4a/b roller set and silk wrap post BKT (pics)

Thanks so much for your detailed response. You thoroughly answered my question and I appreciate it soooo much!! Thank you. :grin: With the wealth of information I have gained just on LHCF and youtube, I think I've gotten all the information/reviews that I need to be comfortable with trying it.Plus, I see that you are now a source on BKT. In reseraching, I saw how much time you took to find out about the product before venturing out there and that says a lot. Thanks again!

You're very welcome! Good luck Rainofglory. Please keep me posted. I love to see the different results.
There's definitely heat involved in the application but then it lasts for 2 to 3 months. During that time, it's very easy to do no heat/low heat styling and the result is temporary. Below is a side by side comparison of my curls after each treatment, nearly dry hair, no product. My natural hair is cute tight spiral. :)

I love the results of the straight hair, but those curls right there, that's what has sold me.

I've tried everything to loosen my curl pattern, short of texturizers, and was looking into getting a wave nouveau (Sooo glad I didn't)! I've ordered the Coppola and just waiting for it to get here!!!!!!!
Oh, that looks beautiful Sheba1! You're tempting me to do the BKT...except that I don't have the means for it.
I love the results of the straight hair, but those curls right there, that's what has sold me.

I've tried everything to loosen my curl pattern, short of texturizers, and was looking into getting a wave nouveau (Sooo glad I didn't)! I've ordered the Coppola and just waiting for it to get here!!!!!!!

Thank you, Btrflyrose! Yes, the curls have won my love. I thought I was going to have to sacrifice them for the straight hair. I'm glad, with bkt, I don't have to choose.

I'm glad you didn't wave nouveau, too! I was on the verge of relaxing if I hadn't come across bkt. I was so through with the knots and the long detangling time. I love my natural hair, but I was ready to throw it out a window if I hadn't found another way. I'm glad I came across this first. I see no reason to relax now. I don't have to fear heat as much, I can have curls when I want and sleek straight hair when I want. Doesn't get any better than that.

Oh, that looks beautiful Sheba1! You're tempting me to do the BKT...except that I don't have the means for it.

Thank you, Perlenoire! No worries, friend. BKT will still be there whenever you're ready :)

Beautiful. I really like how your natural curls look now. Very pretty.

Thank you, SoCalli! You are definitely one of the people that got me to give BKT a serious look. Your hair is gorgeous! And I love the way those that have been using BKT for a year or more have such silky, healthy looking, long hair. Thank you for sharing your experience!
What type of BKT did you use and why? How did you wear your hair for the four days prior to washing? Did you have to trim your ends? You may have answered these before, but I'm close to ordering and I realy need to know. I want to do this so badly and I am really scared.
Please help me.
What type of BKT did you use and why? How did you wear your hair for the four days prior to washing? Did you have to trim your ends? You may have answered these before, but I'm close to ordering and I realy need to know. I want to do this so badly and I am really scared.
Please help me.

Awww don't be scared, Caroline. There are many on the board who would be glad to help, including myself! We're in this together.

I used Global Keratin 2% because Global was the only bkt I'd seen done on natural hair, at the time. Now I'm in love with Naturaltobe's results and I'll probably finish my bottle of Global and then try Rejuvenol.

I only waited 24 hours after my first treatment before washing. Brittany also uses Global (she uses 4%) and washes after 24 hours also. The second time I waited 48 hours. I really didn't do anything differently then when I normally wear my hair pressed straight. I wrapped at night and covered with a scarf. In the morning I would unwrap and flat iron if there were any crimps. The day after I did my second treatment I added sabino to my whole head (to take down some of the wind blown effect) and flat ironed again. My hair became smooth as silk! I've decided since sabino is only cones and is good for color-treated hair I will do this after every treatment. I don't think it would harm the treatment, at all, as there are cones in the bkt.

I trimmed after my 1st treatment and then trimmed again right before my 2nd treatment. I decided to let go of my knotted ends and start fresh. Within a few months I expect to have regained that length and more; but with healthy ends free of single strand knots. :yep:

I hope I answered your questions. Feel free to ask more if more come to you.

If you decide to do the bkt do you plan on doing it yourself or going to a salon? If you plan on doing the treatment yourself please read the thread I did after my 2nd treatment. I'd learned so much after doing the treatment twice. What worked; what didn't. For instance, even though the directions say to do so, I do not blow dry my naked hair after clarifying :nono:. You can see my thread here: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=360326
Thank you! I cannot believe that I was scared to try BKT since 2007. I am over that now though....and got it done twice in once month.:grin:

I don't even feel like this is my own hair yet.:lachen:

Between you and Naturaltobe, BKT looks like a winner!!!

Beautiful results!!

Your hair is so pretty! I love your rollerset and your curls! I swear BKT is the best thing to happen to my hair all year..lol. :)
I just saw the pictures of Reg'sWife...I screamed!!! Her rollerset styles are tha whip! I'm doing this. I'm natural, she's natural, and you can have smooth, silky rollersets?!?! And hair that looks great right after a workout!!

Lord, have mercy.

I'm gonna go check my mailbox - NOW!! Anyone in Houston wanna hook-up my BKT?
OP, fab results. :love: I'm researching this and will probably try it next month.

Thanks!:grin: I love BKT. This is the most amazing product that I have used thus far. I get to keep my curls and still have manageable hair and wear straight styles without worry of reversion.

I kind of want it to rain just so I can see how my hair holds up in humidity.

My normal flat ironed hair, sans BKT, looks a hot mess if I am in humid weather for a long period of time. I went to a wedding last June with a nice flat iron but by the time I got to the ceremony, after walking outside in humid weather, I had to pin up my hair.:perplexed

Uggghhhh, this was me just last Sunday and it wasn't even a hot humid day. Just going about my day my hair started swelling up.
Naturals who BKT (no relaxer OR texturiser before BKT) how does your strands feel strenght wise during the time the BKT is still on your hair and after it wears off several weeks later? Does it feel similar to relaxed hair (more fragile wether wet or dry compared to your virgin hair?) or is it as strong as when your hair is natural without the BKT?

Naturals who BKT (no relaxer OR texturiser before BKT) how does your strands feel strenght wise during the time the BKT is still on your hair and after it wears off several weeks later? Does it feel similar to relaxed hair (more fragile wether wet or dry compared to your virgin hair?) or is it as strong as when your hair is natural without the BKT?


Hi there Evsbaby! My strand is definitely stronger and slightly thicker while the BKT is in it. I went 8 weeks between my 3rd and 4th BKT. During that time I went swimming in a chlorinated pool and a salt water pool and my curls returned to their pre-bkt size. My strands strength/thickness were about the same as they were before BKT then. I say "about" because they still were pretty strong. I continued to wet bun without fear. But I feel this was because I was still taking such excellent care of my hair; strength/moisture balance, PS, good detangling methods, etc.