What's the funniest name people have given your hair?


Well-Known Member
I am visiting my parents for the weekend and I got to see my uncle for the first time in years. I almost peed my pants when he said, "Hey there, Shaggedy Ann!"
I have my hair in mini twists right now that I braided all together and unbraided for a braid-out look, and they DO have a Raggedy Ann look! I never thought of them like that and just thought that was so funny and cute. From now on, that's what I'll be calling my twists (at least until they get some length and would be too long to be compared to the doll, although that will probably be at least a year from now)
There are so many threads about people degrading our natural hair, so I thought it would be nice to share some fun, quirky, or cute names our hair has been given.
"Hair Like Wool"! (it comes from Biblical scripture, but I think its a nice comparison :)). Oh yeah, and then theres, Chaka, Chaka Khan. Also a commpliment, b/c I love her big beautiful hair from the 70's.
Hair like wool is definitely a compliment!
Please keep them coming, ladies!
Let's foster some humorous encouragement for natural hair here!
Well I often get "Diana Ross" or "juices and berries"

Diana 4 my blow outs that I caruso set and the juicy comment is usually when I do twist out like the pic in my Avatar
My nickname from day 1 (my birth) has always been Soul Glo:lol:

My currents have been Fluffy, and Diana....my annoying cuzzo' likes to call me, Buckwheat:perplexed

I have an uncle who calls me Thelma (from Good Times)
Black Raggedy Ann courtesy of my mom after I made me debut with ALL those kinky twist on my head.

Weavydo, waveydo, curlydo....all variations courtsey of my hubby. They randomly change due to my hair style of the day. lol
I never had a hair nickname, but in college I knew a girl who referred to her hair as "The Happy Lamb". I thought that was cute! :)
ok, I like sense of humour BUT:

my SO: artichoke bun, atomic mushroom

ex boyfriend: velcrohead

my father when I was a child: lion

my mum when I use to wear a relaxed ponytail: broom

best compliment from a random guy on the street: you should grow it and sell it (?!is that the best you can do, random guy?!)

Still waiting for middle back length, fame and glory.
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These names are hilarious! Sorry but I don't have one...although folks used to sing "silky silky soul.." and touch my hair.
now everyone calls me sideshow bob. one guy calls me miss natural.

when i was relaxed my bff had locks and everyone called us mopsy and flopsy.
The names my hair has been called have been somewhat accurate like OP's.

When I created my curled twists do, my hubby wasn't a fan and thought they looked like tarantulas:


Then there's of course my other creation that got labeled a name I have affectionately assigned to the do--the Lisa Simpson hairdo:


And recently my friend exclaimed with glee and said she loved my Kai-Lan hairdo. I had no idea who Kai-Lan was until then and that's what I call the do now:


Oh and I can't forget pookaloo83 who came up with a better name for my Pipi Long Stocking do. :lachen: Pooka said something like "Nonie, I know you didn't go to work looking like Coolio!" :rofl: And here is that masterpiece she was talking about whose name as given by Pooka I have accepted fully :lol:

I don't really get nicknames, but this one girl used to tell me that my hair looks like a wig, and she wanted to (and I quote) "cut off all my hair, stick it on a fake scalp and put it on her head". Freaked me out!!!
When I was visiting my grandmother a few years ago before I went natural. I had just had a fresh blow out, so my hair was shiny and swangin...after a few glances, and right in the middle of the conversation my grandmother says "...and come here, and let me see what you did to your notty hair." Whenever I think about it it makes me laugh because my grandmother always says just what's on her mind without any tact.
I was "silky" when I was relaxed and now I'm "q-tip" because I'm tall and skinny and have a TWA (haha :rolleyes: lol)
when i air dry... no braids or taming agents... my mom calls me hagrid... from the harry potter movies/books... i take it as a compliments due to the massiveness & thickness of his hair
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