What's Your 2010 New Year's Resolution Regarding Hair Care?

*get those much needed 5 inches to reach midback length by May
*keep my hair braided because my hair grows lik weeds that way
*make sure i barely use heat
*keep my hair moisturized
Go natural and stay natural!! This is my 4th go around with going natural. I transition, BC and stay that away for at least a year if I'm lucky. And then, I go right back to the creamy crack out of fustration usually. So my main goal is to go and stay natural. And to get alot better at taking care of my hair!
Since I started using less heat in june I will continue to do that. I will try and stick to keep it simple while using protein either light or medium every week...this year I will stick with Italian conditioners only like kuz,alter ego and the like..my hair loves it.
My 2010 Hair Resolution is:
Do more protective styles, be more open to using hair that doesn't grow on my head (stop judging others who do :blush:), relax less/stretch more and be patient with my progress :grin:!
I don't think my hair grew more than an inch in 2009 :( :cry:

I hope to get 5 inches in 2010.

I will do hardcore protective styling (half wigs)
My Hair Resolutions for 2010 will be:
1. Be more gentle with my hair. I plan on using more natural products, easing up on manipulation, bunning, and generally just being more careful with my hair.
2. Drink more water and take my supplements.
3. Keep the Wu at bay. *shudders*
4. Stop the pjism, because it's really not okay anymore.
5. Get to full, thick and healthy BSL by December 2010!
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I resolve to learn how to do more creative PS's

I want to retain length Im hoping for BSL or longer my the end of 2010

most importantly I want to solidify my regimen! As find a simple way to care for MY hair and get the results im looking for
This will be the year of no setbacks

Can I get an AMEN! LOL

Developing a solid, simple, regimen.

KISS will be a biggy for me

Keep freeforming my locs, Drinking more water, Eating healthy, Have fixed my problem arias by then, Not washing my hair so much. Listening to my hair more often, so I will know what my hair needs just by touching it!

I think that that would be an awesome talent!

Rollersetting so I can wear my hair down more
Use up my products or give away what I dont use

Vitamins, water and exercise ( if I am not going to do it for myself at least I should do it for my hair)
give BKT a try

DITTO X 3000!! :grin:

So basically Im going to:

STAY in protective styles 95% time.
Have a SIMPLE Regime that can be practiced every day!
Step it up on my Vit, water, and exercise FOR REALL!

Full APL End of 2010 HERE I COME!!:grin:
My resolutions are:
1. Have consistent growth with no setbacks
2. Stick with a routine that works for me
3. Relax every 6 months (hope I can do it)
to be more consistent with my vitamin/protein/water intake.. and to finally settle on a reggie with a few very carefully selected products and stick with it!!!!! oh and to get past my 10 week stretch hurdle.. when i grow up i wanna stretch for 16 weeks at a time.
My resolutions are:
1. Have consistent growth with no setbacks
2. Stick with a routine that works for me
3. Relax every 6 months (hope I can do it)

You can do it honey. I am in support of the long strtches for sure. That's one of my goals - maybe 4-5 months at a time after this 20 month stretch ends:yep::look:.
I just want my hair to remain healthy and I hope to see more progress as far as growth in '10 cause, I saw a sh*tload in '09. Also, I want to resist the urge to go back to my Nemesis: Glued in tracks.
Barbara, I feel so late in the game. Here I am coming to start up this post and you had it up and running since September, lol. I hate not having internet at home, I can't keep up with you girls.

Anyway, in 2010 I'm gonna stop being a such a product junkie, I want to get my finances in order so I have to give up something. I'm getting my staples together now and will have them all by January. Also I'm getting rid of things that don't work and are just taking up space. I'm keeping my regimen simple, and I think I'm texlaxing as well. Good luck everyone.
My resolution is to stick to my corn row/ sew in regimen. KISS in 2010. I am now natural so now I am going to focus in on growth and health in 10'
-Heat no more than 2x this year (preferably once).
-Less manipulation/gentler handling
-Babying ends
*APL by May 2010
*Only 3 relaxers in 2010
*keeping my hair up more so my ends wont brush against my shirts
*keep being consistent with using paraben and sulfate free products
My resolutions are to continue my 2 year transition, minimal heat usage, i want to reach BSL relaxed ends and natural hair (my relaxed hair and natural hair look alike)....and another one NO Split Ends.
i think i need a little more time to figure out where im going with my journey. 1 thing i know for sure, no more coloring! after that i believe im gonna go back and forth with moisturizing. Wanna try that for 2 more months and then look at whether i should add a component of straightening once a month to ease my hairline with stress and tension.