Whats your top pick?

which is your TOP pick

  • Protective styles

    Votes: 55 32.0%
  • Low manipulation styles

    Votes: 30 17.4%
  • deep conditioning

    Votes: 39 22.7%
  • co washing

    Votes: 8 4.7%
  • baggying

    Votes: 7 4.1%
  • trims/dustings

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • stretching relaxers

    Votes: 6 3.5%
  • avoiding relaxers

    Votes: 11 6.4%
  • prepooing

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • other (oil rinses, etc)

    Votes: 13 7.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, what would you say is your top pick that you give credit to for your hair health/length?

My first choice and poll choice would be protective styles.. I have realized that protective styling (using wigs) atleast 5 days a week is how I retain my length. followed by trims/dustings and stretching relaxers...and of course moisture, I spray my hair with water & conditioner mix every 2-3 days.
- Moisture/Protein Balance
- Taking care of myself internally
- Protecting and babying my ends
washing in 4-6 sections because its makes detangling a breeze

doing a hardcore protein treatment every 4-6 weeks

detangling with a shower comb after my hair is washed and using a leave-in with slip

m/s 3-5 times a week during colder/low humidity weather cause it combats dryness

trimming every 3months cause it makes for less breakage and splits
I voted cowashing, because it decreased my reliance on heat styling and relaxers and helped with increasing moisture in my strands. I love cowashing.
Voted other.
Protein moisture balance being out of whack kicked my butt even though I was doing all the good stuff. until I got it under control I didnt achieve retention.

Sent from my Galaxy Tab 2 using LHCF
I'd have to say low maniupulation. My hair was in great health and I was retaining with regular DCs, protein, protective styling. The retention really took off when I only combed on washday, and just finger detangled during the week, and moved wash/DC from every 5-7 days to every 8-12 days.
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I voted other because moisture/protein balance was not included in one line.

Voted other.
Protein moisture balance being out of whack kicked my butt even though I was doing all the good stuff. until I got it under control I didnt achieve retention.

Sent from my Galaxy Tab 2 using LHCF

Sorry about that ladies, I could only use 10 poll choices...but the choices you picked are good ones. I am still learning this.

This has saved my hair. I was getting my relaxers every 4 to 6 weeks, wondering why I could not retain anything past "bottom of neck level". When I finally started stretching to 12 weeks, plus protecting my previously relaxed hair at relaxer time, I saw drastic changes in my hair.

2. No direct heat

3. Moisturizing with water based moisturizers instead of GREASE
- Deep conditioning
- Stretching relaxers
- Trimming/dusting

Those are my top 3. There's not much that sets them apart really in terms of effectiveness but I remember the first thing I had to do to get my hair on a better track was actually deep condition or condition my hair more with good products on a consistent basis. Stretching helps me to see enough progress to stay patient and so I'm not just getting rid of my growth with scissors too often. Trimming/dusting helps with a bit of everything; deep conditions are better, stretching is easier, detangling is a breeze, no setbacks due to splits and just anything else you can think of.
I have very fine hair. I started stretching and not relaxing bone straight. It's not texlaxed, it's just underprocessed. Since then I have several inches of very thick hair due to ORS olive oil relaxers
I voted for protective styles, but my top 5 would be:

1. protective styles
2. low manipulation
3. deep conditioning
4. baggying/GHE
5. cowashing
I voted for deep conditioning. It's a must! My hair has definitely flourished doing it religiously.
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Relaxers were never a problem because I had long hair while still with a relaxer.

I would say what really helped me was:

Deep conditioners and Protective styling
Moisture, moisture, moisture. Protective styling is a close second.

For me, weekly dcing was enough. Moisturizing my hair throughout the week - even if it's only once - made a difference. PSing to hide those ends will give you results too. Buns are becoming a no-no lately for me because my hair is still loose if that makes sense. While my hair is braided, it's essentially locked in its detangled state.