Well-Known Member
Exactly, I don't curse out or hit black people for saying the same thing, why would I get violent at a white chick who's even more uneducated than them.Black people (men and women) say the same thing to me all the time. I don't go off on them, so I wouldn't go off on her.
My usual response is: "I love my hair the way it is. If you don't like it then that's a personal problem that has nothing to do with me. And if you don't want to look at it please don't let me stop you from leaving".
Either they leave or they don't. If they're a good friend, they learn to love all of me. If they're not, then they step.

I'm not sure how I'd respond, I can't think of any friends that would tell me that but if for some reason a white friend told me I should get my hair relaxed. I'd be like orly?... only if i can relax yoursbecause the people with perm have hair that look better than your natural hair? A friend made this comment to me yesterday, and it's been bugging me. I want to discuss it, but I don't know exactly what I'm going to say. This friend also said that she thought black women were supposed to wear weave, so totally clueless.

and i'm not suprised I had a friend that thought my hair was a weave and I've met more than a few people that thought that black girls hair couldn't grow :/