WHAT? White Girl Flow????????????

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ETA: And if y'all really want to get technical, swang or flow is not characteristic of type 4 or maybe even some type 3's naturally. You have to manipulate the hair to do it. So why get up in arms and say why it gotta be white girl swang or like a white girl. Why can't it be black girl swang? Have you ever seen an afro swing? NAPS DON'T SWING. That is something that is characteristic of other "types" of hair that we cannot not acheive naturally. We have to do something to get our hair to do it whether it's braid, blow dry, relax, roller set, etc. I don't take issue with the like a "white girl" part of the comment. I do agree that that chick was ignorant though.

I had the swang even when I was natural and I am a 4a. It really depends on the type of hair, mine was thick so I had swang even though my hair was braided and full of Vaseline.
THANK YOU! The same ones complaining about the White Girl Flow and swang are probably the same ones who will get up at the crack of dawn to be first in line at the Dominican salon.

Where was all the backlash for WGF in the Dominincan Blowout threads?

Everyone here wants to achieve a bouncy, LIGHT rollerset, right?

I'm more miffed at Tyra acting ignorant about not knowing what WGF meant. She knew EXACTLY what it meant and probably knows it more than anyone from workin in the modeling industry.

I think she just didn't get what the girl meant when she said it. Even I was like flow? Ummmm yeah. :look: I got what she meant but it came out wrong. She should have said swing.
Yeah. That and when somebody does a weave check on your head they're hating and you should do the white girl hair flip in their face. :rolleyes: Don't act like y'all never saw that posted here. I've never heard the exact phrase "white girl glow" but I've heard why girl hair flip, toss, etc. It just came out her mouth wrong that's why people were confused.

To the point Sleek made about the ponytails sticking out - I totally agree. Even Oprah has alluded to that. And on many boards (Especially NP) I have seen people talk about when they were a child how they ran around the house with a white towel on their head swinging it pretending they had hair like white girls. Y'all act like you've been enlightened and following this boards practices your whole lives. Most of us didn't do any better and sought out this board to learn how to do better and correct our damaged hair (damaged could mean we never had any hair our whole life or we had hair that took a hit and we were trying to restore it). Some people on this board weren't and still aren't any different than some of those chicks on that show.


And to be honest many straightened (chemically or otherwise) black women that I see walking around are not swanging in the same way as their white counterparts of similar length/thickness. It only takes a walk down the street to notice this.

Our hair also tends to be drier/require more moisture and until recently many of us did not know how to provide moisture without heaviness and the products geared towards AAs were heavy and petroleum based. This is not something new nor is this conducive to the "swang" that folks are claiming has always been part of our hair situation.

ETA: Maybe "swang" is relative :look:

And to be honest many straightened (chemically or otherwise) black women that I see walking around are not swanging in the same way as their white counterparts of similar length/thickness. It only takes a walk down the street to notice this.

Our hair also tends to be drier/require more moisture and until recently many of us did not know how to provide moisture without heaviness and the products geared towards AAs were heavy and petroleum based. This is not something new nor is this conducive to the "swang" that folks are claiming has always been part of our hair situation.

ITA with your whole post. Hell my hair is straight right now and it's not swinging like a white girl. :lol: It's not light and airy because of product. It only does that when my guy stylist does it because he doesn't put products in it. Most of the time our hair is too weighted down with product to swing like that.
What most offended me and what I thought was most ignorant was the girl saying straight hair was more professional. I work on Wall Street and I have worn a short fro and braids. The braids were neat and pulled back, and no I can't do bantu knots. But I've seen black women in conservative corporate America wearing twists and locks. I'm all for you do you. Enjoy your swang, etc. But hair should be about your personal preference and not living up to a white ideal. If you want it straight, by all means. But don't think white=professional.
So that's what made the segment especially ignorant and that's what Tyra (randomly wearing cornrows instead of her lacefront for once) should have addressed.
That comment didnt even bother me either. As much as we've heard this term around this board and do whatever it takes to have that "swang".

Telling each other on here not to put too much oil and product in your hair so that it doesnt look weighed down and will SWANG.

We suddenly acting like that was not our objective after joining this board.:rolleyes:

@ the bolded. I think that was so that your hair could move when you walk. You can SWANG an afro if that's the case. Certain products make my hair feel stiff and will not move as freely.

The comment was ignorant and totally blew off the fact that Black women could naturally have flowing beautiful hair and completely gave all credit to another race. If there was a term to choose I certainly wouldn't use her warped definition.
Yeah. That and when somebody does a weave check on your head they're hating and you should do the white girl hair flip in their face. :rolleyes: Don't act like y'all never saw that posted here. I've never heard the exact phrase "white girl flow" but I've heard white girl hair flip, toss, etc. It just came out her mouth wrong that's why people were confused.

To the point Sleek made about the ponytails sticking out - I totally agree. Even Oprah has alluded to that. And on many boards (Especially NP) I have seen people talk about when they were a child how they ran around the house with a white towel on their head swinging it pretending they had hair like white girls. Y'all act like you've been enlightened and following this boards practices your whole lives. Most of us didn't do any better and sought out this board to learn how to do better and correct our damaged hair (damaged could mean we never had any hair our whole life or we had hair that took a hit and we were trying to restore it). Some people on this board weren't and still aren't any different than some of those chicks on that show.

ETA: And if y'all really want to get technical, swang or flow is not characteristic of type 4 or maybe even some type 3's naturally. You have to manipulate the hair to do it. So why get up in arms and say why it gotta be white girl swang or like a white girl. Why can't it be black girl swang? Have you ever seen an afro swing? NAPS DON'T SWING. That is something that is characteristic of other "types" of hair that we cannot not acheive naturally.

We have to do something to get our hair to do it whether it's braid, blow dry, relax, roller set, etc. I don't take issue with the like a "white girl" part of the comment. I do agree that that chick was ignorant though. She said she had good quality hair but she is relaxed? I guess your hair ain't that good then huh? Even Tyra pulled that card. And it was the way she said it too like yeah bi$h I got that good hurr. Betta than all y'alls. Now watch it swing. WTF?!?

This deserves to be quoted. I guess we forget about the bolded.
I haven't read the entire thread, but all I have to say is: I'll take the Ateya swang over the white girl's flow anytime!
@ the bolded. I think that was so that your hair could move when you walk. You can SWANG an afro if that's the case. Certain products make my hair feel stiff and will not move as freely.

The comment was ignorant and totally blew off the fact that Black women could naturally have flowing beautiful hair and completely gave all credit to another race. If there was a term to choose I certainly wouldn't use her warped definition.

I would agree with the bolded Curly Moo. And if you really think about it, most black women are still using the black products marketed to us full of mineral oil, petrolatum, grease, etc. which tends to make the hair more stiff. So wouldn't it make sense that our hair isn't swinging like the white girls? Heavy product + tightly coiled/thick hair will give you stiff hair. It's not rocket science.
What most offended me and what I thought was most ignorant was the girl saying straight hair was more professional. I work on Wall Street and I have worn a short fro and braids. The braids were neat and pulled back, and no I can't do bantu knots. But I've seen black women in conservative corporate America wearing twists and locks. I'm all for you do you. Enjoy your swang, etc. But hair should be about your personal preference and not living up to a white ideal. If you want it straight, by all means. But don't think white=professional.
So that's what made the segment especially ignorant and that's what Tyra (randomly wearing cornrows instead of her lacefront for once) should have addressed.

I agree with this too but many people are still brainwashed into believing that it looks unkempt, unprofessional, free spirited, carefree, etc. Some people also associate natural hair with being poor as in oh wow she didn't have $$ to get her hair done. That's why it looks like that. Which is really a crock of BS but I understand where that line of thinking comes from.

Also even white people straighten their hair because they think curls look unprofessional, wild, carefree, etc. which isn't conservative and business like.
I had the swang even when I was natural and I am a 4a. It really depends on the type of hair, mine was thick so I had swang even though my hair was braided and full of Vaseline.

It naturally swang when you walked if left to dry unmanipulated? I didn't mean does it move when you shake your head like a dog (some people's still doesn't swing when they do that though.) You must have had a lot of hair. Because my 4a in it's natural state unaltered does not swing unless it's sopping wet or full of gel when wet. It just kind of sits up there. Sometimes it doesn't even blow in the wind. Shrinkage isn't going to allow it to swing. But that's just my hair. Of course if I braid it, twist it, blow dry it, straighten it, it's going to swing. Are some people confused about the definition of swang?
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Those tags are just yawn worthy, corny, & immature. SMH. I really question the character of those who post these.
What most offended me and what I thought was most ignorant was the girl saying straight hair was more professional. I work on Wall Street and I have worn a short fro and braids. The braids were neat and pulled back, and no I can't do bantu knots. But I've seen black women in conservative corporate America wearing twists and locks. I'm all for you do you. Enjoy your swang, etc. But hair should be about your personal preference and not living up to a white ideal. If you want it straight, by all means. But don't think white=professional.
So that's what made the segment especially ignorant and that's what Tyra (randomly wearing cornrows instead of her lacefront for once) should have addressed.

This post was on point.

@ the bolded (general you implied thoughout):

I agree, hair should be about what YOU prefer and what works best for YOU. I dislike all of the hidden context and meaning that we try to put behind ish. Yes, there is a Eurocentric standard of beauty that forces itself on many of us. But we really need to end the hair wars. If YOU choose to be natural because YOU feel (insert myriad reasons for being natural)...FINE. If you relax because (insert myriad reasons for being natural)...FINE. Keep it moving.

Everyone needs to sort out why they do what they do for themselves, and we need to get certain ideas (like relaxed=professional, natural=self-love) our of our heads.

And everytime this type of thing comes up, we dance around the issue. The issue is feeling beautiful regardless of what the standard of beauty is. White girls struggle with the Eurocentric standard of beauty just as much as we do. Our struggle is just different.

And Tyra has a great platform on which to discuss it, but she would rather address the symptoms rather than the disease.

@ the bolded. I think that was so that your hair could move when you walk. You can SWANG an afro if that's the case. Certain products make my hair feel stiff and will not move as freely.

The comment was ignorant and totally blew off the fact that Black women could naturally have flowing beautiful hair and completely gave all credit to another race. If there was a term to choose I certainly wouldn't use her warped definition.

Yeah. That and when somebody does a weave check on your head they're hating and you should do the white girl hair flip in their face. :rolleyes: Don't act like y'all never saw that posted here. I've never heard the exact phrase "white girl flow" but I've heard white girl hair flip, toss, etc. It just came out her mouth wrong that's why people were confused.

To the point Sleek made about the ponytails sticking out - I totally agree. Even Oprah has alluded to that. And on many boards (Especially NP) I have seen people talk about when they were a child how they ran around the house with a white towel on their head swinging it pretending they had hair like white girls. Y'all act like you've been enlightened and following this boards practices your whole lives. Most of us didn't do any better and sought out this board to learn how to do better and correct our damaged hair (damaged could mean we never had any hair our whole life or we had hair that took a hit and we were trying to restore it). Some people on this board weren't and still aren't any different than some of those chicks on that show.

ETA: And if y'all really want to get technical, swang or flow is not characteristic of type 4 or maybe even some type 3's naturally. You have to manipulate the hair to do it. So why get up in arms and say why it gotta be white girl swang or like a white girl. Why can't it be black girl swang? Have you ever seen an afro swing? NAPS DON'T SWING. That is something that is characteristic of other "types" of hair that we cannot not acheive naturally.

We have to do something to get our hair to do it whether it's braid, blow dry, relax, roller set, etc. I don't take issue with the like a "white girl" part of the comment. I do agree that that chick was ignorant though. She said she had good quality hair but she is relaxed? I guess your hair ain't that good then huh? Even Tyra pulled that card. And it was the way she said it too like yeah bi$h I got that good hurr. Betta than all y'alls. Now watch it swing. WTF?!?

Wow. My long naps do swing. Maybe not the way you think...but they do....
agreed. I would be more apt to think Tyra is not 'making a statement" like

"see - I am ok with my hair"
NOT!!!! she is NOT!!!! And - people have followed this trend. I am not down on it - I am saying that she - beyonce and others have contributed to this sense that we MUST look a certain way. We MUST wear hair in a certain form.... yada yada......

She wears wigs DAILY on that show.


Both Tyruh and Bouncy are selling an image. When you take it down to the basic 1+1=2, what are these two Step and Fetchets selling us? Certainly not that beauty is a Black woman with natural hair and inner beauty and self awareness. This is Hollywood the society of smoke and mirrors they are there to sell you low self-esteem and confusion. It's not just Black people but of all races trying to obtain the Eurocentric idea of beauty. So what's the solution? Turn off the televison.
Stuff shole done changed since I was a young'un.

Good hair used to mean curly, moisturized type 3 looking hair.

Now anybody with a perm and a piece of hair long enough to moves got good hair. :perplexed

I don't get the 'brand newness' of this discussion either.
Both Tyruh and Bouncy are selling an image. When you take it down to the basic 1+1=2, what are these two Step and Fetchets selling us? Certainly not that beauty is a Black woman with natural hair and inner beauty and self awareness. This is Hollywood the society of smoke and mirrors they are there to sell you low self-esteem and confusion. It's not just Black people but of all races trying to obtain the Eurocentric idea of beauty. So what's the solution? Turn off the televison.

Right on sista.
Stuff shole done changed since I was a young'un.

Good hair used to mean curly, moisturized type 3 looking hair.

Now anybody with a perm and a piece of hair long enough to moves got good hair. :perplexed

I don't get the 'brand newness' of this discussion either.

It shole has....................
Wow. My long naps do swing. Maybe not the way you think...but they do....

Not like white girl hair. :rolleyes: Mine don't. But my hair isn't that long either so maybe that's the reason. Mamoto said the same thing.

But realistically speaking how many fros have you seen swing when somebody walks? I'm not talking about braided hair, twist out hair, etc. I mean your hair naturally. After you washed it and left it to dry in it's natural state. 9 times out of 10 that bush isn't going to swing like a white girl. An afro puff doesn't swing either. I mean swing as in when you are walking your hair moves on it's own. That's what they mean by swing like a white girl. Not shaking your head like a dog. My hair will move if I shake it like a dog. But trust if the wind blows it, I will have to put it back into place because it ain't bouncing back. :lol: Why are y'all over analyzing this?
White Girl Flow is a ridiculous comment.

I have seen Asians with that flow. Latinas. Indian women. Black women. The main requirement is that the hair be long or longish, because no matter the texture, short hair does not have the flow. Diana Ross had a flow, whether it was natural or extensions, she flipped that long textured hair for all to see and admire.

Tyra already made her money on that show.

Now, black women are left fighting among themselves. :rolleyes:
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