Pastors of L.A. Reality Show

Let's be real. Most 'Humans' will take it as close at they can get to having sex, when they know that they cannot have sex. So even that is 'shacking' or 'chambering', if only for mid-summer night's cat nap.

So we are calling taking a nap together "shacking" now? I just want to be clear...? I just always thought "shacking" was living together... maybe I'm the only one confused.:perplexed
I didn't see anything wrong with the Bishop asking that question. The Bishop and his wife weren't counseling them in an official capacity, but I think it was clear that they were wanting to offer some gentle guidance and Deitrick probably picked up on that. Also, I don't know if anyone else felt the same way, but when the Bishop asked if they were shacking I took it as him asking in a round about way if they were having sex. I guess shacking seemed a bit more discreet. The fact that Deitrick blew up at the question speaks volumes. That being said, for some reason I like Deitrick. He could stand some anger management classes, but for some odd reason I think that he is probably a really cool dude.

Geepers... compared to all of the others, liking him is quite easy... :lol:
So we are calling taking a nap together "shacking" now? I just want to be clear...? I just always thought "shacking" was living together... maybe I'm the only one confused.:perplexed

Question: Why would an unmarried couple take a nap together (in the same bed) if taking nap was all that was intended? When people 'shack' they are 'sleeping' in the same bed together. Taking a nap or spending the night in same bed, same difference.

Human nature is what it is. When it's laid out, eventually sex or foreplay or romantic touching is going to take place. All of which leads to sex, clothed or unclothed. I'm just being real here. People are going to hell for playing games with God with 'twisted values'.

We have to stop playing games with God. Get married and then take all the co-naps you want with each other. Simple enough. :yep:

Even for those who say, they are 'strong' and have no intention of going 'all the way'. There are others who have not conquered their 'flesh' and sexual desires and will think that they can still 'take a nap' and not be yielded.

We need to be honest about this. Napping together is no different than putting ones toes in the water. It's 'dipping' into the pool, one toe at a time. Napping and shacking are one in the same for people involved in activities that only married people should be doing.

One of the reasons men drag their feet to the altar is because they don't have to rush to take a nap with so many of these 'Church girls'. They can't have sex, but they will take a nap with him. :rolleyes:

Look how long it took Dietrick to finally marry Dominque...

I'm sorry Babygirl... but I'm Just sayin'... Shackin' / Nappin' same scenario.
So we are calling taking a nap together "shacking" now? I just want to be clear...? I just always thought "shacking" was living together... maybe I'm the only one confused.:perplexed

BTW: songbird8.... you're not confused, it's the values of "Make-Believers" are what's confused and outside of God's Word.

My post above sounds harsh towards you, but I wanted to make sure that you knew that it's not.

I haven't watched the show but based on what I've read and heard a lot of Christians are displeased with it.

I hope this show would open up the eyes of the Christian community.

My prayer is that Christians in general would stop supporting false prophets and false pastors. Stop attending their conferences; stop buying their books; stop listening to their broadcasts; stop sowing into their ministries. And that's when these false prophets/pastors will step down from the pulpit.

Exposure of their unrepentant sins will not shake them because Jesus is not their God. Money and fame is their god; yet, abusing and manipulating the Gospel to obtain their riches and so called power.
I do like some of his music too.
Sis, I don't understand what you are saying here?:spinning: But I would like to.:yep:
I believe that the Holy spirit is ever present based on my personal experiences as well as passages like the one below. I would like to hear the opinions of others. @Shimmie @Laela @Nice & wavy @yodie (and others please feel free to comment:yep:)

John 14:16-17 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

When something is abiding it is permanent. Or at least that is my understanding...
v.intr.1. To remain in a place.
2. To continue to be sure or firm; endure. See Synonyms at stay1.
3. To dwell or sojourn.

My key word is filled, no one is filled 24-hours with the holy spirit, it is what we pray for when we need it to be filled. We ask God to send the Holy spirit to help us understand when we are reading the bible, when we have to go before "whoever". The average joe is not filled, God has given specific instructions regarding the filling of the holy spirit.

Only those can be filled with the Spirit who are obedient. This means that the spiritual gifts cannot be demonstrated in the life of one who is breaking God’s law. Jesus said, “If ye love me keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever” (John 14:15, 16). No one should overlook the relationship between obedience and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The most basic fact about the Spirit is that He leads into all truth and convicts of sin.

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26).

Again Jesus said, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth ...” (John 16:13).

And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him” (Acts 5:32).

Christ taught in Matthew 7:22 that the end time will produce a phenomenon of Christians claiming the Spirit’s power in miracle ministry, but who are actually manipulated by the devil.

Truth and Lies cannot be blessed by God and you cannot receive the filling of the holy spirit while having one foot in and one out.

The Scriptures repeatedly assert that the Holy Spirit cannot dwell with those who are disobedient. "And we are his witnesses of these things and so also is the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him." Acts 5:32.

many people misunderstand Scripture and believe that if they haven't spoken in tongues, they haven't been baptized with the Spirit. The charismatic movement has misled people in this regard. We have a wonderful God who has given us many different gifts but He doesn't give the same gifts to every person. Read 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 and you will see how diverse the spiritual gifts are, and how not all have been given the same gifts. The tongues movement that we see today is relying on emotional experiences for a spiritual high that are not a true evidence of the working of the Holy Spirit.

Though individual members may have different gifts, they can all receive the fruits of the Spirit. As it says in Galatians 5:22, 23, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." The Holy Spirit's main purpose in baptizing and pouring out His power is to convict people of sin and give them the power to overcome. The greatest evidence that we have been baptized by the Holy Spirit is the transformation of character that takes place within us as we submit our lives to God. Ephesians 4:11 says: "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:" What this tells us is that all the gifts of the spirit will be in operation to some degree or another until the very end of time on this earth.

Throughout the Bible we can see that there have been ebbs and flows in the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit. There were many miracles occurring during the time of Moses, but later, in the time of the judges, Gideon was led to ask, "Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites." Judges 6:13. There was a long stretch during the 400 years between the Old and New Testaments where we have no record of the Spirit's workings, and then with Christ's coming and the Spirit falling upon the apostles there was an explosion of gifts. The Dark Ages was a "dry" spell, followed by the Reformation of the 1600's, and then the great revival of missionary zeal in the 1800's. But the workings of the Spirit through His gifts never cease altogether.
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I'm not quite so sure that it isn't a sin per se. Any actions that can cause your brother to stumble are transgressions I believe. Secondly, we are talking about a church leader - leaders are held to a higher standard. If this is the standard he is setting well it just opens the door wide open for those he is supposedly shepherding. A man/woman of God should be above reproach.

If any actions that causes our brother to sin is a transgression then as I've asked before where do we draw the line as far as living our personal lives. I can't speak for no one else in this thread yes I am human but I or FH have not tried to get close to sex we have been dating since we were in high school we're 29 now and if we wanted to go there it's something we could've done so a very long time, it's the one thing we both committed to a long time ago. Christians love to denounce the sins you can see, but it's the hidden sins (hate, envy, jealousy, pride, malice, etc) that does the most damage to a person as well as the body of Christ and no I'm not putting sins in a hierarchy. Bottom line "shacking" "laying next to" isn't a sin and no preacher or bishop can make me believe otherwise. I have a relationship with Jesus and He hasn't convicted me or FH, we all ( Christians) have weaknesses but it isn't the same for every believer.
Chambering is found in the KJV, however mostly every interpretation I've read interprets chambering as sexual immorality/ promiscuity, cohabitation doesn't even fit in the context, but if someone found an actual commentary that says chambering is cohabitation please post a link. I don't agree with dettrick's behavior as a whole but I do agree with him being tired of pastors preaching things that aren't in the bible I was surprised the bishop didn't use the same scripture shun the appearance of evil especially since that's what pastors pull out when they are trying to convince someone a particular action is a sin without the bible explicitly saying so. Yes as a believer you do not want to cause a brother to stumble but where do you draw the line, can I not go to an event that may play secular music because that may appear evil or am I not allowed to dance because someone believes it's inappropriate touching and thus appears evil. Cohabitation isn't a sin, but like many things it can lead to sin, I think you need to know yourself and you SO. I have stayed with my soon to be husband many times for a week at a time and even slept in the same bed and we have never had sex not even inappropriate touching, so I disagree with cohabitation implies sin is being committed.

Chambering/cohabitation/fornication/sexual immorality/lust are all the fruit of the same tree, sin. However, it has been my experience that church folks are very hypocritical when it comes to shaking. For instance my husband and I lived together for before marriage, we received a lot of criticism for doing so. However many of the people criticizing were fornicating themselves. While we received many lectures about shaking, none of these lectures ever mentioned fornicating. Saved people should not be fornicating period, whether it be at a shared home, parent's home, hotel, on the weekends or just sometimes. It a shame that we have lowered our standards so much that we give people or ministers a pass for fornicating and committing adultery, as if it is impossible to be chaste until marriage, but God has not changed his standards. Just like all this separated non-sense. If you are not divorced you are married, it is really that simple. Why are people trying to make it seem complicated? I am just baffled and appalled that people actually support this kind of non-sense. Having a ostentatious, fornicating adulterer for a preacher is like having a non sober AA sponsor or an illiterate English teacher.Just :nono:
Chambering/cohabitation/fornication/sexual immorality/lust are all the fruit of the same tree, sin. However, it has been my experience that church folks are very hypocritical when it comes to shaking. For instance my husband and I lived together for before marriage, we received a lot of criticism for doing so. However many of the people criticizing were fornicating themselves. While we received many lectures about shaking, none of these lectures ever mentioned fornicating. Saved people should not be fornicating period, whether it be at a shared home, parent's home, hotel, on the weekends or just sometimes. It a shame that we have lowered our standards so much that we give people or ministers a pass for fornicating and committing adultery, as if it is impossible to be chaste until marriage, but God has not changed his standards. Just like all this separated non-sense. If you are not divorced you are married, it is really that simple. Why are people trying to make it seem complicated? I am just baffled and appalled that people actually support this kind of non-sense. Having a ostentatious, fornicating adulterer for a preacher is like having a non sober AA sponsor or an illiterate English teacher.Just :nono:

I get what you're saying but I think my issue is that some ppl see cohabitation and automatically assume you MUST be fornicating and I'm saying that's not the case for everyone.
If any actions that causes our brother to sin is a transgression then as I've asked before where do we draw the line as far as living our personal lives. I can't speak for no one else in this thread yes I am human but I or FH have not tried to get close to sex we have been dating since we were in high school we're 29 now and if we wanted to go there it's something we could've done so a very long time, it's the one thing we both committed to a long time ago. Christians love to denounce the sins you can see, but it's the hidden sins (hate, envy, jealousy, pride, malice, etc) that does the most damage to a person as well as the body of Christ and no I'm not putting sins in a hierarchy. Bottom line "shacking" "laying next to" isn't a sin and no preacher or bishop can make me believe otherwise. I have a relationship with Jesus and He hasn't convicted me or FH, we all ( Christians) have weaknesses but it isn't the same for every believer.

As a Christian my goal is to live a life that is pleasing to God, to be Christ like, to extend the love of Christ to everyone I come in contact with and to spread the good news.

1) If God lives in me then I take him wherever I go and he does everything I do. Before I go anywhere I ask myself if this is an environment that God would want to be in. Would Jesus want to be at a place with people twerking, getting drunk, cursing, and all kinds of debauchery, even if I am not participating? I think not.

2) If it is my goal to bring people to Christ, then I have to know that the people will first look at my life. They will look to see if I practice what I am preaching. They will also try to find anything they can to discredit my testimony. Why would I live my life in such a way as to give them any ammunition to discredit me?

The goal of my life is to please God and save souls not have "fun". Jesus gave his life for me though I certainly did not deserve it, it is certainly not to much to ask in return that I refrain from doing things that he specifically asked me to or that may cause others to fail or may be used to discredit me.Whether it be fornication, drinking, smoking, clubbing, watching certain programs, listening to certain music or taking naps none of these things are too much to sacrifice to please God or win souls and can not began to measure up to the sacrifices Jesus endured for me.

IMO to many "Christians" are too attached to this life and the "pleasures" of this world. I really wish people would stop straddling the fence being lukewarm. Either you are for God or against him. Either you take the narrow road to everlasting life or the wide path to hell. (you in general not specifically)
I get what you're saying but I think my issue is that some ppl see cohabitation and automatically assume you MUST be fornicating and I'm saying that's not the case for everyone.

That is the point we are making. If you are chaste and cohabiting and you are witnessing to someone they are probably going to see you as another person claiming to be saved and to love the Lord while fornicating, they will put you in the same box as all the other false prophets they have heard and dismiss your message no matter how good it is. However, if your image and life are beyond reproach they will say hmm maybe she is different, maybe she really does know what she is talking about and they will be more likely to actually hear and listen to your message. For instance would you take relationship advice from a married couple that "appear" to be unhappy and argue all the time? Probably not. Even though they may actually be very happy and have good advice. But if they do not appear to have what many would consider the characteristics of a strong, healthy, happy marriage, most will dismiss anything they have to say.
I get what you're saying but I think my issue is that some ppl see cohabitation and automatically assume you MUST be fornicating and I'm saying that's not the case for everyone.

disgtgyal It may not be the case but we are called, as believers, to not let there be any appearance of evil (1 Thess. 5:22) among us.

Christians are to be the light of the world and an example for others on how to live righteously. Most people assume that couples living together are having sex, whether they are or not. How would it look in the eyes of an unbeliever if a Christian couple was co-habitating? They could easily falsely believe fornication is ok in the sight of God because it appears that the couple is engaging in it.

That's the cost that comes with declaring yourself a follower of Christ. Everyone expects you to live with higher standards and this must be shown through our actions. We can't let anything we do be a stumbling block to believers or non-believers.

Not only that, but one should never think they are so strong in their faith that they could handle temptation. By placing yourself in such a situation, the possibility for fornication is much greater than if you were living separately. Remember that the flesh is still weak so don't put it in situations in which you can fail.
How so? Please explain

The sisters who quoted you above have shared it wonderfully and without offence. :yep:

The bottomline is that you cannot continue to 'sleep' in the same bed with your future husband until he is your husband.

Don't set yourself up like this to be yielded to temptation. The 'world' does this, not women who are yielded to Christ Jesus. You are also 'teaching' others to do the same when they should not.

You mentioned in one of your posts that you have not been 'convicted' by God about sleeping and cohabitating with your future husband. Don't let satan deceive you. He also tricked Eve who was right there in the total presence of God in the Garden.... yet she yielded to the voice of her flesh; satan tempted her in her fleshly desires and her pride. She yielded.

Make him earn it...with a ring. Get married before you nap.

Wishing you the best.
My witnessing isn't compromised because my friends and acquaintance who know me and do we'll know that the one thing I am is completely honest about my struggles and walk with God and it's that makes me a good witness, not shunning the face of evil for someone sake or not doing something because of what others way think or doing so behind close doors, that's being fake. I'm assuming those who believe in abstaining for the sake of your brother also don't drink any type of alcohol... Like I said I know myself we haven't yielded to temptation thus far we survived our teenage raging hormone phase we definitely will be okay especially being we will be married in less than three months.
My witnessing isn't compromised because my friends and acquaintance who know me and do we'll know that the one thing I am is completely honest about my struggles and walk with God and it's that makes me a good witness, not shunning the face of evil for someone sake or not doing something because of what others way think or doing so behind close doors, that's being fake. I'm assuming those who believe in abstaining for the sake of your brother also don't drink any type of alcohol... Like I said I know myself we haven't yielded to temptation thus far we survived our teenage raging hormone phase we definitely will be okay especially being we will be married in less than three months.

Your mind is set, however I have to respond for the sake of those who are reading and may be mislead, risking their souls to fall into sexual sin.

Sleeping together is serious and it is a gift to be reserved for Marriage, a man and wife coming together as one. For a Christian couple unmarried, it's playing Russian Roulette.


What do you say to the new babe in Christ? A new sister in the Lord who is 'watching' you? A young niece in your family? She 'copies' you and falls into sexual sin.

We're called to set a standard. It's for a reason and it also to protect us. And God blesses us for doing so.

"Whatever we give for the Lord's sake, He will surely bless us in return...

Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee.

And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,

But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.

But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.

Mark 10:28-31

Many things that 'we' put first, will end up being last.

God's way is always better :love2:
Your mind is set, however I have to respond for the sake of those who are reading and may be mislead, risking their souls to fall into sexual sin. Sleeping together is serious and it is a gift to be reserved for Marriage, a man and wife coming together as one. For a Christian couple unmarried, it's playing Russian Roulette. Question: What do you say to the new babe in Christ? A new sister in the Lord who is 'watching' you? A young niece in your family? She 'copies' you and falls into sexual sin. We're called to set a standard. It's for a reason and it also to protect us. And God blesses us for doing so. "Whatever we give for the Lord's sake, He will surely bless us in return... Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee. And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. But many that are first shall be last; and the last first. Mark 10:28-31 Many things that 'we' put first, will end up being last. God's way is always better :love2:

Yes sleeping together as in having sex is reserved for marriage, but sleeping together as in laying in the same bed isn't " reserved for marriage" for you and others it may be Russian roulette but that isn't the case for me. I'm tired of pastors, bishops, and believers adding on to the word or even using what God said to them specifically and saying that it applies to all believers; there was a pastor who visited our church a few times and she always spoke about how believers should not eat red meat and it's the reason why believers are so sick and how God doesn't want his children eating red meat, only to find out God said that to her specifically... Needless to say I have a problem trusting "mature" Christians. In college two of my best friends we're males and I can't tell you how many times were in each other's apt and each other's bed without anything happening. I'm sorry my sleeping in the same bed just isn't an issue for me my experiences are different. As far as your question anyone close enough to "watch me" is close enough to know about my walk with God and how I operate in my relationship with Him. I say to Christians all the time you need to know yourself and know where your weaknesses lie.
But if we continue to play with fire, we stand a greater chance of getting burned. The Bible tells us to flee youthful lusts. The Lord knows how much we can stand, we do not.
@disgtgyal - Congratulations on your upcoming marriage and your ability to resist temptation.

I think what @Shimmie and others are trying to say is that it's not all about you. You have done a great job of not giving into temptation for yourself but as a mature Christian you have a duty to share your testimony and mentor younger women (Titus 2). MOST will not be as strong as you to resist the temptation during cohabitation, so why set that as an example. Why set them up for failure? Be the example that (hopefully) you will teach. The Bible tells us to avoid the "appearance of evil". It's not just those close to you that are watching you. I'm sure it's more people than you know. Someone gave a beautiful example upthread about Ruth and Boaz.

I don't think that cohabitation on the surface is sinful, but you have to think about the ripple effect. It leads to temptation (which you personally have been able to resist) and it also causes others to stumble and fall because of our example.

Anyway, you know you situation so Congrats to you.

This post is in no way to throw stones. We all have sinned and fall short of God's glory. Thank God for Grace! Something that I had to learn in the last few years is when a sister corrects you just accept it. It's all in love, and speaking God's truth. It brings us closer to God. Salt sometimes hurts, but it also heals. Let's keep pressing toward the mark.

Be blessed!
Just touching & agreeing with the honest & Word-based teaching & admonition in here. Thoroughly enjoying observing the spirit of the Lord working through you ladies. :)
I do appreciate the advice given here because it was in a non judgmental manner, but as a poster said I know my situation, we both committed to waiting and that's what we did there is no way we would come this far to fornicate now, but to each their own.
@disgtgyal - Congratulations on your upcoming marriage and your ability to resist temptation.

I think what @Shimmie and others are trying to say is that it's not all about you. You have done a great job of not giving into temptation for yourself but

as a mature Christian you have a duty to share your testimony and mentor younger women (Titus 2). MOST will not be as strong as you to resist the temptation during cohabitation, so why set that as an example. Why set them up for failure? Be the example that (hopefully) you will teach.

The Bible tells us to avoid the "appearance of evil". It's not just those close to you that are watching you. I'm sure it's more people than you know. Someone gave a beautiful example upthread about Ruth and Boaz.

I don't think that cohabitation on the surface is sinful, but have to think about the ripple effect. It leads to temptation (which you personally have been able to resist) and it also causes others to stumble and fall because of our example.

Anyway, you know you situation so Congrats to you.

This post is in no way to throw stones. We all have sinned and fall short of God's glory. Thank God for Grace!

Something that I had to learn in the last few years is when a sister corrects you just accept it. It's all in love, and speaking God's truth. It brings us closer to God.

Salt sometimes hurts, but it also heals. Let's keep pressing toward the mark.

Be blessed!


Thank you for such a beautiful message and so lovingly shared. :giveheart:
I do appreciate the advice given here because it was in a non judgmental manner, but as a poster said I know my situation, we both committed to waiting and that's what we did there is no way we would come this far to fornicate now, but to each their own.


Thank you for sharing your heart and for doing so with such grace.

What you've shared has opened up an issue that has been 'hidden' in the Body of Christ and needed addressing.

Wishing you God's best for your upcoming Marriage. We may not agree on the co-napping :)lol:), but may I please and with all of my heart thank you for representing Marriage between One Man and One Woman, under God.

Marriage is my Ministry and it is no secret to anyone here how strongly I support Marriage and that which is God ordained, between a man and wife.

For this, I thank you and I will support your marriage in prayer. At anytime you need prayer please do not hesitate to ask. The ladies in this thread and forum love you and want only God's best in your life.

God bless you and future hubby... beyond words and beyond 'co-naps'. :giveheart:

Hey Babygirl.. :kiss: Are you doing okay? I love you. :love2:

And yes... You 'read' me right. :yep: I pray that I'm wrong. I truly do. I know that gays have been delivered and are faithful in ministry.

However, looking at those pictures... you 'read' me for sure.

I definitely think Deitrick looks gay. The gay vibes are radiating from the television screen whenever he comes on.
I definitely think Deitrick looks gay. The gay vibes are radiating from the television screen whenever he comes on.

Did you see the guy that was in the studio with him at the beginning of Wednesday's episode? He is Deitrick's road manager. Anyway, that guy was giving off some kind of vibe too. I sooooo want to give Deitrick the benefit of the doubt because he looks at Dominique the way a husband should look at his wife. But then he wears a shirt with small, delicate flowers on it and I'm confused again.