What sparks interest from men online?

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
Just a question for those who successfully date online. If you get limited responses is it your profile, picture or screen name? Seems like it would be easy to get "lost" in the sea of profiles...

Also, per the Rules for online dating, women aren't supposed to initiate contact with messages or winks. Do you guys adhere to that?
I think a lot of it has to do with your pictures, and what's in your profile. That's what I've been told by my suitors.

To answer your next question, I don't ever initiate contact. I also automatically delete winks.

I met my new SO through Match, and it was his first online dating experience. He paid for a 6 month membership, and told me that he spoke to a few women on the phone, but only met me in person. After we met, he cancelled his membership. lol
I think a lot of it has to do with your pictures, and what's in your profile. That's what I've been told by my suitors.

To answer your next question, I don't ever initiate contact. I also automatically delete winks.

I met my new SO through Match, and it was his first online dating experience. He paid for a 6 month membership, and told me that he spoke to a few women on the phone, but only met me in person. After we met, he cancelled his membership. lol

Cute story.:yep:
I think the photos make a huge difference. A lot of guys don't even bother to read the profiles beyond the basics. I'm definitely not saying you have to do one of those infamous booty shots, but just make sure it shows off your best qualities. When I first started online dating, I quickly took a photo and put it on my profile. I thought I looked cute, but it had been a long day and I was tired and it showed in the photo. I replaced it with one where I looked fresh and perky and got a lot more hits.
Pictures are a huge part of it. I always make sure that my pictures are a clear, closeup view of my face and that I am smiling. I also keep my profile positive.

I never initiate contact nor do I respond to "winks" or "nudges". Write me a proper email introducing yourself or you will be ignored. 90% of the men who contact me are ignored because they have poor quality pictures or their entire introduction consists of "Hey, what's up?":perplexed
Pictures definitely. Its important to have a close up pic of your face and a full body length pic that shows your shape; both pictures should be clear and recent. After that intrigues a guy he will read what you wrote on your profile to see if u connect.
I will respond to a wink sometimes... but ONLY with a wink back. Usually, the men then answer with a real e-mail.

I still hate the winking option though. I remember back in the day when you had to write people, which meant that a man had to put some effort in. Winks to me are like texts... ways to keep dudes passive and lazy.

While online dating hasn't been a disaster for me (I've gone on a few dates with decent dudes), it's never been all that wonderful for me either, so I guess I can't help with too many tips on this one! :)
I think a lot of it has to do with your pictures, and what's in your profile. That's what I've been told by my suitors.

To answer your next question, I don't ever initiate contact. I also automatically delete winks.

I met my new SO through Match, and it was his first online dating experience. He paid for a 6 month membership, and told me that he spoke to a few women on the phone, but only met me in person. After we met, he cancelled his membership. lol

Not trying to be funny or sound ignorant for that matter, but are there alot of black people or other minorities on this website. The commericals in my opinion seem to cater to white people. How much does this site cost?
yeahhh...I echo....pictures...

some of the guys actually mention a profile..ha-ha
my profile's short lyrical poetic and a tiny bit tantalizing
I don't get limited responses...but I do weed out a LOT OF *&^%#

anyways.....men are quite the visual animals
a bangin picture doesn't hurt at all
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yes men are interested in what you have to offer as far as your personality. but they will not show as much interest if you don't have a picture especially good quality pictures.
Not trying to be funny or sound ignorant for that matter, but are there alot of black people or other minorities on this website. The commericals in my opinion seem to cater to white people. How much does this site cost?

Trust me...there are a lot of potentially good black men on that site too. I've met a few, and seriously dated (each lasted about a year) about three guys that I met on Match. I've also stayed friends with others that I didn't click with. They're all local too, no long distance. I've only paid for one month at a time, and I usually find a few within that time so I cancel. It's about $33 for a month.
when i was online dating most men said the fact that i wasnt scantily clad --now while i know men are visual--my intention was to post a nice subtle pic of myself and then the words i typed in my profile were as if i was having a real convo--based upon the questions asked

i met some real great men online dating--i truly must say--i weeded out the weirdos and only comunicated with men who too were "original" in what they had to say to me--as i was being genuine and original in what type of man caught my attention

i put on my profile that women love originality--no winks or flirts or etc
i didnt respond to any man who could not take the time to communicate to me via a message what his interest were in me..
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