What Women Really Want in a Man....Send to Every Man You Know


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What Women Really Want in a Man

1.A woman wants a man who can show his more gentle and sensitive side from time to time. Women in general, are waaay more attracted to a WHOLE MAN who can express his affection and feelings - and can still be seen as masculine! We much prefer that kind of guy to the harder, more macho type of guy.

2. Women want men who are confident. Now, I said confident. I didn’t mean arrogant, obnoxious, filled with your own self-importance, or so narcissistic that you think you're more special than any one else.

A man who is confident believes that he has the strength to tackle adversity, has (or can) learn the skills to make a happy and successful life for himself and his family. He believes in himself. This also means that he isn’t threatened by a strong and self-confident woman. That is what women really want.

3. If a woman suffers from coldness and indifference from her man at home, how acceptable another man’s devotion could prove to be! Many women feel lonely, neglected, and hungry for passion or affection. Don’t ever cease to be her friend and lover. Have the courage to look at your part in a relationship, and take ownership if necessary.
4. See to it, that your lady needs no romance from the outside world to embellish her life with its attraction and sentiments. Don’t rely upon the notion that your wife is legally bound to you, and doesn’t need to be romanced by you thereafter.

5. Don’t drop into the humdrum ways that many contented married men do when they are in long-term marriages. Don’t forget to pay your lady compliments, notice the outfits she wears, when she changes her hair ect; Share her pleasures and interests whenever possible.

6. Women love thoughtful and generous men. Buy her gifts and even spoil her from time to time. Occasionally take her to special places like the theater or nice restaurants. She’s worth it!

7. If you are overly jealous in a relationship – get help! Jealousy doesn't prove a man's love for his lady - it proves his massive insecurity. Don’t be possessive and insist on always being together either, for separate enjoyments and activities lead to an added zest in life. But don’t drift apart in all your ideas and interests either (as have far too many couples.)

8. You are the boyfriend or husband of a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, and if you forget this, remember that there are other men who will realize it, and may seek to waken such an interest in her as you sought to arouse in her (unless you keep her in a gilded cage.)

9. Make darned well sure that no other man will ever find a vacant room in your lady’s heart!

10. Study ways of keeping your girlfriend or wife interested - and stay interesting. And, have a sense of humor too!

11. A woman likes to feel secure, and prefers a man with gainful employment, and who has his own place and car. Women, need to know a man earns a living, is somewhat ambitious, works hard, and could provide for her and their offspring in a comfortable manner.

12. Offer stability. In a study, women were asked to choose their potential mates from groups of three types of males. The first group of men were not overly handsome – just average looking – who wore expensive business suits. The second group were men of somewhat better looks who dressed casually in chinos and golf polo shirts or similar wardrobes. The third group were handsome, muscular men in Burger King uniforms. Time and time again the women picked the less physically attractive men in the suits. The Burger King guys came in way at the end of the choices. What this proved to the researchers was that what these women really needed was stability.

13. A woman thrives on love, respect, consideration and appreciation. I know a beautiful wife of over eighty years old, who has been the daily adoration of her husband for more than half a century. She has been infinite in her feminine charms, and he has never failed to appreciate and admire! Husbands – cherish your beautiful wife!

14. Devote some time each day to talking to your lady about herself. Allow her to speak, and take the time to listen to her without interrupting. Women adore considerate men who can really listen and appear genuinely interested in them and what they have to say! Then a woman won’t find it a novelty when other men attempt the same method of entertainment.

15. Whatever other responsibilities and things attract your time and attention - let your lady know that she always stands first and foremost in your thoughts and heart.

16. Don’t forget the importance of your manner, your speech, and deportment in the intimacy of a relationship. Women with some sophistication will appreciate a man who makes an effort. Also, never descend to vulgarity with a classy woman! It shows your respect for her.

17. Accept that a woman may have opinions that differ from yours and her own viewpoint. If you feel threatened by a woman with her own mind – talk to a therapist. Remember, that if we were all identical, things would quickly become boring!

18. What women really need are spiritually mature and REAL MEN. Even the most independent of women are somewhat dependent on men - says a prominent psychologist. While some women boast of being feminists (no thanks, I like chivalry too much ;-)) - this expert says, that women haven’t changed from the generations where men were needed for their very survival. The psychologist claims that it will be thousands of years - at least - before men are not what all women really need above all else.

Women, he points out, need men partly because they are smaller and therefore weaker than males. They need men to protect them physically at times, but also need their social standing, which, in today’s uneven world, seems to still be greater for the male than for a woman whose career is more successful.

20. Only very insecure men have the need to control and dominate women. Only cowards hit women! Real men would shun the master-slave style of relationship and marriage.

21. There are some women who seem to be reborn with each new dawn, and who must be won ‘anew’ with each one! Don’t ever take it for granted that you know a woman today, because you knew her well last year.
Funny. Now the media's trying to tell the men how to act too!

Send to every man? Uh I don't think they're gonna take notes:look::look: That's something we do. I think the good men are already doing what we want (or asking us personally to find out ) and the others just don't care. And no one can speak for everyone.

It was well intentioned though.:yep:
I was just about to say something along these lines.:yep::yep:

Funny. Now the media's trying to tell the men how to act too!

Send to every man? Uh I don't think they're gonna take notes:look::look: That's something we do. I think the good men are already doing what we want (or asking us personally to find out ) and the others just don't care. And no one can speak for everyone.

It was well intentioned though.:yep:
Well this is refreshing from all the other stories/threads being posted here! Whew! I thought we was chopped liver! :lol: And there are alot of tips too!
That's alot! I can definitely understand why relationships fail and why it's so hard to find someone with all of these qualities. There are so many types of character flaws that can cause unhappiness.
lol, this is not from the media, it's from a blog. Some of my male friends/relatives actually replied to my e-mail. Some of them clearly read it and said thanks (you never know). Considering all the times I've spend on the phone with male relatives and some friends regarding their girlfriends some men would appreciate something like this...a lot. Many men are clueless and seek guidance, I've received enough phone calls to know.
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