What's The Longest Time That You Went Without A Shampoo?


Active Member
Mine was three months because I was in braids (I know, I know that's no excuse :lol) But i would love to know how long you went without a shampoo or Co washes? I would like to know:

1. Did you notice more growth than before?
2. How did you scalp feel?
3. Would you do it again if your results were better than washing?
The longest I have gone is a week. Anything longer than that and I'm itchin' and scratchin'. When I was younger and wore braids routinely during the summer the longest I ever went was three weeks. Hey I was about 14 and too yung to know better.
Longest I've gone is two weeks.

1. Did you notice more growth than before? Nope
2. How did you scalp feel? Don't remember
3. Would you do it again if your results were better than washing? No.
back in the day i wore nothing but bob braids. i would get them done evry month, like clockwork. so once a month was my longest.

1 of course, i mean, it was braided
2 fine
3 yup
Oh I cant go longer than a week. My scalp will itch like crazy and it wont keep a curl. In 3 days, Im either washing it with shampoo or doing a conditioner wash.
For me it was about 3-4 weeks. I did because I was stoopid, plain and simple. Never take advice from a chick whose hair was like 4 inches and borrowed this advice from her Cherokee grandmother or great grandmother, I forget. This occured when I was in high school.

1. Did you notice more growth than before?

Heck no!

2. How did you scalp feel?

Like a heroin addict would feel when quitting smack: bugs crawling under the skin.

3. Would you do it again if your results were better than washing?

Heck naw!!! I was scratching my scalp until it was bloody. Why would I run the risk of getting an infection that can lead to scalp damage and God knows what? Those who don't want to wash their hair is their own business. I rather have a clean scalp more than anything. Besides I found some shampoos that are gentle for my scalp and I usually lather once. Not that lie on lather, rinse, repeat crap the print on the shampoo bottle.
Before I knew about haircare, I was washing 2x a day. Now, I try not to go longer than a week without washing my hair. I use shampoo sparingly and try to conditioner wash at least 3x a week.
when i was younger probably one or two months at a time my mom would braid my hair and it would go unwashed..

but now 7 days MAX. i had to go two weeks last wash because i was sick and it was driving me crazy!
When I was a kid it would get washed once a month.

When I was a teenager I would wash it every 2 weeks.

When I became an adult every 9-10 days.

When I cut my hair into Halle Berry cut and was growing it out-every 2 weeks

Last couple of years-every 9 days.

Now-every 8-9 days

Did you notice more growth than before? yes
2. How did you scalp feel? oily, itchy
3. Would you do it again if your results were better than washing? YUP
i never really get tha itchies unless im in braids but the longest ive ever gone is about 6 weeks and i was fine but underneath was a different story....lol. i did notice growth underneath though.well but now i was every 9-10 days or whenever im not busy...lol
Pre LHCF with braids about 4 weeks. Last time I did braids post-LHCF 2 weeks and then they had to go. I felts dirty really dirty. I didn't even con wash for fear of losing a braid since I can't braid all that tight. I would do it again, but I won't keep braids for more than 2 weeks.
Cinnabuns, I'm just like you with the three month thing. I was in braids too. I was ashamed of myself though. Other than that I used to wait every 3,4, or even 7 weeks. Whenever I went to the hairdresser. I was too scared to wash it myself because I didn't know what to do with it afterwards without putting a lot of heat on it.

I didn't notice more growth.
My scalp sure did itch a lot. I had grown use to it unfortunately.
I wash more frequently now and I'm sticking with it. :up:
i think the longest ive been was 6 weeks back when i was in highschool. i never tracked my hair growth back then so i dont know if i benefited from it or not.
the longest i remember was in highschool i think.... i would wash about once a month....my hair was much longer and thicker then.
Cinna, the longest I went without washing my hair was 6 months and I was in braids (individuals). I would never do it again. I didn't experience any itching at all, but I did grease/oil my scalp 2-3 times per week and used sea breeze w/water in my spray bottle and sprayed my scalp every so often.
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a month was the longest i went without washing. My hair was pressed at the time and i kept it that long cause it still looked like a fresh press and i was trying to save money by stretching out my salon visits. I didnt notice any increase in thickness or growth, but my scalp itched like crazy and i had plenty of dandruff. I would never do that again.
Longest time without washing: 1 Month--I was in the hospital.
1. How did my scalp feel?: I don't remember. I was in all kinds of pain, so I wasn't thinking about my scalp.
2. Did I notice more growth: No more than usual--My hair always grows fast, regardless of what I do/don't do to it. :lol:
3. Would you do it again if your results were better than washing? Probably not.
I went a month, but it was hell. Washing my hair every two weeks was hell. i was taught that washing anymore than that was bad, but it turned out to be the opposite. My scalp was always dry and flaking after four days and I had to thug it out until that two week mark came. My scalp was nasty. muy sucio!!!!
The longest was over a month; I had been in the hospital. However, I had the nerve to call my stylist to see if she would come to the hospital to wash my wig :rofl:

I wash my hair now every 2 weeks. I have tried so many times to wash weekly, but it does not work for my hair. I get dry hair and dry scalp.
1 month!!!! But that was when my mom was taking care of my hair when I was a little girl!
I month, I was wearing braids and didnt want to mess them up. I was in college at the time and access to good braiders was rare. I cleaned weekly with seabreeze and so didnt smell.
A month for me also. Just out of pure laziness. I didn't notice more than usual but I usually need to take a day off to deal with my hair so...

but I wont do that again.