what's the LONGEST TIME you've spent at home DEALING WITH YOUR HAIR?

what's the longest amount of time you've spent at HOME dealing with your hair?

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i was up from 7-12:30 last night taking out 12 cornrows and washing this thick natural kinky, curly mane of mine!

uggh, my wash days are horrendus! :wallbash:

how many hours at home have you logged dealing with your hair?

be sure to clarify if you're natural or relaxed/texlaxed.
I put it has spanned over a weekend :blush:

Sometimes I wash, put the DC in and I don't feel like washing it out :lol:

Then there's henna :nono:
My regimen is pretty simple.
I spend about 30 mins DCing
5 mins (max) detangling...
My natural hair is so easy to deal with :grin:
I really don't count the times that I'm just being lazy and decide not to wash out the deep conditioner...
Braids, over 12 hours.

Wash day 1-2 hours (most of which is deep condition, not me actually doing anything else.) Wash day before I got with the program 2+ hours.
The most time I have spent doing my hair is 7 hours in one day....Terrible I know, but the average time I spend is 2-4 hours a week.
It once took me a whole weekend to untangle my hair. I had box braids, took them out did not detangle properly. :wallbash: My hair almost locked once I shampooed in some places. It was so bad my father asked my mother can't she go somewhere and get some help. I was only suppose to be at their house on Friday and left Sunday night with a hat on. When he saw me on Monday he asked did I have on a wig?:lachen::lachen:
If it's a henna weekend, all weekend. Though, it's really - hard - to calculate, because I might only spend 3 hours actively doing my hair (applying, detangling, washing, rinsing, etc...) - but I might leave the DC on for 5 hours, and leave the henna on for 18 hours (overnight), so - technically, it's a whole weekend, but as far as 'active' time - no more than 6 hours, on any given weekend, and usually at least 3 of them is twisting my hair.
Wash days can easily last 3-6 hrs. I DC for 30 min takes 30-45 min to rollerset 1 and a half to dry and let's not event alk about protein treatments and putting stuff on my hair to make it look better after the rollerset. I've spent hours and hours on my hair and sometimes it STILL looks busted
One time I got braids and it was over 16 hours... :nono: Never again!

If I henna it can take 6-8 hours. That's not very often though, thank God!
I will typically spend about 30 minutes a day to do my hair.
I'm relaxed- when I got extensions put in or taken out back in the day, it could easily span a weekend.

I've taken off of work to see my favorite hairdressers, as well. I don't think I would do that anymore, though.
I voted 1-3 hrs natural. This is on average. I spent the same amount of time when relaxed also. HOWEVER, when I do extension (natural or relaxed) it takes about 6 hrs.
When I washed my small twists and let them dry they tried to turn into dreadlocks on me. I worked off and on taking those out for a week. Given the emotional drain that had on me, it's no wonder I cut shortly after that.

Outside of that catastrophe, I also worked over 3 or 4 days taking out small braids that I had put in my hair and it was 2 days to put them in. Before the hair boards, my hair was never ever this difficult, the longest it ever took was 3 or 4 hours for washing, combing, blow drying, and twisting, or just 1 1/2 hrs to wash, comb, and blow dry. My hair didn't get much longer, but it was sooo much easier.
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It depends on what I'm doing to my hair:

My weekly co-washes + detangle + rollerset takes about 2 hours, not counting the bonnet drying/airdrying of the rollerset, which is overnight. For my relaxer touchups every 3 months, it takes an additional 2 hours, or a total of 4 hours, which includes about 45 minutes - 1 hour of letting the DC set on my hair.

ETA: Four hours is the most time that I'm willing to spend on my hair in one session. If it takes longer, then something will to be deleted from my steps/process.
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A long time ago when I had microbraids it took me several days to remove them.

These days when I relax, from start to finish can take up to 7 or 8 hours. That includes relaxing in 4 sections and rollersetting.
omg, this LAST wash...


i washed, conditioned, deep conditioned... detangled (which took 2hrs in itself)... 85% natural...... then sat around.. then rinsed out.. then blow dried.. thennnnnnnnnnnnn...

flat ironed for atleast 2.5hrs.. it was at least a 5hr affair...

pain i tell ya... never again will i attempt to do my own hair until i get arelaxer.. which may never happen... sew ins. and professional do's is on my future agenda...
Depends on what im doing...I usually do things in steps, so it depends on if I feel like continuing the process...if I just took out braids or twists, then I KNOW its going to take a min to detangle and condition. If im flat ironing, I know its going to take a lil longer to wash, blowdry, then flat iron. Some days my hair takes a while, some days it doesn't...just depends on the style im going for in the end.
It takes me about 16 hours to do a set of mini braids, which is broken into two days. Tack in another 30 min to an hour for washing and conditioning. I don't mind spending that amount of time on my hair, because I wear mini braids for 4 weeks. I say that's time well invested. I get excited thinking about doing another set! It's just something about a fresh set of braids.
Lets see, it can range from 5-11 hrs. My wash day is Sunday and I know thats going to be interesting because my hair is in two strand twist and I had them in for almost three weeks and some strands are starting to lock so I know I'm going to have a ball Sunday. Plus I plan to re-twist my hair after I wash, that alone is 7+ hrs, so I plan to be in all day Sunday.
Back in the days when I used to do micros - a weekend.

When I was in college and wore braid out straw sets (big plaits with straws halfway through) I would wear a page boy type hat to school with my set underneat. My hair was incredibly healthy with this style. No heat & lots of grease on my ends.
A henna and DC day is at least 12 hours. Good thing I only do that once every 6 weeks.

A poo and DC day is once a week and it used to last over 6 hours. But since I started prepping my hair the night before the process is at most 4 hours. I let my hair air dry. Does that count? If I flat-iron then much much longer.
My choice isn't up there. Maybe you should've added in the poll for those of us who are transitioning.:grin: It took me the whole week end to get flat twists to look right in my hair.:rolleyes: