What's The Laziest Thing You've Done Since Going Natural?


Well-Known Member
I realized today that I haven't washed, conditioned, detangled, or moisturized my hair in almost 3 weeks. Tbh, I don't think I care. This has to be my laziest and most shameful moment so far.

What's the laziest thing you've done in your natural journey?
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The laziest for me is daily puffs. Every single time I do this in 2 weeks time my crown is breaking and thinning. I never even wear the band tight or anything. My hair just hates being in a puff. Even with all of this I still resort to one when I'm being lazy. :spank:
The laziest for me is daily puffs. Every single time I do this in 2 weeks time my crown is breaking and thinning. I never even wear the band tight or anything. My hair just hates being in a puff. Even with all of this I still resort to one when I'm being lazy. :spank:

Wow all from some afro puffs?! Yeah, remind me to never do those natural again. I've always worn ponytails but with my hair blown out and it didn't bother me. Omg.
I wore a bun for like 3 weeks at a time in the winter. My hair mattes easily too but I just didn't care. When I got home from class I just want to get my homework over with and warm up under the covers and sleep. Last winter I had a tiny bald spot on my edges because of it, wasn't noticeable to anybody but me though
I wore a bun for like 3 weeks at a time in the winter. My hair mattes easily too but I just didn't care. When I got home from class I just want to get my homework over with and warm up under the covers and sleep. Last winter I had a tiny bald spot on my edges because of it, wasn't noticeable to anybody but me though

See, ya'll are seriously scaring me now. :eek:
I made a blowout last a month just so I didn't have to wash my own hair. I was dependent on the salon at that point. Now that wash days are so wonderful I do my own hair once a week.
Not tying my hair down at night for a good two weeks and just allowing it to matte and get tangled. During the course of the two weeks I would just spritz some water to the front of my hair, smooth it down, tie it into a low bun and keep it moving. Once I finally got around to washing my hair, I lost significant strands. Lesson learnt!
Considering that the only hands that cared for my relaxed hair was my hairdresser's...I don't consider any part of my haircare as lazy, since I do it all myself as a natural.

But I guess I skip out on the bedtime scarf way too regularly. Even as a relaxed head I would at least wrap and hairnet nightly. Will try to do better in 2016!
I've done almost every poster said to my lovelies.

I have worn my hair in wig covered celies one time for at least 6 weeks without undoing them or washing them for that matter.

A little conditioner and that was all I did and only twice during that 6 week period, smh.

I have also worn my hair in a bun for a whole year with monthly washing only.

I slept with it uncovered many nights on cotton pillow cases, not satin.

Oh yeah and when my lovelies are in celies, I rarely moisturize them. I really have been abusive to my hair. I am really trying to better this time around.
Right now I am applying a lace wig with spirit gum every couple of days, which is a job itself but I am being lazy with my hair. No regular washing/wetting- my moisturising, no massages, no montly dusting.

My last set of canerows stayed in for four weeks, which is the longest I've not washed my hair since I joined this forum.

I'm even lazy washing this wig hair at the mo- I just pin curl it every night and take it down when I reach work in the morning:look:.
Loc it. I really don't do anything to it but wash it and now that I don't have to detangle it that really doesn't involve much. I'm interlocking the roots so I don't have to retwist. So I just take my scarf off and fluff most days.
I've done almost every poster said to my lovelies.

I have worn my hair in wig covered celies one time for at least 6 weeks without undoing them or washing them for that matter.

A little conditioner and that was all I did and only twice during that 6 week period, smh.

I have also worn my hair in a bun for a whole year with monthly washing only.

I slept with it uncovered many nights on cotton pillow cases, not satin.

Oh yeah and when my lovelies are in celies, I rarely moisturize them. I really have been abusive to my hair. I am really trying to better this time around.

Did it grow though? :)

I don't know how long I can go without washing. I was aimimg for once a month, maybe less....
Going 4 weeks without washing my hair...my face paid the price...my hair not so much. I wore a bun for a week straight which isn't anything weird but my hair had major shrinkage so by the end of the week, my hair looked like shrunken afro with straighten roots...too a very long time to detangle. I would say never again but I still do it and get mad at myself each time.
Did it grow though? :)

I don't know how long I can go without washing. I was aimimg for once a month, maybe less....
Actually, this was when I discovered that my hair just likes to be left the hell alone. I have way more progress now. Go figure.

It was when I was deep condititoning twice a week that I just wasn't retaining length or thickness. Now I'm getting both:yep:.
Actually, this was when I discovered that my hair just likes to be left the hell alone. I have way more progress now. Go figure.

It was when I was deep condititoning twice a week that I just wasn't retaining length or thickness. Now I'm getting both:yep:.

Thanks for the confirmation! Yeah, I'm beginning to think the same about my hair.
wearing wigs

Also wearing braids. I've been wearing braids since July. The ONE week I was giving my hair a break. I was in tears, because I had to comb my hair everyday.

I'm still in braids. I plan to Tex-lax over the Christmas break. And have my hair back in braids before I go back to work on the 29th.
I wouldn't recommend this unless you want natural locks: wet my hair everyday and put it into a puff without combing it out
I've realized I'm not about that "wash and wear" life. I can only deal with stretched hair
Leaving my celie braids in for 4-6 weeks without undoing-- I do moisturize and DC them, I just can't be bothered to take them down. But in terms of washing, my scalp loves water only washing with lots of scrubbing and my hair (4C) HATES it, so I usually go 2-3 weeks without washing with shampoo/conditioner, but might wet my hair to appease my scalp.

Or even worse: leaving my hair in a wash and go puff for 7 days.....man.....Naptural85's DIY detangler, my Hercules Sagemann magic star jumbo rake and the mercy of Jesus are the only things that kept my hair on my head......