When did you discover that your hair LOVES a certain product?


Well-Known Member
I've been 100% natural for nearly 6 months and have recently discovered that my hair LOVES protein. I bought the mega jug of Giovanni Smooth as Silk conditioner and have been going through it like water for a few days. I have BKT too and the conditioner still works wonders for me on top of the keratin treatment.

It's been my go to conditioner since at least December 2009 if not earlier.

What products does your hair just love:love:

And how long did it take you to figure it out?
well everyone knows i love care free curl, and scurl: dicovered this years ago when i tried it and my hair felt too soft to be true! then i started retaining length like nobodies bizzznasss! and now that im texlaxed my hair still loves these products. this week i dicovered coconut oil(again), my natural hair didnt like itbut my texlaxed hair loves it!!!
Every product that I love except for one my hair loved the first time I tried it. For conditioners, as I'm rinsing I'm saying wow. For moisturizers, as I'm using I'm saying WOW! And the next day also! I'm pretty decisive on most of the products, the ones that just felt okay never jumped into the "now I'm in love" category even after I used up the entire bottle or container.

The only product I had to re-visit to fall in love with is Bee Mine Hair & Scalp moisturizer. I use it after a rollerset because it is non-water based so it doesn't cause reversion but still moisturizes and keeps the hair extremely smooth.
I just discovered that my hair loves protein, in particular, Aphogee, the hard core one. I used it last weekend. I've read good and bad reviews of it but it worked wonders for me. I'm loving the results!

One product that I'm not too impressed with is Salon Care Cholestrol. It doesn't seem to make much of a difference in my hair.

subscribing as I don't know how to tell this as of yet. I'm a newbie and I keep reading comments like, you're hair will let you know or whatever your hair likes...i'm not there yet with being able to tell...perhaps one day soon though...but how do you know? by moisture, less breakage, etc?

ETA: i'm relaxed.
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good question, as I've always wondered this myself. I know what I like to put in my hair based on price, smell, how soft my hair feels with the product, ingredients, but I've wondered how others determined how their hair loves a product.

is it that the hair behaves better/easier styling?
is there less breakage?

a lot of times, just because hair looks good because of a product, doesn't mean it's good for the hair, you know? i don't know...

I've never really had a product make my hair look or feel dry/badly so it's hard to figure what is best. I've just now stuck to my shea butter & oils mix which is 1) cheap, 2) good smelling 3) great ingredients. It's great for styling and just everyday general use. So far, there's been no adverse effects, so I'm gonna stick with it. It's all I use, that and Herbal Essences Hello Hydration
I discovered that my hair loves V05 MOisture Milks Starwberry and Cream Conditioner :lick:after I had a disaster from using Mane n Tail Conditioner. Before I joined this site and before i knew anything much about hair care, a friend told me that Mane n Tail worked wonders for her hair. I jumped on the bandwagon and that horrid conditioner had my hair looking fried. I mean it was shriveled up to half its lenght and crunchy after doing a DC.

I couldnt comb it and it was totally shrunken up and coarse. My hair was a silky 4a growing nicely after my BC. :wallbash: I had extreme breakage; a major setback

I bought the V05 conditioner and i washed my hair with it every day for a week and then i cornrowed for another week.It took me about a month to get my hair back smooth and moisturized.

I learned the hard way, but my hair loves V05 Moisture Milks and Lustra Silk Shea Butter, Cholesterol + Mango Condish, which also helped with getting myhair back to normal :lick:
My hair loves water, certain oils and creamy products.

I was able to discern my hair’s approval of specific products and ingredients by: (1) its reaction to the product after it is immediately applied; (2) its condition once the product has been rinsed off; (3) its overall state in the days and weeks following application.

I began to sort things into categories of “avoid at all costs,” “use in moderation,” and “highly favorable and safe for daily use” while sampling leave-in conditioners and moisturizers. After some time, I noticed that the products that produced both positive and negative reactions shared similar ingredients. For instance, my hair cannot tolerate any product that contains high concentrations of aloe vera, avocado and keratin; but will thrive when it is frequently co-washed, and given emollients and oils.

Proteins were the most difficult for me because my hair is protein sensitive, so I had to find sustainable methods of incorporating them into my routine. The only product my hair would allow is the ApHogee 2-Minute, but I recently switched to the Neutral Protein Filler with very good results. The addition of ceramide-based products and ingredients, though, has proven most beneficial in addressing my protein issues; e.g.., adding a glob of Aubrey Organics GPB during a DC process, adding wheat germ oil to conditioners and leave-ins.

So far, so good.:grin:
subscribing as I don't know how to tell this as of yet. I'm a newbie and I keep reading comments like, you're hair will let you know or whatever your hair likes...i'm not there yet with being able to tell...perhaps one day soon though...but how do you know? by moisture, less breakage, etc?

ETA: i'm relaxed.

With my favorite moist. conditioners, my hair feels so incredibly soft after rinsing that I stand under the water longer than necessary just so I can continue touching it. Detangling is a breeze because it provides so much slip. And when I am doing my daily moisturize & seal I realize I hardly have to add any product because my hair stays moisturized for dayssssss following my deep condition.

With my daily moisturizers, I don't feel the need to reapply a thousand times per day or notice that my hair has dried out at any time of the day...

For me...with each of my holy grail products once I started using them, I had no desire to "try" new things. And I am definitely a PJ from way back. But with each new HG item, it shuts the category down for trying new ones because I am just that satisfied with that item.
For the most part, I can tell that my hair LOVES a certain product based on how my hair feels when it's dry. I typically don't judge a product based on how it makes my wet hair feel because that can be deceiving. Some products have made my hair feel great when wet but terrible when dry.
I am also buying products based on how my hair feels (wet & dry). So far Giovanni Smooth As Silk has been my go to conditioner to release tangles. I have been using Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 since April (found a 32 oz bottle on a work trip to Chicago) and even when my hair is dry the Hawaiin Silky makes it feel moist.
Right now all I can truly say is my hair loves moisture/sealing and baggie'n the ends daily. I'm noticing a visible difference with incorporating this process based on board recommendations for dry hair. My nape area is always dry and I think it's very hydrated now. Now, it's on to learning what prods my hair like, mastering protective styles, air drying and stretching relaxer.