How Would YOU Have Reacted...

You did the right thing. So many women are throwing the cookies around that you have to be clear with men that your not that type of girl.
Someone you don't know and have had no history with you make the communication so plain a 5 year old will understand your meaning.

Too many situations have gone from mild and tame to dangerous with a blink of an eye and opposing teams screaming he or she did not make themselves clear or did not understand what I mean.

He was real clear once you made SURE he understood where you were coming from.

This day and age you have to err on the side of caution. Too many crazies walking around looking and acting sane.
I feel you did what you needed to do.He must have never had a self-respecting woman not a hot hoe..where he thinks he can take you out once and then your undies fall off..Women need to be more in control of relationships in the start so men can see what the terms and policies are of the relationship.A slip like that would have made him out of my memory and cell phone
So NYLegalNewbie...

Any updates?? How did things end up with this guy? Did he ever call back again?

He did call back and we went on another date, but it was our last. He really didn't come across at all as the guy I met on the first date. His personality seemed far less colorful, and what DID come across was some snarkiness I hadn't detected on the first date. The second date was just "blah." I really didn't enjoy myself all that much (aside from the movie I paid for...LOL). So, I kept it moving...

...and I met a FANTASTIC guy who really seems like he could be something special...I'll post about that later :grin:
^^^Thanks for the update!

I didn't want to say it, but I didn't get a good vibe from him at all after you mentioned the message that he sent. Seriously, I used to let things that seemed little go, but every time, those dudes have acted a fool later on and I realize that I should have followed my first mind and paid attention to those "little" things from the get go.

Good men don't say/do things that make you feel uncomfortable or make you feel like they've crossed the line. I'm glad you kept it moving... good luck with the new guy!
He did call back and we went on another date, but it was our last. He really didn't come across at all as the guy I met on the first date. His personality seemed far less colorful, and what DID come across was some snarkiness I hadn't detected on the first date. The second date was just "blah." I really didn't enjoy myself all that much (aside from the movie I paid for...LOL). So, I kept it moving...

...and I met a FANTASTIC guy who really seems like he could be something special...I'll post about that later :grin:

Yeeeeahhh...this guy sounds like unfortunately he was only after ONE thing and one thing only. :ohwell:

Oh well! As they say in "The Rules"... "NEXT!!!" :lachen: His loss.

Now that he can't get what he wanted, he's being a jerk. You don't need that. :nono: Trust me, you did right in giving him the boot.

I agree that most men who are serious about a relationship with a woman won't make comments like that about her or about coming over so quickly in a relationship. :nono: