what's your advice?


Well-Known Member
Well,Well,Well where shall I begin?

My friend had a heart to heart with me last night about her SO.

I’m quite shocked, as from the outside looking in, they seem to have a lovely relationship.

he appears to be a great father, and a nice man to have a relationship with.

She tells me, he makes $900 weekly, he gives her $600 straight up, i reply “ok…that’s not bad at all, a lot of people would be happy with that!?”

She says, he is a nice guy to be with.
He works 10 hours a day,he also does overtime when they need extra money!
He is a excellent father to the twins, he brings them on vacation, loves spending his “free time” with his family.

So I then ask “well then…..what is the problem?!”

She says the only fault she has with him his smoking excessive cannabis. :ohwell:
When he gets in from a hard day at work, he doesn’t smoke 1 nor 2 but three joints!

Most days, he can handle it and still does his duties in the house but a lot of the days? He is very exhausted and crashes out after smoking, leaving her to do a 24-7 "shift" with the twins.

She feels depressed, she has asked him to “cut back” but he refuses,he says that is one of the only things he does for himself.:drunk:

He confessed to her that he spends $100-$200 on it weekly!!!!!! And that really shocked her as he usually is good with money.

She says when they met five years ago, he told her he did not smoke, then one day, a year after they met they had their first disagreement he took out a joint and began smoking it, saying he is “stressed” she told him, she has nothing against it but she would prefer he does that stuff away from her.

He did not go into work one day last week, so spent the whole day, afternoon and evening with his friends. She tried to call him several times but he did not answer. One of his friends answered the phone and said they all had been drinking hennesey and smoking all day so her SO was “knocked out” sleeping on the chair, they were trying to wake him but he seemed like he was in a coma.

He called her back a few hours afterwards apologising, saying he cannot handle alcohol…blah blah blah…and he’ll be home shortly.

He came home with roses, chocolates and perfume for my friend and told her he will take over looking after the kids.

So she had a bubble bath and had a early night……

She says she loves him so much and is still going ahead with the wedding/marriage next year but she is going to tell him to change his ways or she will leave him, she says she is very depressed and doesn’t have the strength to really leave him. She needs help with the children, more help than he is offering. Her family live in a different city, so she only sees them occasionally.
She is askling me what should she do? But I do not know what to advise.
They both love each other a lot, raise the kids and manage the house well….
but she's obviously unhappy with the amount of cannabis he is consuming.she says when the twins were smaller he was looking after one while she was upstairs asleep with the other,when she came downstairs the baby had fallen on the floor:nono: and he was crashed out on the sofa. she couldn't wake him, he was in his"coma sleep"

If she was your friend/relative what would you advise her to do?
Wow that is a hard one. I have been married for over 15 yrs now.
My advise is the way you start is the way it will end.
She needs to be very clear about her expectation before the wedding, he want change after. Consider protecting her self and the kids (putting back money, not having more children). Appears he has a decent job, with this habit put him out of work if he is tested? Work it out before the wedding:yep: He will not change after.
Unpopular answer ahead: Why is she trying to change him now? She put up with it when she should have spoken her peace when she first found out about his habit. It is unfair to him, YEAH I SAID TO HIM for her to get all up in arms now when this has been going on for a while.

If he is going to change it will be because HE wants to change not her. Or he may make a quick change for HER get married then go back to what is natural for him. Please tell me she got preggo before she knew about his weed habit. If not, did she expect him to change after the kids?? There are thousands of woman who will tell her, "Yeah, that didn't work".
Chile I know you don't expect folks to on here to tell you their truth or dirty secret about drugs in their life or folks they love on drugs. I'll tell you since my *** ain't shame of ****. Da backyard boogie was/is my drug of choice! My hyper *** needs a downer!

That Kneegrow needs to go to rehab or cut that **** out cold turkey!
Joints ain't as addictive as those damn blunts! That mess is a double whammy. He may as well grab a pack of cigarettes and call it quits!
He has to want to stop and realize its not worth losing his family. Maryjane has become addicting and different from back in the 60's, 70's and they started doing **** to it in the 80's to make it addictive. Blunts are addicting because of the nicotine in the wrapping. Folks will start seeing blunt weed smoker w/cancer because one joint equals 8 cigarettes now add smoking 3 of those then death will be awaiting that *** fo real.

I love me some weeds but it had to be a fun party thang or a temporary stress related thang. Who the helz wants to be high all the damn time or weekend? I remember when my daughter busted me on the patio one day when she came home early from high school:blush:. Oh boy that was the end of that lil visit to happy land for a very very long time! :lachen: I ain't gon lie and say its not calming and a stress plus pain reliever but I'm against habits of all kinds be it gambling, drinking, shopping etc. Thank God I stopped that mess oncetagain. Now cursing is a whole nother thang!

When folks are shocked at my age and ask whats your secret I wanna say maybe it was those off and on meetings/sessions with The Chief along with eating in moderation plus decent food choices along with exercising.:look:

You want some mo true answers let me know cuz I doubt folks willing to share anything remotely like this around this ****! :rolleyes::lachen:
Oh tell her if she can convince him to clean his system, take a detoxing herb, drink cranberry juice and pray he can beat that habit. Until he is strong enough to be around those smoking buddies w/o induldging he needs to stay away or find new friends. Smoking weed aint fun alone thats why its called Happy Weed!

They say weed is a gateway drug but that was never true in my case and many that I know. I started in jr high and in high school I did it to gain wait more so then anything. I have quit for jobs, I got tired of it one day and simply because my mother didn't raise me to be a addict. I stopped for 5 years at a time, 2 years and several different increments of time over a 30 year period. I worked for law enforcement they were doing way worst drugs than weed! You would be shocked at who love meeting with The Chief. I guess I have no reason to go to Amsterdam now ****! Damn me for stopping again!
Chile I know you don't expect folks to on here to tell you their truth or dirty secret about drugs in their life or folks they love on drugs. I'll tell you since my *** ain't shame of ****. Da backyard boogie was/is my drug of choice! My hyper *** needs a downer!

That Kneegrow needs to go to rehab or cut that **** out cold turkey!
Joints ain't as addictive as those damn blunts! That mess is a double whammy. He may as well grab a pack of cigarettes and call it quits!
He has to want to stop and realize its not worth losing his family. Maryjane has become addicting and different from back in the 60's, 70's and they started doing **** to it in the 80's to make it addictive. Blunts are addicting because of the nicotine in the wrapping. Folks will start seeing blunt weed smoker w/cancer because one joint equals 8 cigarettes now add smoking 3 of those then death will be awaiting that *** fo real.

I love me some weeds but it had to be a fun party thang or a temporary stress related thang. Who the helz wants to be high all the damn time or weekend? I remember when my daughter busted me on the patio one day when she came home early from high school:blush:. Oh boy that was the end of that lil visit to happy land for a very very long time! :lachen: I ain't gon lie and say its not calming and a stress plus pain reliever but I'm against habits of all kinds be it gambling, drinking, shopping etc. Thank God I stopped that mess oncetagain. Now cursing is a whole nother thang!

When folks are shocked at my age and ask whats your secret I wanna say maybe it was those off and on meetings/sessions with The Chief along with eating in moderation plus decent food choices along with exercising.:look:

You want some mo true answers let me know cuz I doubt folks willing to share anything remotely like this around this ****! :rolleyes::lachen:

I totally agree with you. I'm from an island that it's not unpopular to partake in that particular 'activity'. I sure as heck am not ashame to say that I've done it in the past, and I have two brothers that partake in it currently. I personally don't have anything against it, but if it's an addictive habit, which is the case with your fiancee then that IS a problem. For all the many people that I know that uses cannabis, I've never known them to be so addictive where they can't function in their daily lives, and they need to have it every day. That's crazy. **** this aint' no damn crack. :nono:
Let me get this straight. He makes $900 weekly
He gives her $600 up front (is this weekly or monthly?)
He spends about $200 a week on blunts....

er....does she the mathematical dilemma here?

This man, if she marries him will spend away all their cash.

IMO she should leave him and not entertain anything from him until he has been clean for 1 year and from thence forward he will be subject to random pee tests.

But women are funny creatures.

She'll say that apart from that he is a wonderful man. He will change if he really loves me.
I'd see if he is willing to go to rehab for it, $200! weekly?
And lmao@ Firecracker.....do tell.

I know that is a ridiculous amount of money to be throwing away, I agree he needs rehab.

I totally agree with you. I'm from an island that it's not unpopular to partake in that particular 'activity'. I sure as heck am not ashame to say that I've done it in the past, and I have two brothers that partake in it currently. I personally don't have anything against it, but if it's an addictive habit, which is the case with your fiancee then that IS a problem. For all the many people that I know that uses cannabis, I've never known them to be so addictive where they can't function in their daily lives, and they need to have it every day. That's crazy. **** this aint' no damn crack. :nono:

I agree @ the crack comment,also if it is done occasionally It's not so severe but he really is over doing it.

Lol, It's my friends SO, not my husband,I couldn't/wouldn't put up with it:nono:

Oh tell her if she can convince him to clean his system, take a detoxing herb, drink cranberry juice and pray he can beat that habit. Until he is strong enough to be around those smoking buddies w/o induldging he needs to stay away or find new friends. Smoking weed aint fun alone thats why its called Happy Weed!

They say weed is a gateway drug but that was never true in my case and many that I know. I started in jr high and in high school I did it to gain wait more so then anything. I have quit for jobs, I got tired of it one day and simply because my mother didn't raise me to be a addict. I stopped for 5 years at a time, 2 years and several different increments of time over a 30 year period. I worked for law enforcement they were doing way worst drugs than weed! You would be shocked at who love meeting with The Chief. I guess I have no reason to go to Amsterdam now ****! Damn me for stopping again!

Chile I know you don't expect folks to on here to tell you their truth or dirty secret about drugs in their life or folks they love on drugs. I'll tell you since my *** ain't shame of ****. Da backyard boogie was/is my drug of choice! My hyper *** needs a downer!

That Kneegrow needs to go to rehab or cut that **** out cold turkey!
Joints ain't as addictive as those damn blunts! That mess is a double whammy. He may as well grab a pack of cigarettes and call it quits!
He has to want to stop and realize its not worth losing his family. Maryjane has become addicting and different from back in the 60's, 70's and they started doing **** to it in the 80's to make it addictive. Blunts are addicting because of the nicotine in the wrapping. Folks will start seeing blunt weed smoker w/cancer because one joint equals 8 cigarettes now add smoking 3 of those then death will be awaiting that *** fo real.

I love me some weeds but it had to be a fun party thang or a temporary stress related thang. Who the helz wants to be high all the damn time or weekend? I remember when my daughter busted me on the patio one day when she came home early from high school:blush:. Oh boy that was the end of that lil visit to happy land for a very very long time! :lachen: I ain't gon lie and say its not calming and a stress plus pain reliever but I'm against habits of all kinds be it gambling, drinking, shopping etc. Thank God I stopped that mess oncetagain. Now cursing is a whole nother thang!

When folks are shocked at my age and ask whats your secret I wanna say maybe it was those off and on meetings/sessions with The Chief along with eating in moderation plus decent food choices along with exercising.:look:

You want some mo true answers let me know cuz I doubt folks willing to share anything remotely like this around this ****! :rolleyes::lachen:

Thank you FC for your replies....REAL TALK....

I'm going to E-Mail my friend your reply, because it is as real as you can get.

lol, spill more true answers:yep:

I think the guy could be stressed or having a breakdown,so is trying to drown his sorrows in bud? Obviously I know some people that smoke it, but never to that extent. He hides it well though,when I see him he looks "normal" no red eyes etc.. :ohwell:

Unpopular answer ahead: Why is she trying to change him now? She put up with it when she should have spoken her peace when she first found out about his habit. It is unfair to him, YEAH I SAID TO HIM for her to get all up in arms now when this has been going on for a while.

If he is going to change it will be because HE wants to change not her. Or he may make a quick change for HER get married then go back to what is natural for him. Please tell me she got preggo before she knew about his weed habit. If not, did she expect him to change after the kids?? There are thousands of woman who will tell her, "Yeah, that didn't work".

I think the habit got worst with time.
She was actually pregnant when she discovered he smoked, I guess she thought it was just an occasional thing:ohwell: I'm going to E-Mail her this thread as I have no advice to offer her, I guess she is the only one that can decide what to do in this matter.

Wow that is a hard one. I have been married for over 15 yrs now.
My advise is the way you start is the way it will end.
She needs to be very clear about her expectation before the wedding, he want change after. Consider protecting her self and the kids (putting back money, not having more children). Appears he has a decent job, with this habit put him out of work if he is tested? Work it out before the wedding:yep: He will not change after.

That is what I said to her, If she is adamant she is going ahead with the wedding they will have to work something out....or its just going to end in divorce.

I'm not sure if they do drug testing at his job, but I will ask her.

I agree she certainly doesn't need anymore children at the moment,her hands are very full.

Thank You all :rosebud:
If she can't deal with it, don't expect him to change and move on.

People need to spend less time trying to change others, and invest more time on making themselves happy. Not to say he won't change, but if he does that is totally up to him.

If it is a big deal to her, she shouldn't bother, cause there is no guarantee he will stop for her. He may, but it is his choice. You have to pick and choose what you will and absolutely cannot put up with, cause no one is going to be perfect.
If she can't deal with it, don't expect him to change and move on.

People need to spend less time trying to change others, and invest more time on making themselves happy. Not to say he won't change, but if he does that is totally up to him.

If it is a big deal to her, she shouldn't bother, cause there is no guarantee he will stop for her. He may, but it is his choice. You have to pick and choose what you will and absolutely cannot put up with, cause no one is going to be perfect.
I remember back in the day ah many women put up with their hubbies being weekend drunks/alcoholics, manwhores, gamblers etc because in every other area he was a good provider. My friend Terry's Dad used to get put out every weekend. On Sunday after church guess who'd be laying up on the back porch sleeping off his weekend drunkardness before Monday so he could go to work. :lachen: Ms Barb handled all the money and they put 2 of 4 kids thru college etc.

I'm not suggesting she tolerate his behavior but if he was doing this prior to marriage and he doesn't want to stop for the love of family she may have a tough decision to make. :look:
Let me get this straight. He makes $900 weekly
He gives her $600 up front (is this weekly or monthly?)
He spends about $200 a week on blunts....

er....does she the mathematical dilemma here?

This man, if she marries him will spend away all their cash.

IMO she should leave him and not entertain anything from him until he has been clean for 1 year and from thence forward he will be subject to random pee tests.

But women are funny creatures.

She'll say that apart from that he is a wonderful man. He will change if he really loves me.

He gives her $600 weekly....

I understand what you are saying, but it is easier for us who are not in the situation to say just leave him....

she says she wants to go on a long break away,so he can see what life is like without his family, i guess she is hoping he will change:drunk:

I personally feel he needs counselling.
If she can't deal with it, don't expect him to change and move on.

People need to spend less time trying to change others, and invest more time on making themselves happy. Not to say he won't change, but if he does that is totally up to him.

If it is a big deal to her, she shouldn't bother, cause there is no guarantee he will stop for her. He may, but it is his choice. You have to pick and choose what you will and absolutely cannot put up with, cause no one is going to be perfect.

I agree :yep:

I hope he can cut down for the sake of his own health and his family though,it cannot be doing his body any good.
I remember back in the day ah many women put up with their hubbies being weekend drunks/alcoholics, manwhores, gamblers etc because in every other area he was a good provider. My friend Terry's Dad used to get put out every weekend. On Sunday after church guess who'd be laying up on the back porch sleeping off his weekend drunkardness before Monday so he could go to work. :lachen: Ms Barb handled all the money and they put 2 of 4 kids thru college etc.

I'm not suggesting she tolerate his behavior but if he was doing this prior to marriage and he doesn't want to stop for the love of family she may have a tough decision to make. :look:

lol @ Terry's dad,it is the same situation

i agree with the bolded
My advice to your friend would be the same advice I gave to my soon-to-be divorced friend -- If you can't live without him, then you'll have to put up with it. If you don't love him enough to put up with the smoking then don't get married.

My friend didn't listen and after 3 yrs. of constant complaining about her husband's smoking he filed for divorce and has refused to reconcile or talk it out at all. He moved out of their newly built house and has started dating.

My friend's husband makes good money, owns property, cooks, does laundry and housework. Overall, I think she should've weighed her pros and cons. Unfortunately, she is devastated and has been crying everyday. If only she had listened...:sad:
My advice to your friend would be the same advice I gave to my soon-to-be divorced friend -- If you can't live without him, then you'll have to put up with it. If you don't love him enough to put up with the smoking then don't get married.

My friend didn't listen and after 3 yrs. of constant complaining about her husband's smoking he filed for divorce and has refused to reconcile or talk it out at all. He moved out of their newly built house and has started dating.

My friend's husband makes good money, owns property, cooks, does laundry and housework. Overall, I think she should've weighed her pros and cons. Unfortunately, she is devastated and has been crying everyday. If only she had listened...:sad:

wow,the situation backfired on her.

i hope there is a way that your friend and her DH can sort something out before the divorce finalises.

i guess your reply will be a wake-up call for my friend. :yep:
I remember back in the day ah many women put up with their hubbies being weekend drunks/alcoholics, manwhores, gamblers etc because in every other area he was a good provider. My friend Terry's Dad used to get put out every weekend. On Sunday after church guess who'd be laying up on the back porch sleeping off his weekend drunkardness before Monday so he could go to work. :lachen: Ms Barb handled all the money and they put 2 of 4 kids thru college etc.

This is exactly how my mother describes her parents relationship....I think that is some foolish bullcrap to put up with. I'm just not built for the stupid stuff that it takes to maintain a relationship with someone like that. A lot of times the women stay because the man provides finances for the family and they have children to raise.
And tell her if she stays please don't make the mistake of talking bad about his habit around those kids because that will backfire too. My cousin is a damn good husband, provider and father. His kids have no respect for their jealous bad mouthing momma. He goes to work everyday, does side jobs on weekends, owns property, cooks, grocery shop, laundry, clean the house, coaches those boys in every sport every season and isn't a cheater. He doesn't have much time to smoke with his schedule outside of Sunday. Which is traditionally our family day.

She knew he liked to party, drank and meet with The Chief for years prior to dating and marriage but she wants to talk **** after the fact. We laugh in her face because she says he can't live without all his brothers, 1st cousins and buddies. Not all smoke or get high but any company is better than hers in his mind!

Tell your friend please don't make the wrong move especially if she has several kids. If she wanted a man that didn't smoke she shouldn't have married him. Its not like he tricked that *** but he does need to curb his appetite for that buddah! LOL Addiction is not his friend!

200$ a week is alot of money but if he is giving her 85% of his take home pay, saving money, contributing to a retirement etc she better really think before she makes a move.
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This is exactly how my mother describes her parents relationship....I think that is some foolish bullcrap to put up with. I'm just not built for the stupid stuff that it takes to maintain a relationship with someone like that. A lot of times the women stay because the man provides finances for the family and they have children to raise.
Oh well different strokes for different folks. My ex hubby still meets with the chief and his wife has been living in hell trying to change him. That kneegrow is a workoholic and weed head. She knew he was a weed head from day one. You can't talk **** after the fact. When I was smoking he was providing for my habit so I was glad she was drug free. Damn which reminds me most times when I stopped it was because he pissed me off and my *** was to cheap to buy that ****. No habits for my ***!:nono:

Oh I do love those weed cookies from the mary jane stores though but I can't do that **** either. Maybe one day someone will piss me off enough to want to eat one of those bad ****'s so I can act a fool in the wee hours round here oncetagain. :lachen: Ya'll don been a victim of my weed cookie rants but didn't know it! Who wants to be a ole weed head anyways? Not my ***! Damn no Amsterdam! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
wow,the situation backfired on her.

i hope there is a way that your friend and her DH can sort something out before the divorce finalises.

i guess your reply will be a wake-up call for my friend. :yep:

Yes it did. I tried to tell her that you can't force change. You have to use sweet tactics on men in order for them to change. I did talk to my friend's husband but he told me that he didn't have the energy to reconcile :nono:. His lawyer contacted her so he's going through with it. It's sad...
fire cracker you are to much you got me cracking up over here
Oh well gotta keep it real cuz you know how it is up in this herre piece. Its illegal but they got stores opening up all over California. :lachen: Ain't that a beyotch! Hail to the chief in the public and get a ticket if ya want to! :blush: I'm still mad I can't go to Amsterdam now:wallbash:

LaLa is right about those sweet tactics for change.
Firecracker.... It doesn't help that I been to Amsterdam... dude wlking down street with a PLANTED POT... looked like he was taking a gft to a party or something...

Oh well gotta keep it real cuz you know how it is up in this herre piece. Its illegal but they got stores opening up all over California. :lachen: Ain't that a beyotch! Hail to the chief in the public and get a ticket if ya want to! :blush: I'm still mad I can't go to Amsterdam now:wallbash:

LaLa is right about those sweet tactics for change.
Yes it did. I tried to tell her that you can't force change. You have to use sweet tactics on men in order for them to change. I did talk to my friend's husband but he told me that he didn't have the energy to reconcile :nono:. His lawyer contacted her so he's going through with it. It's sad...

i emailed my friend this thread, she says she is worried but she will let him change in his own time,she will try and offer him support and continue to be loving to him.

she would like to find out the root to the problem as it is getting worst.

she loves her future husband way too much to lose him over bud.

she thanks everyone for their input as it has made her see the wider picture.

Firecracker all your posts made her :lachen:she says she'd love to have a straight forward friend like you in reality,lol

I'm going to have her twins this weekend so her and her guy can spend some alone time and hopefully that will do them both some good.

Thank you all for your input :rosebud:
I have twins and the dad has become a loser in his own right. I would advice her to draw closer to GOD and pray and try to emotionally detach from the husband. Stay with him. Pray for him. But everyday realize exactly who he is. Write out a plan for herself to become independent. And work on it. Even little by little. Even if it means a part-time just to afford childcare so she could take college classes. My twins will be 3 in January. I want my freedom by age 5, and am working on it. Because of finances and the need of a babysitter I am still with my ex-soulmate.
May GOD bless her with strength and mercy.