Pastors of L.A. Reality Show

Did any one catch what Deitrick said when he approached Dominique with the idea of eloping right then, but still having the wedding ceremony? He said something to the effect of God had blessed them out of order....the baby, then the house, so why not just go ahead and get married now. I was thinking to myself that God works in decency and order, so a pastor....a man who is supposed to know the Word...say that God has blessed them out of order? Their actions were out of order, God wasn't out of order.

:amen: :amen: :amen:
This is why you have to know the bible for yourself. In the last episode, Ron Gibson was preaching in front of the church and trying to get a rise out of the crowd. While he was busy saying that he feels 3 haters among the clergy; he didn't misquote, but straight up created his own scripture.

Ron Gibson said: "In Ecclesiastes 9:11 it says A man that doesn't recognize his season is like a fish out of water."

That is a LIE.

Ecclesiastes 9:11-12 KJV says:

11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
12 For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.

This is how people fail to gain power in The Lord. Every chapter and verse of the bible has a specific place and purpose. When you sit under someone who can so freely misquote the scripture without knowing for yourself the true and living word, you are positioned as bait for confusion.

It happens toward the end of episode 6 and I had to watch it again to make sure he said it. All I can say is wow. :perplexed
This show isn't at all as bad as I thought it would be. If they deleted Deitrick Haddon/Dominique and all of their rationalizations, it could even be really good. I think the worst thing about it is it invites Christians to gossip, as Christians are the people most likely to watch.

Love the Hazlips. A heart for ministry and loving others is so apparent in them and the Gibsons. I also think that Myesha is a very good example.

The materialism is way too much. At the same, I don't see them chasing money, either.

I really don't mean any offense, so I hope you don't take any, BUT we're supposed to go to church "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves...". People are always quick to say don't judge, but as a Christian, I'm suppose to point out what's right and what is not right. If you want to label that judging, then fine. After all, aren't we going to judge the world when Jesus returns? I think it's wrong to judge with a haughty attitude, but I don't think it's wrong to clearly point out foolishness (IMO) and at the same time examine myself to see that I'm not doing the same junk, yet still professing to live by the word of God.

Church does allow us to fellowship, but it's where we're to learn the word of God and afterwards take that word and rightly go out and disciple/draw others to Christ.

I dont "choose" to tithe. I'm obedient to God's command to tithe. I "choose" to follow God's word and some of this foolishness does NOT line up with the word. So, if anything I wrote in this post is judging, then I'm guilty of doing so.

People FALL because of our actions. Is it right? Maybe not, but it's true. People fall and walk away from God because they see shows like this and feel like God isn't real, those preachers are all fake, it's a game....Endless excuses.

I'm not saying my next comment applies to you, but I find that those who constantly say don't judge are often the ones that secretly feel condemned about something in their lives OR have areas of their lives that they don't want to change, so 'don't judge' provides them a level of comfort to continue doing whatever they feel like doing. If and when I do wrong, I may not like the correction, but I know that I have to get that thing right OR else God will judge me for me it.

I don't think anything entitles me to God other than the fact that He gave his son for me and invites me to come and fellowship daily with him, the fact that he calls me his own. NOTHING I do on this earth can entitle me to a relationship with the Father other than he freely invites me to have one with him.

So, I judge this show and the behaviors the pastors display as very wrong. I believe that there's so much filth in our world because under the premise of "not judging" so many things have crept in. I haven't watched an episode and don't intend to. I was a member at both Noel Jones and McClendon's church. First hand experience of ALOT of things to know that what they've done and continue to do is not right. They, like all of us, need prayer and repentant hearts.

Wow @yodie, I couldn't have given this a better voice myself. I felt like jumping out of my seat and praising God for the pink & bolded. It was all I could do to contain myself.

Girl I still feel like runnin' and jumpin':bouncy:

I agree with most of what yodie said, the show was purely for entertainment and had nothing to do with using the platform to spread the gospel. Noel Jones seems like he needs to be healed from the hurt caused by his mother, the pastor with the thick mustache good lord he is so materialistic kind of reminds me of someone who been poor their whole life and suddenly comes into a lot of money. Detrick is very manipulative and his now wife seems way too immature to be married. McClendon- really God "told" you who your wife is while you were married come on. The only one who seems okay is the white pastor, his heart appears to be in the right place...

As far as the "don't judge me" mantra of the pastors as well as most Christians I believe at least for me it stems from he who is without sin cast the first stone. I too and quick to tell someone don't judge me if I feel you aren't trying to correct me but condemn me esp regarding something the bible doesn't explicitly forbid. I've witness where God told someone not to do something and that person went on a campaign trying to get everyone in church to not do it as well. The one thing I've learned regarding judging is that Christians tend to judge that which they feel superior to/ don't struggle with. Not that there is a hierarchy of sin but hate, jealousy, greed, envy does more damage to the spirit than formication or having a baby out of wedlock, God is concerned with the hidden man for a reason.
Ok the only reason I am about to comment extensively is because I heard about the so called drug intervention episode with the sister. SMH at the network and Gibson's. Yeah right Dana is a drugged out Heroin addict for years. LOL She gotta check for that act I am sure. Not saying she hasn't grappled with addiction in the past but that was for ratings.

The Gibsons were raised right and decent. They are definitely used to material things. Ron is just one of a variety of disgusting OG hood hustlers and pulpit pimps. He flipped his hustle into the church a long time ago imo. It seems like the growing trend and no shame in their game.

As I've stated before I've known the baby boy Charles Gibson since 5th grade, we attended jr high together and I dated him off and on thru-out 11th-12th grade. The mother was a Evangelist and Minister. They moved out of Compton in the late 70's to Baldwin Hills. Ron was out of the house way before they moved to BH. Way before the move they were the Gucci this, Gucci that folks but I guess Ron just loves to brag and boast.

I wish pastors would stop with the haters commentary in the pulpit. Its inappropriate to feed that nonsense to the masses if you want them to grow in Christ, love and life.

I would like to see Charles preach but I'd probably get mad if he preaches like his brother. Charles was a low key, cool, very caring and nice guy that was concerned with what his mother thought. Ron on the other hand always did what he wanted obviously. I recall us talking about learning from our older siblings mistakes ie heavy drugs and gangs. PCP and Heroin was rampant during our older sibling school years. During Ron's tenure in gangs they didn't do drive bys. They did armed robberies and large home mover robberies. Ok I'm done running thru memory lane of Compton.

By the way I have never watched a episode. I knew nothing good would come of it. There is no way anyone could do reality tv thinking it would be a positive experience unless you are blinded by money or producing the show imo.
Ok the only reason I am about to comment extensively is because I heard about the so called drug intervention episode with the sister. SMH at the network and Gibson's. Yeah right Dana is a drugged out Heroin addict for years. LOL She gotta check for that act I am sure. Not saying she hasn't grappled with addiction in the past but that was for ratings.

The Gibsons were raised right and decent. They are definitely used to material things. Ron is just one of a variety of disgusting OG hood hustlers and pulpit pimps. He flipped his hustle into the church a long time ago imo. It seems like the growing trend and no shame in their game.

As I've stated before I've known the baby boy Charles Gibson since 5th grade, we attended jr high together and I dated him off and on thru-out 11th-12th grade. The mother was a Evangelist and Minister. They moved out of Compton in the late 70's to Baldwin Hills. Ron was out of the house way before they moved to BH. Way before the move they were the Gucci this, Gucci that folks but I guess Ron just loves to brag and boast.

I wish pastors would stop with the haters commentary in the pulpit. Its inappropriate to feed that nonsense to the masses if you want them to grow in Christ, love and life.

I would like to see Charles preach but I'd probably get mad if he preaches like his brother. Charles was a low key, cool, very caring and nice guy that was concerned with what his mother thought. Ron on the other hand always did what he wanted obviously. I recall us talking about learning from our older siblings mistakes ie heavy drugs and gangs. PCP and Heroin was rampant during our older sibling school years. During Ron's tenure in gangs they didn't do drive bys. They did armed robberies and large home mover robberies. Ok I'm done running thru memory lane of Compton.

By the way I have never watched a episode. I knew nothing good would come of it. There is no way anyone could do reality tv thinking it would be a positive experience unless you are blinded by money or producing the show imo.

at the bolded amen!
:look: Ya'll ain't gon believe who sent me a facebook message today. :lachen::lachen: Now why out of the blue would he be texting me? He is married so I gather he has heard I posted here about him. :lachen: :lachen:

I am going to reply Hey you I guess you heard I was talking bout ya. :lol:
:look: Ya'll ain't gon believe who sent me a facebook message today. :lachen::lachen: Now why out of the blue would he be texting me? He is married so I gather he has heard I posted here about him. :lachen: :lachen:

I am going to reply Hey you I guess you heard I was talking bout ya. :lol:

Say what? Oh
Say what? Oh
Yes Nice & Wavy. There is no way that was outta the blue. Somebody in here told that man that I posted here and probably showed him a screen shot of me. I bet he said yep I used to date her crazy butt and when she was a runaway I harbored her too.

Pastahhhhhh Charles Gibson replied you are CRAZZZZZZY. :lachen: He act like the upstanding cool dude that I recall. He said he has been married 30 years, with three awesome kids and he is loving it. I told him I was just talking about you and you must've heard me. :look: I love this place, its such a small world. Thanks for getting me back in touch with Pastahh Charles. He told me to come see him preach, I will enjoy it and he WILL behave.

I told him he better be good like the great blues singer Syl Johnson would say. He knows I'm silly and he still likes to laugh obviously. I will make sure to check him out before I book it out of Cali the New Year.
Last edited:
Yes Nice & Wavy. There is no way that was outta the blue. Somebody in here told that man that I posted here and probably showed him a screen shot of me. I bet he said yep I used to date her crazy butt and when she was a runaway I harbored her too.

Pastahhhhhh Charles Gibson replied you are CRAZZZZZZY. :lachen: He act like the upstanding cool dude that I recall. He said he has been married 30 years, with three awesome kids and he is loving it. I told him I was just talking about you and you must've heard me. :look: I love this place, its such a small world. Thanks for getting me back in touch with Pastahh Charles. He told me to come see him preach, I will enjoy it and he WILL behave.

I told him he better be good like the great blues singer Syl Johnson would say. He knows I'm silly and he still likes to laugh obviously. I will make sure to check him out before I book it out of Cali the New Year.

firecracker... :love2:

O my Goodness, 'Fire' that's too funny that we have 'spies' who go back and tell. :secret: :lol:

Anyway, Girl, how are you? I pray all is well, Sweetheart.

While I'm here...

:wave: Hi Pastor Gibson... :look:
Hi Shimmie my love.. I am doing a lot better. Thanks for all your prayers and health information last year. I actually use the supplements you suggested and they really work. I blame you for my loving Avocado now. 2013 was great.

I hope all is well with you. I wouldn't call them spies. LHCF'ers are everywhere honey. LOL I gave Pastahhh a quick run down on what I've been up to and thru as only the black Lucille Ball could do. I told him about my awesome church and Pastor. I also told him I have ran into a few people from the area/neighborhood there. He stated he heard great things about my Pastors work in the community. He said his sister Shaun will be coming there soon. I was happy to hear from him.
Maybe I'm late, I just came across this article. wow...

Deitrick Haddon Suggests Leaving Church if Pastor Rebukes ‘Preachers of LA’ From Pulpit
3:00PM EST 11/6/2013 GINA MEEKS

Deitrick Haddon has spoken out against pastors preaching against the reality show he stars in, 'Preachers of L.A.' (Facebook)
Deitrick Haddon, one of the stars of the controversial reality television series Preachers of L.A., used social media to speak out against pastors preaching against the Oxygen network program from the pulpit.

“If your pastor's message is all about #PreachersofLA this sunday I recommend that you find another church,” he tweeted Saturday to more than 180,000 followers. “Preach the word & that's all! lol”

However, the gospel singer was open to criticism regarding his comment. JoAnn Williams Handy disagreed with him, responding, “@DeitrickHaddon That's NOT a reason to go to another church if that's where GOD placed for that season.”

Haddon replied by simply writing, “Amen…”

The 40-year-old Preachers of L.A. star’s comments came after several pastors were quoted speaking against the show on Bishop T.D. Jakes of the Potter’s House recently spoke about the show to his Dallas congregation.

“Now, I know you been watching that junk on TV,” he said. “I want to tell you right now, not one dime of what you’re sowing right now will buy my suit. I want you to know my car is paid for.”

He added, “I want you to know I got my house on my own. I want you to know I’m not bling-blinging. I am not shake and bake. I had money when I came to Dallas, and I plan to have some when I leave. I’m not from L.A. I’m from Dallas.”

The Rev. James C. Perkins, pastor of Greater Christ Baptist Church in Detroit and vice president of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, says the show is likely to cause people to think church leaders are primarily interested in fame.

“I don’t think the show represents the best of the Black church tradition,” he told “The downside is that people often paint all pastors with a broad brush and, after watching this show, they may well begin to associate all pastors with those behaviors. There are many pastors who are out here serving the people and not just serving themselves.”

Haddon recently explained why he joined the show in an interview with Sister 2 Sister magazine.

“I cannot pass up the opportunity to share the gospel with 100 million homes on a weekly basis for eight weeks,” he said in the November issue of the magazine. “People are interested in our culture and gospel music in the church, but everybody’s afraid to share the truth about who we are and what we do.

“And I think the next dimension of winning souls—or just sharing the gospel—is just being transparent. It’s not being fake and phony and up on the pulpit preaching to everybody else but not sharing who you really are or your flaws.”

He added, “We have yet to see the effect [the show] will have, but my agenda is to share my testimony with the world and show people who we really are as men of God and people who are trying to do what God has called them to do, even in their humanity.”
Hi Shimmie my love.. I am doing a lot better. Thanks for all your prayers and health information last year. I actually use the supplements you suggested and they really work. I blame you for my loving Avocado now. 2013 was great.

I hope all is well with you. I wouldn't call them spies. LHCF'ers are everywhere honey. LOL I gave Pastahhh a quick run down on what I've been up to and thru as only the black Lucille Ball could do. I told him about my awesome church and Pastor. I also told him I have ran into a few people from the area/neighborhood there. He stated he heard great things about my Pastors work in the community. He said his sister Shaun will be coming there soon. I was happy to hear from him.


:giveheart: I'm happy you're doing much better. I eat as much Avocado as possible (i.e. guacamole and in smoothies).

I have to remember that LHCF is truly World Wide... :peep:

It's a small world especially that you know Pastor Gibson. :yep:

Shimmie says 'Hey' to Pastor and family... :lol:

On a serious note, I'm happy to hear that Pastor Gibson's sister is doing better and I pray for her strength and complete deliverance, in Jesus' Name.

When Jesus' Heals, He Heals and there is no going back. I pray a constant guard around her precious heart and soul and body in Jesus' Name. Amen. The seeds of Righteousness which have been planted into her soul shall prevail and exalt over the weeds of the enemy.
Maybe I'm late, I just came across this article. wow...

Deitrick Haddon Suggests Leaving Church if Pastor Rebukes ‘Preachers of LA’ From Pulpit
3:00PM EST 11/6/2013 GINA MEEKS

Deitrick Haddon has spoken out against pastors preaching against the reality show he stars in, 'Preachers of L.A.' (Facebook)
Deitrick Haddon, one of the stars of the controversial reality television series Preachers of L.A., used social media to speak out against pastors preaching against the Oxygen network program from the pulpit.

“If your pastor's message is all about #PreachersofLA this sunday I recommend that you find another church,” he tweeted Saturday to more than 180,000 followers. “Preach the word & that's all! lol”

However, the gospel singer was open to criticism regarding his comment. JoAnn Williams Handy disagreed with him, responding, “@DeitrickHaddon That's NOT a reason to go to another church if that's where GOD placed for that season.”

Haddon replied by simply writing, “Amen…”

The 40-year-old Preachers of L.A. star’s comments came after several pastors were quoted speaking against the show on Bishop T.D. Jakes of the Potter’s House recently spoke about the show to his Dallas congregation.

“Now, I know you been watching that junk on TV,” he said. “I want to tell you right now, not one dime of what you’re sowing right now will buy my suit. I want you to know my car is paid for.”

He added, “I want you to know I got my house on my own. I want you to know I’m not bling-blinging. I am not shake and bake. I had money when I came to Dallas, and I plan to have some when I leave. I’m not from L.A. I’m from Dallas.”

The Rev. James C. Perkins, pastor of Greater Christ Baptist Church in Detroit and vice president of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, says the show is likely to cause people to think church leaders are primarily interested in fame.

“I don’t think the show represents the best of the Black church tradition,” he told “The downside is that people often paint all pastors with a broad brush and, after watching this show, they may well begin to associate all pastors with those behaviors. There are many pastors who are out here serving the people and not just serving themselves.”

Haddon recently explained why he joined the show in an interview with Sister 2 Sister magazine.

“I cannot pass up the opportunity to share the gospel with 100 million homes on a weekly basis for eight weeks,” he said in the November issue of the magazine. “People are interested in our culture and gospel music in the church, but everybody’s afraid to share the truth about who we are and what we do.

“And I think the next dimension of winning souls—or just sharing the gospel—is just being transparent. It’s not being fake and phony and up on the pulpit preaching to everybody else but not sharing who you really are or your flaws.”

He added, “We have yet to see the effect [the show] will have, but my agenda is to share my testimony with the world and show people who we really are as men of God and people who are trying to do what God has called them to do, even in their humanity.”

He needs to quit playing games, especially with his foolishness on and off of that show. I never got past the first two episodes, it was just that offensive and an extremely poor representation of and to the Body of Christ.

He needs to quit playing games, especially with his foolishness on and off of that show. I never got past the first two episodes, it was just that offensive and an extremely poor representation of and to the Body of Christ.


This man is delusional. Who in the world listens to him? This is crazy. I don't bother with trying to watch an episode. :nono:
This man is delusional. Who in the world listens to him? This is crazy. I don't bother with trying to watch an episode. :nono:

:wave: Hi Health&hair28...


I agree, how can he tell someone not to go back to their Church when their Pastors are only telling the truth and exposing the hypocrisy of this show.