And Precious Wavy, I love you
"Iron Sharpens Iron"....
Precious Wavy, I pray this very prayer for you, my brother --- your husband who looks unto you to sharpen the sword of the Spirit which he bears so courageously and against a world so full of sin and destruction.
And for every woman who bears the FULL armor of God and looks not back, neither hesitates to answer when called.
The word of God says, "Deep Calls Unto Deep". We women are the vessels who carry the Word deep within our bellies. We out number those in Church attendence; we out number those who 'hear' the cries of hunger, be it hunger for food, thirst, or God's love.
We have a bottomless chamber that continues to 'draw' waters which are needed to quench the thirst and the void of this world, filled with so many whom are lost and without God.
Was Proverbs 31 written in vain? Of whom does it speak? Of a man's virtue or that of a woman called Virtuous?
Women are indeed called to lead. Not in oppostion to the head which is her husband, for it is he who rises up and calls her blessed. He rises up....embrace those words about husbands....'He rises up'; the man rises UP to the woman who carries the word and leads him in Virtue. She does
... She does.
I can't help but wonder how many marriages have been saved by women who would not give up her 'Lead' in Worship, Prayer, and Consecration unto the Lord.
How many Pastors have been shielded from falling into the pits of sin, lust and self-destruction, were it not for the woman/women who took heed to lead.
How many children have been saved from the Pied Piper of destructive paths, had it not been for the woman who took heed to lead.
How many Samuels have been birthed and nutured into this earth, For it was Hannah, not her husband who took the lead in earnest, ferverent prayer, to conceive a son whom was dedicated unto the Lord.
Had a woman lead, would the sons of Eli have sinned so profusely upon the Temple steps of God? Their father Eli, a man failed to stop them.
Does not Proverbs instruct the son, to take heed to his mother's words?
Women were designed and created to lead. Above men? Nno
...beside them? Yes
, and when no other call is answered, she stands as the Shepperd whom God has called to take the stand, abandoned by man.
Iron Sharpens Iron. There's none sharper than a woman whose lead is to sharpen that of men.