what's the longest you went without a wash(c'mon confess!

Pre-LHCF I once washed my sew-in weave one time in 4 weeks! Gross. It smelled.

Also, in H.S. I heard that not-washing your hair was the way to get good growth. So me and my girls were washing no more than 2x's per month. At most. But strangely, I hated waiting that long. My inner LHCF must have been calling me! LOL!
2 weeks pre-LHCF. That's the longest I ever went. Normally, I would wash once a week. If I felt lazy, I would just wait until the next week.
2-3 weeks. I had bad allergies and should have been washing more often, but after 2.5 weeks, my eyes would itch from the product build-up. I used to hate washing my hair. When you know better, you do better. It's hard for me to go 3 days without washing now.
I wore sew ins sometimes for 5-6 weeks before I knew you could wash them. They smelled awful and looked nasty.

Not wearing a sew in, the longest was maybe a month.
Let's see...before I became Niko's cousin I used to wash my hair every 2 wks. With braids, 1 per month.

But wooo chile, I am a cowasher for life!!!!:grin:
I've gone one month. I work a second job during christmas and working 7 days a week, I'm tired and lazy.

ETA: Prior to LHCF, when I wore braids I would go 2 months. That was a big mistake.
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Ohhhhh no :nono: I'm NOT tellin! In my defense, I didn't know any better and I'll never ever ever wait that long again.
Pre- LHCF -
um 3 months in braids, & probably 2-4 months from laziness to be blatantly honest. My mother and family have always told me as a teen to wash my hair once a week, to keep up the maintenance of hair as far a style wise..But as a child my mother washed my hair probably once a month. So I carried the practices that I was used to as a child. After my father told me a story about when he was younger, sitting in the barbershop and one of the barbers finding roaches in a mans afro - I decided to wash my hair once a week and I did it for a good while, sometimes once every two weeks but no longer would I go 3 or 4 weeks without a wash.

After LHCF- Now I hate going ONE week without a wash. Ugh, after two days - I feel like my hair is dirty. I remember having to stop washing the week before my relaxer and I thought I was gonna die. I kept smelling my hair, running my hands through it to make sure its not greasy..I'm trying to keep it more simple and continue to wash once a week but I love 3x a week washes.
When I wear braids i usually dont wash it. Nothing ever happens
So about 2 month give or take a few days
A friend of mine washes her hair like every 2-3 months! Whether in weave or not! And when she isn't in weave she puts dax on her hair everyday!
2 to 4 weeks. i was trying to grow dreads and was told to just clean my scalp. i started getting bumps on my forehead and my hair was sticky from the beewax.
one time i waited......6 weeks! O_O

i had just left for college and did not trust any salon except mine at home, so i waited for a weekend when i could come home. that is when i realized the salon dependency was TRULY out of hand