What's your goal length?? and why?

Goal Length

  • Shoulder

    Votes: 45 3.7%
  • APL

    Votes: 120 9.9%
  • BSL

    Votes: 329 27.1%
  • Midback

    Votes: 365 30.1%
  • Waist

    Votes: 255 21.0%
  • Tailbone

    Votes: 75 6.2%
  • Classic

    Votes: 11 0.9%
  • Longer than Classic

    Votes: 12 1.0%

  • Total voters
Right now my short term goal is healthy shoulder length hair but my ultimate goal is bra strap. I have had short hair for a very long time so anything beyond that will be rewarding. :)
My first focus is healthy hair then if my hair could reach bra strap length I would be a HAPPY sistah. Right now....hmmm...my hair has been in hiding for 7 months so I dont know where its going to be but to see my hair in a much healthier state than it was back in December will make me happy! :)
BSL, makes it easier for me to do my hair at home. I'm pretty good at styling my own hair but can not do anything with it when its short.
I just want midback hair because anything longer would not fit me. I used to have BSL hair until I went pixie *sigh*, I love short hair, but my fiance' likes it long, so anything for my boo.....:p He thanked me the other day for not cutting it off in the past few years, cause I am notorious for grabbing a pair of clippers and calling it quits.:look:
I want two inches past shoulders but natural this go round. LOL So basically I just want my old length w/out the chemicals. Even though I say a girl on the bus stop w/the prettiest rollerset. Made me want to slap some creamy crack right back into the head!:lachen:
At first I just wanted healthy shoulder length (avatar). Then I wanted BSL. Now that I'm there I want WSL. I'm sure that I wont want it longer than that. But then again.....:lol: I want WSL because I just want to see if I can grow it that long. In a few years I will probably cut it all off short so I plan on taking a lot pics and videos of my LOOONG hair as proof that I had it!
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My goal is bra strap lenghth. I have never grown my hair this long and I am curious to see how it will look. Also, I see it now as a reward, I have put in this much time, I might as well go for the gold.
My goal is waistlength. I am about 1in to bsl. I think I can maintain waistlength. I am not much of a stylist so that should be easy.
I voted for midback/BSL - I want to see just how long my hair CAN grow - so I might let it get a little longer than that, but really, considering how thick & kinky my natural hair is (no perms for me!) I think that is the longest length that I can manage.
Midback/brastrap-- what's the difference? My bra-clasp comes down very low on me (perhaps because i'm pretty flat chested) so for me it's pretty much the same thing.

I think I just answered my own question.:perplexed
My goal is APL. I had hair this long all my life until I cut it to shoulder length when I started highschool 3 years ago. I wanted a change. But now that I'm about to start college in the fall I want my APL hair back. I dont think I want anything longer than this because I'm only 5 feet and I dont think it would suit me right
Shoulder length... APL at the longest. Anything else I doubt I would want to deal with. Plus once hair gets too long there aren't as many styles you can do with it outside of wearing it out or pulling it back. And salons charge more for longer hair.
Mid back. I've always wanted mid back hair. My hair has never been long. I will basicly feel more and more beautiful as my hair grows. I want to be at mid back by the time I go to my hs reunion in 09. I want to also want to prove people wrong about black hair not being able to grow. I've gone from neck length to collarbone. Hopefully at the end of this year I will be at shoulder and so on. I know that if I stay persistent I can do it.
My goal is waist length. My hair has basically been BSL my whole life and would like for it to be longer. It seems to just stay at BSL. Now that I am taking great care of my natural hair maybe it wil happen for me.:)
Okay, there's a fine line between bra-strap and mid-back lengths. Can someone tell me, or illustrate the difference for me??

Okay, now for the thread. My goal is bra-strap/mid-back (it's obvious that I'm not sure of the difference). I've always wanted long hair. I've always been able to get shoulder length, but never armpit length. I've always wanted to have thick, flowing hair down my back; or a thick, flowing ponytail down my back.

I do not want to go any further than bra-strap/mid-back because my hair is thick, and I don't think I would be able to handle anything longer than that. At least not when it comes to wearing it down. And, for me, that's the whole point of having hair that long.
Wherever I land between bra-strap and mid-back. I'll stop working on this after that :lol: . The main reason is that I love to rock curly styles, so I want them to fall a little below APL when curly.
I am not sure if I posted already but my overall goal is to have bra strap length natural healthy hair (stretched). The reason is because I like styling my hair in box braids and twists. I figure with bra strap hair when I twist or braid my hair will be at least past my shoulders. That way while its braided up/twisted I will have enough length to do cute styles w/ them.
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Ms_Twana said:
Okay, there's a fine line between bra-strap and mid-back lengths. Can someone tell me, or illustrate the difference for me??
:lol: I don't think there is a difference. I think if you're wearing the right bra it, the bra clasp should hit midback. Anywho, I chose midback bcuz I think this length is ideal and I've never been there b4 so it'll be an experience!