What's your best hair care tip for strangers and associates

What is your best tip?

  • Deep Condition Weekly

    Votes: 129 32.1%
  • Low Heat/No Heat

    Votes: 73 18.2%
  • Daily Moisturizing

    Votes: 79 19.7%
  • Hair Book -- Cathy Howse, Carolyn Gray, Shamboosie, etc.

    Votes: 13 3.2%
  • Stretching relaxers (if she's relaxed)

    Votes: 33 8.2%
  • Protective Styles -- buns, braids, and weave

    Votes: 32 8.0%
  • Protein Treatment (ie Aphogee 2 step)

    Votes: 5 1.2%
  • Frequent Washing (with shampoo or co-washing)

    Votes: 20 5.0%
  • Topical Growth Aide and/or Vitamins

    Votes: 9 2.2%
  • No combing except on wash days

    Votes: 9 2.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
If you met a nice woman with damaged hair, and she asked you how to improve her hair, what tip would you give her? This is not a close friend or a relative.

Which tip do you think 1) Is the easiest and cheapest to implement and 2) has the best chance of being effective.

I wore my hair down yesterday and today, and I got a lot of funny stares, and I know the questions are coming. One of the valet attendants (older bald man) at my office building commented on me wearing my hair down, and wanted to know what his daughter should do to grow her hair and asked if braids were a good idea. We ended up talking about protective styles, because I wanted him to know why I was wearing my hair up every day. Maybe he could pass on the info to his daughter, but I don't think this is necessarily the snippet I wanted her to know.
CAPlush said:
If you met a nice woman with damaged hair, and she asked you how to improve her hair, what tip would you give her? This is not a close friend or a relative.

Which tip do you think 1) Is the easiest and cheapest to implement and 2) has the best chance of being effective.

I wore my hair down yesterday and today, and I got a lot of funny stares, and I know the questions are coming. One of the valet attendants (older bald man) at my office building commented on me wearing my hair down, and wanted to know what his daughter should do to grow her hair and asked if braids were a good idea. We ended up talking about protective styles, because I wanted him to know why I was wearing my hair up every day. Maybe he could pass on the info to his daughter, but I don't think this is necessarily the snippet I wanted her to know.

Which tip do you think 1) Is the easiest and cheapest to implement and 2) has the best chance of being effective.

I would suggest eliminating all heat or all direct heat to the hair. This will give the hair a chance to be repaired and to heal. :)
Cronically dry dull hair no matter what you do? Check your water quality - you may need a QUALITY chelating shampoo to remove mineral deposits and chlorine before any other hair treatments will work.
Whoa. Its hard to chose just one because they are all about just equally important. You have to keep a balance with all of it. But I had to choose protein treatements because I was totally clueless about them before I found this site and I was shedding like a dog. For me, by hair always grew and it always 'looked' like a healty shoulder length. But little did I know how much longer and healthier my hair could be if I could just keep it on my darn head!

I was torn btwn protein treatments and the supplements. I gotta tell ya...that biotin and MSM works wonders.
I forgot the most important tip!!!

If you want to vote for Long Hair Care Forum as your best tip, please vote for "Hair Book" then explain in a post. I didn't want to leave that out, because I know a lot of members tell others about the forum.
I chose the deep conditioning weekly. Something they could easily do and it doesn't take up too much of their time, once a week. If it is easy then they'll most likely do it.
I voted for deep conditioning...adding this to my reg has done wonders. I'd also throw in low heat/no heat and protective styles :look:

I've seen so many relaxed women with flat ironed hair letting the wind rip through it :perplexed
I'd recommend a haircare book and LHCF. I think that would be more effective because it wraps all the essentials of haircare. Since it's a stranger, they will probably never see me again, so they can at least refer to the book or the site.
I also voted for deep conditioning. I seems like it can be the most effective even if those people don't change their typical hair damaging ways :lol: .
It is hard to choose just one, but right off the bat, I chose low heat/no heat..then naturally if this was a real situation I'd recommend the DC's, then stretching W/protective styles.
I do them all except for the hair books, but the one I voted for was the no combing. This is the one that got me from APL to BSL in 3 months along with cutting out all heat.
it's hard to pick just one but No Heat would be my pick. (and i would want to whisper deep conditioning weekly and run off. lol)
my initial reaction was to say deep conditioning, but then i thought of all the ywars i went ot salons, told them i wanted "deep conditioning" only to have them put Lord knows what in my hair, leave me under a dryer for like 10 minutes, rinse and then scorch my hair with all types of heat. if they were dc'in on their own then i would say deep conditioner, but for all i know the salon they go to could slap suave on their heads and charge them for it.

that said, i would say refer them to a book or this website so that they can be fully informed.
I would like to have three choices - :p

1. No heat/low heat - I think many women kill thier hair with heat especially when they are not

2. Deep conditioning weekly which is very important. It also means that instead of the infrequent wash and putting oil/grease on it, they would also

3. Wash more frequently - especially conditioner washes.

But - since I only have one, I will say deep condition weekly because that could include at least weekly washing and would help when she uses heat.
Which tip do you think 1) Is the easiest and cheapest to implement and 2) has the best chance of being effective.

Oh! Great thread CAPlush:) . Let'sss see, hmm, I def. have to go with less heat! The usgae of heat too frequently during the week is one of the hair downfalls for many women out there [former heat junkie:look: ]. That would be my number 1 advice. Next up, I would tell her to moisturize more, wash more[DC], include a protein and to relax less often, in that order.;)
Hi there, can I just ask a quick question about no combing. Does this mean you never comb your hair, or just once a week, or only on wash days? I mean if you don't comb your hair at all, how do you deal with the tangles?
Hi there, can I just ask a quick question about no combing. Does this mean you never comb your hair, or just once a week, or only on wash days? I mean if you don't comb your hair at all, how do you deal with the tangling?
moisture, moisture, moisture....i voted deep condition. i have told several ladies that their hair needs moisture. to moisturize their hair and dc:D. and also if they're relaxed i try to convince them to stretch the relaxers. most of them are overprocessing their but they dont want to hear it though. go 8 weeks, 10 weeks, 12, are you crazy!!! thats the response i get. :(
oh well but in the meantime they're wondering why they have breakage and no growth.
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It was hard to choose. They're all so important and have all helped me achieve healthier hair. I would say daily moisturizer b/c most often I get asked what moisturizer I use in my hair, elasta qp mango butter, and my oils. I think it's b/c my hair is natural, and is very soft, so people are surprised when they touch it. for me it really starts before that, so i also stress deep conditioning, and using a moisturizing shampoo( changed my life):look:
Tough question! I voted "deep conditioning", but I also think cutting out the use of heat is equally important. Those are the two areas I think most women of color are lacking in - we too often abuse our hair with heat appliances and don't properly moisturize it.
I voted No Heat. Once I stopped with the curling iron, I was actually able to retain growth. In reality though, the best tip depends on the state of the person's hair. If relaxed, no more heat. If natural, maximise moisture and low manipulation.

The absolute best one-size-fits-all tip would be to join LHCF.
rugen22 said:
Hi there, can I just ask a quick question about no combing. Does this mean you never comb your hair, or just once a week, or only on wash days? I mean if you don't comb your hair at all, how do you deal with the tangles?

It means your hair is only combed on wash days. If you choose not to comb your hair, you will also have to choose a style that is compatible with that option, ie rollersets, bun, or french braid. You also have to maintain your style so that it lasts until the next wash day.

If you want to wear your hair straight and flowing, you may not be able to avoid combing from wash to wash. If I'm wearing my hair down, I only comb the ends though, there is no need to tear through the roots when the hair is dry.
There are so many different suggestions for better hair care.
I would definitely say stay away from heat, make sure the scalp is healthy and less is always better. :)
I voted for deep condition weekly.

but if I could have voted for more than one..

then, low/no heat, stretch your relaxers, and also to read Cathy Howse's hair care book.
I voted for no heat/low heat......and I'd also add use protective styling and a sound cleansing/moisturizing regimen.

Less is more.
You didn't have it listed....clarify!! Most ladies I have given a little advice to have NEVER clarified or heard of it. I believe this is the beginning of getting that moisture into the hair and of course deep conditioning and relaxer stretching and protective styling is key. I just don't want to overwhelm the sista!!:lol:
oooooh, this is a toughie! If I had to choose just one tip it would be daily moisturizing, especially the ends. I still have to remind my mom about this one, she goes days/weeks without anything in her hair and is suffering some major breakage. Second runner up would be a good deep conditioner that's left on the hair for at least an hour with a heat cap. :)
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