What's Your 2010 New Year's Resolution Regarding Hair Care?

Touch-up every 3 months and stick with the hairdresser I trust to do them. Do a hardcore protein every 3 months, a week after each touch up. Use the OCT system exclusively for my weekly washes, if not the entire year. Keep wearing my hair out to a minimum, only after touch-ups then bunning regularly after that. Keeping it simple and consistent. I want to reach full MBL sometime in 2010.

No more dominican salon visits or blowouts..ever again.
my resolution will remain the same to keep it simple like I have since childhood, I love hair (my hair) and everything about hair but it just starts to get boring and old,

I will try to make a vow to get rid of the 100's of products that I already have and to try and stick to using only a few products and not to buy every darn thing that I see (that will be the hardest) hair products are like crack to me lol!

I notice that all the darn products I have they all have (from moisture to protein of different name brands) the same ingredients so why have so much of the same thing?

2010 I will try to learn control besides I don't have anywhere else to store these products I know it's funny when we say pjism but i'm starting to think I have a real problem lol!
i will try and curb my product junkie tendencies. i also need to step up my DC game... i just hate getting in and out the shower.
my resolutions for the coming year are:

  1. try to lock down some staple products
  2. consistency with procedures
  3. 13 week relaxer stretches
  4. get my ends healthy
  5. continue to improve and maintain the condition of my hair
  6. one trim only (mid year)
  7. protective styling
  8. take vitamins and use growth serums
  9. retain length
  10. be BSL by Dec 2010
Find my products.
Halt PJism.
Get to shoulder length by December 1, 20010!
And for my hair to grow healthy, thick and strong.
I had to check the date when I saw this post, wow you ladies are starting early.
This year all I just have to stick to my reggie cause I pretty much have it down perfect now, KISS, no PJ-ing. I've streamlined my product usage alot and I'm down to a minimum from wash to fully styled hair-just a deep condish, oil, leave in condish/styler or gel, heat protectant, hair spray, sheen spray-that's it. Reach my goal of having the majority of my hair @ hip/tailbone in 2010, then maintain that with trimms until I have a full thick hemline at my new length.
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Great thread! I vow to:

-Use heat only 12 times (once a month).

-bun at least 3 days/week.

-Continue DC'ing twice a week (protein + moisture)

-Graze BSL by June 2010 (my bday)

-Full BSL by December 2010

My resolution for 2010 is to keep my ends healthy looking and nicely trimmed. I want my ends to look like onejaminfan's ends and so many other with gorgeous long hair :yep:
I will also maintain at Full Waistlength next year when i reach it and only relax my hair ever 4 months (3 times next year:) )

I will also make sure i moisturize my hair every night.
My only resolution is to be consistent...I'm taking this last few months of 2009 to use up products and figure out what kind of regimen I can stick to. Next year, I just want to be consistent with whatever I decide so that I can actually retain length.
This economy makes me think twice about buying anything new until I use most of my current products up before they go bad. Thank goodness my mother is helping me with this task. She uses items that I'm not going to replace, and they work well on her hair. :superbanana:

Thanks mom!! . . . and thank all of you ladies for your input!!! :bouncegre
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Hmmm I am not sure what my resolution would be...perhaps to minmize my hair product puchases to under a 100.00 a month...lol

Between my wigs and weaves conditoners exc I run a a high bill....that it something I need to alter.
  • Use up or give away alot of the products that's not in my regimen.
  • Be fully natural by 06/2010 (even if that means chopping relaxed ends
  • *ORGANIZE AND SCHEDULE*- meaning to set up a certain routine for the week and stick with it....
  • stick with regimen and routine for dd hair. (I kinda fell off - I must return to cowashing for her)
  • reduce my pjism - I believe there is a cure :lachen:
  • introduce more women to LHCF....:grin:, especially those who can really benefit from it...
Not buying every product/brush/comb because it sounds good and gets great reviews. I'll only buy stuff when I run out of something. I've been pretty good so far:clap:
KISS as usual
Let it grow
and really pamper my hair as if it was silk
Stretch to the maximum
Help my mother and sister out more often with their hair.
I am hoping to reach WL by this time next year. To do this I have resolved to stick to my regimen which includes daily moisturizing, weekly deep conditioning, and monthly henna treatments. I slipped on my henna and DCs a few consecutive months/weeks this year and I could tell the difference in my hair, so no more of that.
I plan to stay consistent and focus on overall healthiness of my hair, body, and skin. I am going to find what actually works for me and stick to it. I want to stop the unnecessary breakage and shedding once and for all. I also want to get rid of ANY split ends that may sneak up on me. I will be doing more protective styles (mainly sew-ins and plaits/braids). Never shall my hair be dry or damaged again.

I want to finally reach APL, who knows, maybe even BSL. So that means, in the end my hair will be healthy and thick, full of body, and retaining growth.
**Learn how to flat iron and use flexi rods
**Discover my staple products
**Like a previous poster said, quit buying things because they sound good
**Have got to find a good moisturizer (besides ORS Olive Oil) to keep my relaxed tresses from weighing down
**Purchase a good blowdryer (I just realized how important this actually was)
**Start buying my hair products in bulk two times a year (may not need to do it twice, but who knows?)
**Also like a previous poster said, use up what I have and then buy something to replace it
My goals are:

-Stretch relaxers 4-5 months
-Grow to BSL by end of summer (fingers crossed)
-Continue with MN daily
-Hide hair under wigs in corn rows until at least APL
-Learn to make quick weaves on stocking caps via youtube
-Continue with vitamins daily
-Put flat irons, and blow fryer in storage unit so I am not as tempted to straighten my hair.
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In 2010, I plan to:

- Continue my KISS regimen
- Reach full WL
- Maintain full WL with trims for thick, blunt ends
- Consider growing my hair to full HBL, which would be my length limit
Take care of my internal health the way I should for starters, tweak my regimen as needed but K.I.S.S., I would like to be BSL by summer of next year so Im doing what ever it takes to get there with healthy head of hair ;)
Eliminate daily manipulation.
Continue taking supplements
K.I.S.S->implementing methods that worked for me in the past and sticking with that
I have a KISS regimen. I DC once a week, moisturize once a day, protective style with my half wig daily, relax every 10 to 12 weeks. I'm very consistent with my regimen but I need to be consistent with my diet and water intake and I also need to keep my hands out my hair especially when I have lots of ng.
in addition to my kis:

~take vitamins daily
~wig out in 2010
~braid hair under wigs
~minimum manipulation
~keep staples
~reach sl Dec. 2010

i think i may have found a reason as to why i have a dry itchy scalp. i just have to double check w/ my doctor on my suspensions. if my suspensions are confirmed, my last nyr will be itch free for 2010.
Stick with what works (Rotate)....
Keep ends trim/dusting.....
Protein Treatments.....