What would you have thought?


New Member
If you had the following texting exchange with a brand new guy, as I did last night:

dude - Hey you
Me - Hey
dude - I saw you today
Me - Where? Stalker
dude - I need you to walk my dog
Me - is that a joke, do you have a dog? Ur never out walking
dude - they don't walk

(25 minutes elaps3)

dude - what happened
Me - you sent me some nasty text and I'm sitting here wondering what kind of guy think it's ok to talk to a woman he just met like that

(10 minutes elapse)

dude - it wasn't nasty. I do have two dogs and they don't walk

me - oh. send me a pic

He sent a pic of two purple bulldogs. :rolleyes:

Quickie recap - cute tall shy professional guy, flirts with me at the gym every time I see him. I start going to the gym after work instead and no longer run in to him. See him later at the grocery store and we talk a bit. He hints that he lives near me, but still we don't exchange numbers. He goes, "I guess we won't be seeing each other." I'm all, "Nope. Bye."

I see him in the neighborhood after he makes a big u-turn and makes sure I see him. I give my card (since he seems skurred) and he starts *texting* (I end the first session by saying "call me sometime" as if to say, ***** u don't get credit for texting, plus i might not answer next time. He called me yesterday, but I was in the gym. I did not call back (yay rules) so then he texted me again last night.
ALSO, no contact on Saturday, but Friday, he texted me for the first time and included in that was the statement that he needed a "rubdown."

I find this very disrespectful. He does not act this way in person at all.
I don't think that message was nasty. Weird, yes. Nasty, not really.

He seems socially awkward.

ETA: He asked you for a rubdown? And you guys haven't even had a real speaking conversation yet? No. I would stop responding to his texts.
I think he's texting you stuff like "I need you to walk my dog" and this "rubdown" bs to see if you will really go for it. It would be real convenient for him to have somebody in the neighborhood willing to give rubdowns, walk his dogs and whatever other jumpoff duties he wants to assign :rolleyes:.

I wouldn't respond to anymore nonsense-filled texts. If he's interested in more than a FwB, he'll call and start acting like he got some got dam sense....and then maybe I would entertain him...
I think he's texting you stuff like "I need you to walk my dog" and this "rubdown" bs to see if you will really go for it. It would be real convenient for him to have somebody in the neighborhood willing to give rubdowns, walk his dogs and whatever other jumpoff duties he wants to assign :rolleyes:.

I wouldn't respond to anymore nonsense-filled texts. If he's interested in more than a FwB, he'll call and start acting like he got some got dam sense....and then maybe I would entertain him...


See that's why I hate this whole texting rubbish. Men now use it as an excuse to avoid saying what they really want to say. I believe that if you can text, you can call. OP I wouldn't give him anymore time of day, socially awkward or not. It's inexcusable
I would not respond to anymore of his texts, only phone calls. If he calls again you can get a better gauge of his real personality. It is so easy to misunderstand texts etc.

Or I would just write him off, he does sound weird.
I was cool with the dog walking.

Rubdowns? No. Even if he was being completely innocent - :look: - that would mark him as slightly inexperienced/naive to go there. Which, for me, isn't really attractive, either.

And he hasn't actually asked you out, either? :nono: Nope. I don't know what he's looking for, but it doesn't sound like what you want.
Dude not right..pass him up..too much crap floating around..this guy is really off...game playing son of a gun...you are not a game piece.
hmmm, I'm thinking he's coming at you like this because he DOESNT have game...which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Stop responding to the text messages. Next time he calls would be the perfect opportunity for you to have a good conversation about the awkwardness and your standards/expectations in a guy, and see if he gets in line. If he can't get it right then....then keep it moving. but at least he deserves for you to tell him, cause some chicks really do like and respond to that foolishness....