What's your new year resolution for your hair?

Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

I will try to keep the scissors out of my hair and let the last time I had layers cut in, grow completely out.

Continue keeping direct heat off my hair. Right now the only heat it gets is during a wrap set, which even then includes wrap paper; this is once a week.

Continue with daily vitamin, plus biotin, MSM, extra calcium and vit. C. Get more protein in diet...noticed very strong nails when I was consistent with diet.

Keep tabs on you ladies and the product recommendations and try to tone down my product-junkie habit!
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

1. Stretch out my relaxer
2. Trim less
3. Avoid direct heat
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

1)Keep my routine simple and stick to it and the same products (no product hopping).

2)I will not focus so much on getting to a certain length but to just be grateful for the length I have and keep my hair healthy and maintained while it grows out.

3)Get my hair relaxed every 12 weeks

4)Keep my ends protected and manipulate my hair as less as possible.

5)Trim my ends when necessary.

6)Potentially switch stylist since my current one burned my neck with relaxer cream at my last retouch. I'm undecided as of right now as to what I'm going to do about her.

Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

Eat more healthier foods.
Drink at least a gallon of water a day.
Exercise daily (6 days - 1 rest)
Take my vits every day (GNC Ultramegawoman, B-12, Garlic, Cod Liver Oil)
Drink at least 2 protein shakes a day.
Wash, etc. my hair 2xs a week (1 poo, 1 cond)
Continue to use the products that are working for me - with the exception of purchasing only the Elucence shampoo and conditioner (thanks 2 supergirl)

Get my ends trimmed on an as needed basis.
Keep wearing my bun but dress it up more.
Get a darn silk pillowcase for me and my daughter b/c that scarf keeps falling off.
Lastly, stay coming to this forum b/c i LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

After all that, i should have gained at least 4" of healthy hair by 12/2004
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

I want to stop playing in it so much. Keep up with my protective styles and then, finally wear it down a bit in March. I also want to try to stay out of the salons so much.
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

My goals are as follows:

1) Relax every 12 - 16 weeks
2) Wear more protective hair styles
3) Continue weekly maintenance
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

1. Transition and then cut off my relaxed hair in May!

2. Condition, condition, condition

3. Keep up with the Surge!

4. Up my protein intake

5. Drink some water!

6. Eat more fruits & veggies!

7. Learn how to cornrow and flat two-strand twist.

8. Little to no heat for styles!
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

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Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

1) Go back to rinsing every day, twice a day, morning and evening.

2) Continue with the surge, use the other products of the line.

3) Continue with my exercise

4) Drink more water.

5)Stick to my vitamins, I have been lapsing for the last few months.

6) Increase my vegetable intake.
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

Stretch out relaxers as much as possible.

Grow ! Grow ! Grow! hopefully much closer to bra strap by the end of the year.
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair?

1. Wash 1x/week (starting Feb.)
2. Do a hot oil treatment with each shampoo
3. Spray surge 1x-2x/day
4. Stop pulling/tugging/playing in my hair

5. DO NOT buy any more shampoos or conditioners till I use up my stash
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair?

To stop being obessed with my ends and stop trimming so much
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair?

~Relax less often (every 3.5 months, as of now)
~Condition wash 3 times a week, until summer, when I will increase the number to 5
~Continue to air dry air at all times
~No more permanent color
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair?

- follow Beverly's weekly dominican washing routine!
- after Sunday, protect my hair with wigs during the work week (enjoying the new look); am also seeeeriously considering sensationnel weaves!
- surge it under the wig!
or my homemade biotin/msm spritz
- more consistency with vitamins and water
Re: What\'s your new year resolution for your hair

Do a hot oil treatment. The last one I had was back in '02.