What's with the Taurus man?

Stubborn (some Taureans aren't as much as others), over think somethings too much, set in their ways, frugal. Generally get along with people.

WHEW!! I made it without being totally bias since my EH is one. Needless to say, I won't ever date one again. Aries and Taurus are just oil and water!!! :nono:
I was with a Taurus man for 10 LOOONNNG years, before I called it quits. There are many pros about them. He was very very honest, patient, fun to talk to, and very loyal. I realy didn't worry abuot infidelity with him.

The con, well he was slowww. They are fixed people and to get them to move was hard. Although he was loyal, he was not committed. He made no rush for marriage, he moved miles away. He was also very selfish and his temper was borderline abusive. 70%he was calm, but the other 30% he was "fired up".

What makes them tick? They are DETAILED oriented people. They pay TOO much attention to the details in life and not the big picture. While I was trying to build finances and our lives together, he was too worried about the stain on the carpet. Overall, if you can deal with their outburst and can be patient with them then they make good mates.
Stubborn (some Taureans aren't as much as others), over think somethings too much, set in their ways, frugal. Generally get along with people.

WHEW!! I made it without being totally bias since my EH is one. Needless to say, I won't ever date one again. Aries and Taurus are just oil and water!!! :nono:

Poetic by frugal do you mean CHEAP????? I'm semi seeing a Taurus right now and when I say semi he doesn't know it yet but he is on his way out the door. We are having communication issues and a deal breaker for me is when a person says they are going to do something I expect it to be done and if you can't then just say so....don't come too me with half *** excuses or trying the Jedi mind trick like it was never spoken about....:ohwell::rolleyes:
Poetic by frugal do you mean CHEAP????? I'm semi seeing a Taurus right now and when I say semi he doesn't know it yet but he is on his way out the door. We are having communication issues and a deal breaker for me is when a person says they are going to do something I expect it to be done and if you can't then just say so....don't come too me with half *** excuses or trying the Jedi mind trick like it was never spoken about....:ohwell::rolleyes:

Girl you making me itch bringing back bad memories :wallbash:
Yeah unfortunately this was him....pretty much all of the time. It also drove me crazy because I would quote our previous conversation, and he would just say "what you mean... and then repeat exactly what I said!!" I think Blkbeauty referred to them as sloowwwww. Yes they are, some times because they are intelligent, they lack in the common sense dept.

And by frugal, I do mean cheap and tight with their money. Don't get me wrong, they will spend on you. But don't get used to it. :rolleyes:

Disclaimer: this is the one and only Taurus man I ever date so I'm really, really trying not to be bias. My mom is a Taurus, so they are good people. I think some traits waiver, I guess. My mom's b'day is in May, his is April.
Girl you making me itch bringing back bad memories :wallbash:
Yeah unfortunately this was him....pretty much all of the time. It also drove me crazy because I would quote our previous conversation, and he would just say "what you mean... and then repeat exactly what I said!!" I think Blkbeauty referred to them as sloowwwww. Yes they are, some times because they are intelligent, they lack in the common sense dept.

And by frugal, I do mean cheap and tight with their money. Don't get me wrong, they will spend on you. But don't get used to it. :rolleyes:

Disclaimer: this is the one and only Taurus man I ever date so I'm really, really trying not to be bias. My mom is a Taurus, so they are good people. I think some traits waiver, I guess. My mom's b'day is in May, his is April.

Exactly. I also had communication problems with him.
Girl you making me itch bringing back bad memories :wallbash:
Yeah unfortunately this was him....pretty much all of the time. It also drove me crazy because I would quote our previous conversation, and he would just say "what you mean... and then repeat exactly what I said!!" I think Blkbeauty referred to them as sloowwwww. Yes they are, some times because they are intelligent, they lack in the common sense dept.

And by frugal, I do mean cheap and tight with their money. Don't get me wrong, they will spend on you. But don't get used to it. :rolleyes:

Disclaimer: this is the one and only Taurus man I ever date so I'm really, really trying not to be bias. My mom is a Taurus, so they are good people. I think some traits waiver, I guess. My mom's b'day is in May, his is April.

I see well I think it's time for me to cut my losses and call it a day. I'm in no mood to coddle a grown man or to feel like your a CHEAP B*stard it's not that serious......the thing is he offered mind you and now it's like we never spoke about the items that I wanted....silly shyt like that bugs me. This is my first Taurus and I do not like what I'm experiencing. :nono:
OMGoodness! I'm dating a Taurus now. Communication is a huge problem. He internalizes everything and "doesn't see the point in talking about it". It's kinda scary bc I know once you push a Taurus there it can be hell, so I don't need him building all this stuff up. On the flip side, he's very ambitious, family oriented, loves to cuddle, and loves kids.He can be really sweet, sent me my favorite flowers the third day I knew him... Besides I'm a cancer and our signs match perfectly. So, I'm still working on it...
OMGoodness! I'm dating a Taurus now. Communication is a huge problem. He internalizes everything and "doesn't see the point in talking about it". It's kinda scary bc I know once you push a Taurus there it can be hell, so I don't need him building all this stuff up. On the flip side, he's very ambitious, family oriented, loves to cuddle, and loves kids.He can be really sweet, sent me my favorite flowers the third day I knew him... Besides I'm a cancer and our signs match perfectly. So, I'm still working on it...

This is because they are detailed oriented people. They live within and since they are so detailed, it takes time for them to comprehend a normal conversation. I used to tell my ex he analyzed way too much until he goes off shore. He easily misinterpret our conversation or took it to a whole new point.
I am Aries and I have NO problems with Taurus Men This is all I attract. My EX/FH of 4 years is a Taurus. With me they are the most dependable men, also they can cook keep a clean house always making money. I will marry a Taurus man. They know what they want. They do not let go.
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Ah, the joys of being with a bull. :yawn:

My husband is a Taurus. I am a Cancer. My nickname for him is Hitler. He and my husband share a birthday. (Yep, Hitler was a Taurus, not an Aries. Which just goes to show you how crazy they can get when they take their ideals too far.)

This is the most stable, yet most volatile relationship I have had. On the pro side, my DH is loyal. When I say I'm not worried about him cheating, I mean that. I really don't think he has a philandering bone in his body. He has more to worry about from me, to be honest with you. He's affectionate. He's not afraid to show me he loves me. He's dependable, and an all around nice guy. He has goals, and I know my future with him is set.

They are secret freaks. Always on, always ready for sex. Don't expect like...super duper passion. Tauruses are practical, fixed. But they will do anything to please you and are very sensual. They also catch on quick. I done looked at my DH many a time and been like "Where you learned that from? You cheating on me? :look:" And he's just like ":grin::yawn::look:"

Now the cons. You know that 80% he is nice, sweet, and affectionate? Well, the other 20% I'm being verbally abused. I've been called every name in the book when he gets riled up. Every time we argue, divorce discussion soon follows because it's that bad.

Thing is, I know what sets him off. He doesn't like to be pushed. He won't discuss something until he is ready. I can't function until the cards are on the table so I pick at him to discuss our issues until he explodes. I think that trait of his is BS. If we have a problem, I'm not waiting until 2 weeks from now for a half-azzed apology. :nono:

He's like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde with his temper. He turns into the coldest, most evil, mean jerk in the world when he loses his temper. I really threatened to leave him if he kept it up. We've been to counseling and all that. Things are much, much better.

He is cheap. Not frugal, cheap. This is another issue. If I bought a $5 polyester shirt from Rainbow, I am given the screwface and asked where I got that from, how much was it, and don't I have 3 more in the closet just like it. :rolleyes: He has been cussed out many a time over this, especially since I work for a living and don't depend on his money for anything. We now have a rule in place where he's not allowed to ask me how much anything costs. If he slips up, he knows not to expect an answer. I'm not two, and he's not giving me an allowance. *********. :nono:

Remember when I said I know my future is set? It's the present that is an issue. :lachen:He has goals, but is slow and lazy and expect to wait forever for him to do anything. Dress, wake up, eat, figure out what they want to do in life, don't expect a proposal any time soon...it's not that they don't want to marry you. They just don't see the point in doing it right now. :rolleyes: They are pepetually waiting for a better time to do everything.

So cheap, sporadic anger problems, and they will not be pushed, prodded or rushed into anything. Otherwise, you have a good man on your hands. I've been told numerous times that I'm good because they would never tolerate some stuff I put up with. Honestly, you won't get anyone perfect in a relationship and I have my faults too. I accept his faults because behind them all he really is a good husband and he tries to make me happy.

I love my DH very much, despite him driving me up the wall a lot of the time. :yep:
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Ah, the joys of being with a bull. :yawn:

My husband is a Taurus. I am a Cancer. My nickname for him is Hitler. He and my husband share a birthday. (Yep, Hitler was a Taurus, not an Aries. Which just goes to show you how crazy they can get when they take their ideals too far.)

This is the most stable, yet most volatile relationship I have had. On the pro side, my DH is loyal. When I say I'm not worried about him cheating, I mean that. I really don't think he has a philandering bone in his body. He has more to worry about from me, to be honest with you. He's affectionate. He's not afraid to show me he loves me. He's dependable, and an all around nice guy. He has goals, and I know my future with him is set.

They are secret freaks. Always on, always ready for sex. Don't expect like...super duper passion. Tauruses are practical, fixed. But they will do anything to please you and are very sensual. They also catch on quick. I done looked at my DH many a time and been like "Where you learned that from? You cheating on me? :look:" And he's just like ":grin::yawn::look:"

Now the cons. You know that 80% he is nice, sweet, and affectionate? Well, the other 20% I'm being verbally abused. I've been called every name in the book when he gets riled up. Every time we argue, divorce discussion soon follows because it's that bad.

Thing is, I know what sets him off. He doesn't like to be pushed. He won't discuss something until he is ready. I can't function until the cards are on the table so I pick at him to discuss our issues until he explodes. I think that trait of his is BS. If we have a problem, I'm not waiting until 2 weeks from now for a half-azzed apology. :nono:

He's like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde with his temper. He turns into the coldest, most evil, mean jerk in the world when he loses his temper. I really threatened to leave him if he kept it up. We've been to counseling and all that. Things are much, much better.

He is cheap. Not frugal, cheap. This is another issue. If I bought a $5 polyester shirt from Rainbow, I am given the screwface and asked where I got that from, how much was it, and don't I have 3 more in the closet just like it. :rolleyes: He has been cussed out many a time over this, especially since I work for a living and don't depend on his money for anything. We now have a rule in place where he's not allowed to ask me how much anything costs. If he slips up, he knows not to expect an answer. I'm not two, and he's not giving me an allowance. *********. :nono:

Remember when I said I know my future is set? It's the present that is an issue. :lachen:He has goals, but is slow and lazy and expect to wait forever for him to do anything. Dress, wake up, eat, figure out what they want to do in life, don't expect a proposal any time soon...it's not that they don't want to marry you. They just don't see the point in doing it right now. :rolleyes: They are pepetually waiting for a better time to do everything.

So cheap, sporadic anger problems, and they will not be pushed, prodded or rushed into anything. Otherwise, you have a good man on your hands. I've been told numerous times that I'm good because they would never tolerate some stuff I put up with. Honestly, you won't get anyone perfect in a relationship and I have my faults too. I accept his faults because behind them all he really is a good husband and he tries to make me happy.

I love my DH very much, despite him driving me up the wall a lot of the time. :yep:

I'm a Taurus and that about sums it up...
Ah, the joys of being with a bull. :yawn:

My husband is a Taurus. I am a Cancer. My nickname for him is Hitler. He and my husband share a birthday. (Yep, Hitler was a Taurus, not an Aries. Which just goes to show you how crazy they can get when they take their ideals too far.)

This is the most stable, yet most volatile relationship I have had. On the pro side, my DH is loyal. When I say I'm not worried about him cheating, I mean that. I really don't think he has a philandering bone in his body. He has more to worry about from me, to be honest with you. He's affectionate. He's not afraid to show me he loves me. He's dependable, and an all around nice guy. He has goals, and I know my future with him is set.

They are secret freaks. Always on, always ready for sex. Don't expect like...super duper passion. Tauruses are practical, fixed. But they will do anything to please you and are very sensual. They also catch on quick. I done looked at my DH many a time and been like "Where you learned that from? You cheating on me? :look:" And he's just like ":grin::yawn::look:"

Now the cons. You know that 80% he is nice, sweet, and affectionate? Well, the other 20% I'm being verbally abused. I've been called every name in the book when he gets riled up. Every time we argue, divorce discussion soon follows because it's that bad.

Thing is, I know what sets him off. He doesn't like to be pushed. He won't discuss something until he is ready. I can't function until the cards are on the table so I pick at him to discuss our issues until he explodes. I think that trait of his is BS. If we have a problem, I'm not waiting until 2 weeks from now for a half-azzed apology. :nono:

He's like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde with his temper. He turns into the coldest, most evil, mean jerk in the world when he loses his temper. I really threatened to leave him if he kept it up. We've been to counseling and all that. Things are much, much better.

He is cheap. Not frugal, cheap. This is another issue. If I bought a $5 polyester shirt from Rainbow, I am given the screwface and asked where I got that from, how much was it, and don't I have 3 more in the closet just like it. :rolleyes: He has been cussed out many a time over this, especially since I work for a living and don't depend on his money for anything. We now have a rule in place where he's not allowed to ask me how much anything costs. If he slips up, he knows not to expect an answer. I'm not two, and he's not giving me an allowance. *********. :nono:

Remember when I said I know my future is set? It's the present that is an issue. :lachen:He has goals, but is slow and lazy and expect to wait forever for him to do anything. Dress, wake up, eat, figure out what they want to do in life, don't expect a proposal any time soon...it's not that they don't want to marry you. They just don't see the point in doing it right now. :rolleyes: They are pepetually waiting for a better time to do everything.

So cheap, sporadic anger problems, and they will not be pushed, prodded or rushed into anything. Otherwise, you have a good man on your hands. I've been told numerous times that I'm good because they would never tolerate some stuff I put up with. Honestly, you won't get anyone perfect in a relationship and I have my faults too. I accept his faults because behind them all he really is a good husband and he tries to make me happy.

I love my DH very much, despite him driving me up the wall a lot of the time. :yep:

This has been my past experience as well. I'm a cancer too.
I also wanted to say that in my experience, they don't care what you look like. Nor do they care about your "baggage."

I always read stuff about Taurus that says they appreciate beauty and things that are aesthetically pleasing...but think beauty is very subjective to them. They find certain traits beautiful as opposed to physical features.

I've seen gorgeous Taurus men get with women who are...I'll just say homely. And they are happy and content and won't cheat because that woman has a beautiful spirit.

I've also seen Tauruses take on ready made families...I know of two guys who have wived women with 3+ children (much to their mothers' chagrin :lol:).

They can be very easily manipulated because they are so trusting. You definitely don't have to be a dime. You just have to be a good person and down for them and your physical imperfections become invisible.

I have/had horrible acne, and my husband has told me that he doesn't even notice it. It's impossible not to notice it. :cry: That was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever told me, partially because I know he meant it.
Stubborn (some Taureans aren't as much as others), over think somethings too much, set in their ways, frugal. Generally get along with people.

Yep we have to mince every detail to make it all make sense. :yep:

They are DETAILED oriented people. They pay TOO much attention to the details in life and not the big picture.


OMGoodness! I'm dating a Taurus now. Communication is a huge problem. He internalizes everything and "doesn't see the point in talking about it". It's kinda scary bc I know once you push a Taurus there it can be hell, so I don't need him building all this stuff up. quote]

Bingo! we are very passive aggressive. We believe in making you pay once we feel as tho' you have crossed the line. We'll go from 0 to 180 quick and snap-crackle pop on your a**. We're mean by nature but our personalities come across as being authentic and sweet when we're really bullheaded. :grin:

This is because they are detailed oriented people. They live within and since they are so detailed, it takes time for them to comprehend a normal conversation.

This is so true. We hear it at all and while the conversation has moved on we're sitting there processing it all. :scratchch Wondering how it all fits or make sense. :brainy: We can be totally offended but you'll never know.

They are secret freaks. Always on, always ready for sex. Don't expect like...super duper passion. Tauruses are practical, fixed. But they will do anything to please you and are very sensual. They also catch on quick. I done looked at my DH many a time and been like "Where you learned that from? You cheating on me? :look:" And he's just like ":grin::yawn::look:"

He turns into the coldest, most evil, mean jerk in the world when he loses his temper.

Dang girl...you got us down to a science. Super Freak all day. Ready to jump your bones on spot :lick:

I'll admit my temper is bad. Once you push me there I don't care if I'm going to jail or hell there is no calming us down. I believe we have clear folx style of anger, well at least that is what SO tells me. I get mad and yell stuff like I hate u, or go away. :giggle:
You know what's SO wierd? I don't even follow the zodiac like that, but these post about Taurus' are DEAD ON!! Wow!!!! Crazy!

My fiance is a Taurus (April 26 1978). We met in November of 2001 and he JUST proposed a minute ago:lachen:. He's hot and cold like a mug, but for some reason, we just WORK (I'm a Scorpio).

I won't even talk about our through the roof, ahem, sexual chemistry, but although he and are are polar opposites, we just cannot get enough of eachother. Do you know how many times I've been fussed at for my disorganization? When my fiance and I broke up for a month (way back in '02), I told him that I couldn't deal with the fact that he made me feel like I was staying at a strict Aunt's house--in my own damn apartment!!!!!!! He would be like, why is this sock laying on the floor? After making wild, passionate love "Why are your panties on the floor?" Um..cuz you ripped them off in the heat of passion:look::lachen:

But MAN. when I would come home from my trips, a full on dinner would be cooked, and the house would be CLEAN. And I don't mean a fake arse clean, I mean CLEAN. Scrubbed down, nothing out of place.

Lol at this thread:grin:
The thing is, Taurus women be on their grind. They have the business savvy down to a science. I'd do business with a Taurus women any day, I've seen my mom and other women in action.

But Taurus men, they think and process and everything, but it's like nothing never comes to fruition. They talk and every detail outlined, but drops the ball somewhere along the way.
Stubborn (some Taureans aren't as much as others), over think somethings too much, set in their ways, frugal. Generally get along with people.

WHEW!! I made it without being totally bias since my EH is one. Needless to say, I won't ever date one again. Aries and Taurus are just oil and water!!! :nono:

YOU AIN'T NEVA LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :look:
I think Taurus folks are great.

Taurus will spend money on a person if they feel like that person is their ride or die. That is where the details come in....if a SO loves a particular perfume, particular cake, particular flower, etc.....a taurus person will seek out THAT thing to give as a gift. Very thoughtful in that regard because they are eager to please in just the right way.

It is when they don't care what the helll they give you, that you should be concerned. When they just get you any ole thing...or when they start keeping tabs in their mind...."like I spent $80 on her and she only bought me this cheap $15 bag to add to the zillion bags I already have when I need a new coat"...be wary.

Oh....and once you drop from the ride or die list in their mind, darn near impossible to get back to that status. They will not go to great lengths for you in the same way as before. That is the stubborn part. They don't change their minds easily.
Ok, this thread is so funny. I am Aries. My mom is a Taurus, and I am dating a Taurus right now. Whew!!!

Growing up with my mother was no joke, she did and does go off on everyone now and then, but as I am now grown, when we but heads it is pretty equal.

However my mother is not slow about a damn thing. When she says she is going to do something, it is going to happen. She is worry wort :wallbash:. Lawd she drives me crazy... LOL.. Love her though....

Funny thing is the guy I am dating is the same way!!!! Worries over things too much.

I love how they call you 50million times a day, to tell you about this thing that they are worried and what their next steps are....wondering what you would do.....



I always have to tell them, they just called me about it..... It is no wonder more of them arent on meds for their nerves.:rolleyes:
Ah, the joys of being with a bull. :yawn:

My husband is a Taurus. I am a Cancer. My nickname for him is Hitler. He and my husband share a birthday. (Yep, Hitler was a Taurus, not an Aries. Which just goes to show you how crazy they can get when they take their ideals too far.)

This is the most stable, yet most volatile relationship I have had. On the pro side, my DH is loyal. When I say I'm not worried about him cheating, I mean that. I really don't think he has a philandering bone in his body. He has more to worry about from me, to be honest with you. He's affectionate. He's not afraid to show me he loves me. He's dependable, and an all around nice guy. He has goals, and I know my future with him is set.

They are secret freaks. Always on, always ready for sex. Don't expect like...super duper passion. Tauruses are practical, fixed. But they will do anything to please you and are very sensual. They also catch on quick. I done looked at my DH many a time and been like "Where you learned that from? You cheating on me? :look:" And he's just like ":grin::yawn::look:"

Now the cons. You know that 80% he is nice, sweet, and affectionate? Well, the other 20% I'm being verbally abused. I've been called every name in the book when he gets riled up. Every time we argue, divorce discussion soon follows because it's that bad.

Thing is, I know what sets him off. He doesn't like to be pushed. He won't discuss something until he is ready. I can't function until the cards are on the table so I pick at him to discuss our issues until he explodes. I think that trait of his is BS. If we have a problem, I'm not waiting until 2 weeks from now for a half-azzed apology. :nono:

He's like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde with his temper. He turns into the coldest, most evil, mean jerk in the world when he loses his temper. I really threatened to leave him if he kept it up. We've been to counseling and all that. Things are much, much better.

He is cheap. Not frugal, cheap. This is another issue. If I bought a $5 polyester shirt from Rainbow, I am given the screwface and asked where I got that from, how much was it, and don't I have 3 more in the closet just like it. :rolleyes: He has been cussed out many a time over this, especially since I work for a living and don't depend on his money for anything. We now have a rule in place where he's not allowed to ask me how much anything costs. If he slips up, he knows not to expect an answer. I'm not two, and he's not giving me an allowance. *********. :nono:

Remember when I said I know my future is set? It's the present that is an issue. :lachen:He has goals, but is slow and lazy and expect to wait forever for him to do anything. Dress, wake up, eat, figure out what they want to do in life, don't expect a proposal any time soon...it's not that they don't want to marry you. They just don't see the point in doing it right now. :rolleyes: They are pepetually waiting for a better time to do everything.

So cheap, sporadic anger problems, and they will not be pushed, prodded or rushed into anything. Otherwise, you have a good man on your hands. I've been told numerous times that I'm good because they would never tolerate some stuff I put up with. Honestly, you won't get anyone perfect in a relationship and I have my faults too. I accept his faults because behind them all he really is a good husband and he tries to make me happy.

I love my DH very much, despite him driving me up the wall a lot of the time. :yep:

Starian is correct. They are VERY LOYAL. For the 10 yrs me and my ex were together I didn't worry about him cheating. This was the very thing that held us together, but it still wasn't enough unfortunately. After so many years the verbal abuse took a toll on my esteem. Like Starian has said, I've also been called every name in the book. I have even had the book (s) thrown at me. I eventually went into counseling because of the verbal abuse. It wasn't all the time, but it was enough to say goodbye.
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I read this to a certain Taurus man (Irrelevant ex :grin:) I know and he said to tell you ladies this: "IM NOT CHEAPPP!!!"

He really is not cheap well not with me and still not ( We are friends now with the you are mine thing going on on his part)

Honestly Starian you are so on point. We use to fight a lot and the name calling ie I was eternally dubbed the flipping (really the other f word) Ice Queen. Then I layed him to the side because I believe in respect. Now he is Mr. " Love is respect". But lawd getting him to apologize is like watching paint dry. He of course will be the first to demand one.

They are honest and faithful. Lawd can we say freak. I could handle it Im scorpio. Just as brooding. They say we are the perfect match Scorpio and Taurus. Many days I wondered.
I read this to a certain Taurus man (Irrelevant ex :grin:) I know and he said to tell you ladies this: "IM NOT CHEAPPP!!!"

He really is not cheap well not with me and still not ( We are friends now with the you are mine thing going on on his part)

Honestly Starian you are so on point. We use to fight a lot and the name calling ie I was eternally dubbed the flipping (really the other f word) Ice Queen. Then I layed him to the side because I believe in respect. Now he is Mr. " Love is respect". But lawd getting him to apologize is like watching paint dry. He of course will be the first to demand one.

They are honest and faithful. Lawd can we say freak. I could handle it Im scorpio. Just as brooding. They say we are the perfect match Scorpio and Taurus. Many days I wondered.

ITA!! I'm a scorpio and my ex was a taurus. Everything I've read in this thread is true true true. Except, my ex isn't cheap at all..and he's really ambitious. Our sexual chemistry was off the hook. The only problem was his Jekyl and Hyde act. It drove me nuts. In that aspect I think he is crazy and its one of the main reasons we are not together. His temper was out of control. I can't deal with it.
Let's see:

Taurus men: stubborn, very patient, CHEAP, loyal, cautious, sensual and wait for everything..Taurus is not impulsive with ANYTHING.

Oh and BAD temper!
I am Aries and I have problems with Taurus Men This is all I attract. My EX/FH of 4 years is a Taurus. With me they are the most dependable men, also they can cook keep a clean house always making money. I will marry a Taurus man. They know what they want. They do not let go.
I can agree here. My Taurus "friend" can cook everything from scratch. He is very responsible and financially stable. Loves family and communicates very well. We've been friends for 9 years and I have brushed him off romantically several times. After many blunders in my love life, he and I still talk and I am wondering the possibilities. That is why I came to read this thread. I am a Sagittarius so we'll see.:perplexed
My best male friend is a Taurus and he is good people!

I will say that once you capture their heart (emotionally, especially), you have them forever. He is my ride or die. Can be very stubborn and has a stance/opinion on everything. Loves home life, nice things, home cooked meals, family and children. He has a great sense of humor but is also very philosophical. Sexy as all get out.

Respects hard work. But one of the reasons we never worked out romantically was because I knew he did not have the drive and determination that I was looking for. He likes familiarity and routine, which is fine... but I did not want to have the role as Head of Household and breadwinner.