What would you think...


Well-Known Member
If you asked a good friend about his marriage (with one of your good friends) and he said "There's no love there...no love." I don't know if he meant it figuratively (as in, I get no love) or literally (there's no love in the marriage). How would you take that statement? They have been having issues for a minute and neither are happy. They are trying to do a separation to see if that would help. I suggested counselling to him and he said no. He said he knew full well what his faults are. I know I should have asked him but he didn't look like he wanted to talk much after that. :sad:

I just feel sad for them. I consider them good friends.
If he's feeling that there is no love, then there is no love. There is no gray area with men when it comes to love..they either love or they don't.
I would think it's just the ebbs and flow of love and marriage.

Some folks feel like that every other day.

If he actually gets a divorce, then I (might) believe him.

It's hard to know what goes on between two people.

Maybe one or both is taking the other for granted. Maybe time apart will drive them back together.

Hard to say.
What would I think? Either 1) he was talking bad about the relationship in order to justify stepping out or 2) there was no love in the marriage.