Whats your winter hair care regimen?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I'm moving to DC this weekend and i've never had to deal with snow/ extreme cold weather before.

For the ladies with relaxed hair, what do you do during the winter months?

Also, I'm doing the Crown & glory technique, so during a couple of months in the winter i will have braids in my hair.

For the ladies who wear braids in the winter, what do you do during the cold season?

I would hate for all my efforts to be sabotaged by the ol' man winter. So I appreciate all the advise you can give.

Do you use your usual moisturizer, or something heavier?

I was thinking about using Hollywood Carrot Creme, I usually don't like heavy stuff like that but I may need to in DC for the winter.

Any product suggestions?
The winters really aren't that bad here in the DC area... but I'd say drink water, keep your hair moisturized and when outside protect your ends from the elements ( a non wool hat will usually do it) we still have pretty good moisture in the air even in the winter so your hair shouldn't really dry out