeritus, he has "retired" but retains his honorary title, like professors. Maybe it's that he could resume if necessary without another election?

I heard that there could be a reconciliation with Stallings if he leaves that heresy but I don't think he will. He could very well have an "african-flavored" service but he just wants to be married, my guess. Arinze is African...Igbo, and those services have African flavor...but they are in good-standing with the Magisterium. They are in-line and under the Pope of Rome. SMH...Stallings. And maybe it's just the video I watched, but where is Our Lady? She leads us to Jesus, her Son. The more you love Our Blessed Virgin Mary, the more you love Jesus. They kid themselves...cuz African boys love their mommas...and Jesus, a Jew, was a good Jewish boy. He surely loves His momma and crowned her Queen of Heaven. :nono: Stallings just should have left the priesthood.
@JaneBond007... I'm glad you came in to give clarity to the 'titles'.

I totally bypassed (overlooked) the Baptist/Catholic in the article (with my copy/paste). It was the two females claiming God's favour with what they call marriage, that stood out.

I want to immediately apologize to you and my Catholic sisters if my posting this article is offensive to you and your faith. That was never my intent. If this article is offense to any of you I will have it deleted, asap.

You are my sisters in Christ and nothing will ever change that. You, @Galadriel and @Belle Du Jour are dear to me and you always will be.

Please let me know about this thread. If you want it deleted I will do so.

Love to you all...

Shimmie :love2:

Shimmie, there's nothing to apologize for :yep: As JB mentioned, there are no women priests and therefore no women bishops in the Catholic Church. While the congregation uses the title "Catholic," they are not in communion with THE Catholic Church. The congregation was founded by a man by the name of Stallings, who was a former Catholic priest but was excommunicated (i.e., stripped of his priestly duties and cast out from membership in the Catholic Church).

I agree, these women are wrong on several levels.
Shimmie, there's nothing to apologize for :yep: As JB mentioned, there are no women priests and therefore no women bishops in the Catholic Church. While the congregation uses the title "Catholic," they are not in communion with THE Catholic Church. The congregation was founded by a man by the name of Stallings, who was a former Catholic priest but was excommunicated (i.e., stripped of his priestly duties and cast out from membership in the Catholic Church).

I agree, these women are wrong on several levels.

Thanks so much Galadriel... :giveheart:
AFter seeing the video with Kanye and reading this, it is because he loves us so much that he has not released his wrath on us......but time is short! Time is short!
AFter seeing the video with Kanye and reading this, it is because he loves us so much that he has not released his wrath on us......but time is short! Time is short!

Oh but for the Grace and Love of God for us... Oh but for His Grace... :love3:
You really don't know who is in the pulpit nowadays.
It's important to have your own personal, intimate relationship with Christ where you hear his voice and know his spirit.

Yep. Your male pastor could be a secret child molester and/or have kidnapped women in his basement and when it comes out you'll wish the only thing he had going on was a secret legal marriage to a man in Iowa.
Imani Temple is not part of the Roman Catholic Church... Just thought I'd make that clear!

ETA: I see @JaneBond007, @Belle Du Jour, and @Galadriel already have it covered!

Thanks for still sharing happyLiberal.... It's always good to confirm for those who have not read the whole thread. :yep:

JaneBond007, Belle Du Jour and Galadriel are always on point and with a quickness to set the records straight. They are amazing with sharing their hearts and knowledge. :yep:
Yep. Your male pastor could be a secret child molester and/or have kidnapped women in his basement and when it comes out you'll wish the only thing he had going on was a secret legal marriage to a man in Iowa.

I get your point and it's a good one... :yep: :up:

...But for that last statement about a secret marriage to another male.. ummm no.