Whats the longest you held out w/calling or seeing DH or SO?


Well-Known Member
I know someone who is taking an agreed break on their relationship of a period two wks of no call no show for to sort some priorites out, and wheather they want to take the relationship to the next level, ( where it seems to be headed) but it seems to be killing them, for wanting to know how each other are doing etc. , I thought this was a noble thing to do, seeing as how so many can be thoughtless about life and marriage issues.
How long have you gone without seeing or calling your SO or DH? and how did you survive it?
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Why did they feel the need to take this break? Was something going wrong?

I don't know how I feel about forced breaks...
Why did they feel the need to take this break? Was something going wrong?

I don't know how I feel about forced breaks...

They felt that things were getting real serious, real fast and wanted to step back and see what each other really wanted before proceeding any further.
Hmmm... well, to answer your question, the longest I've gone without contact with a boyfriend (like, we have official titles and stuff) was two days... and that's only because one or both of us was on a trip somewhere.

My own opinion is that artificial breaks don't work because of course the two people are going to miss each other. They'll then determine that because they missed each other so much, then the relationship is meant to be and then they'll just resume where they left off... without having REALLY solved whatever problems/issues led to the break in the first place.

Maybe too, I think of how I would act if I was married... I can't just take a break from my husband for weeks on end.

What I think they need to do is communicate about what they want and step back WHILE being together to figure out the direction of the relationship... not take a break. Slow things down, be less in each other's face all the time, sure... but artificial breaks are just band-aids, in my opinion.
before me and my bebe made it official, I didnt call him for a week and he was shocked lol I just wanted to see how long i could hold out. he ended up calling me lol. he was mad haha. we're perfect now though.
I've only gone one day without speaking to my husband. It didn't bother me, not talking to him. It bothered him.

I've gone up to four days without seeing him. But I spoke to him daily during those times.